Abasi, Fatemeh
Serum ferritin has correlation with HbA1c in type 2 diabetic patients [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Abasi, Mohammad
Interleukin-4 receptor alpha T1432C and A1652G polymorphisms are associated with risk of visceral leishmaniasis [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Abastabar, Mahdi
Use of restriction fragment length polymorphism to identify Candida species, related to onychomycosis [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Abazar, Elaheh
Effects of aerobic exercise on plasma lipoproteins in overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Abazarian, Elaheh
The effect of problem solving and decision making skills on tendency to depression and anxiety in patients with type 2 diabetes [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Abazarian, Elham
The effect of problem solving and decision making skills on tendency to depression and anxiety in patients with type 2 diabetes [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Abbasi, Ali
Comparison of the efficacy of nebulized budesonide and intravenous dexamethasone administration before extubation in prevention of post-extubation complications among patients admitted in intensive care unit [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Abbasi, Mahnaz
Comparison of the efficacy of nebulized budesonide and intravenous dexamethasone administration before extubation in prevention of post-extubation complications among patients admitted in intensive care unit [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Abbasi, Saeed
Comparison of the efficacy of nebulized budesonide and intravenous dexamethasone administration before extubation in prevention of post-extubation complications among patients admitted in intensive care unit [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Abbasi, Saeid
Comparing the APACHE II score and IBM-10 score for predicting mortality in patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Abbasian, Mahdi
Easy method for production of a home-made DNA ladder in every laboratory [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Abbasian, Mahdi
Cloning and expression of full-length human insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP3) in the Escherichia coli [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Abbasivash, Rahman
Comparing the effect of intravenous dexamethasone, intravenous ondansetron, and their combination on nausea and vomiting in cesarean section with spinal anesthesia [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Abdaly, Hosein
Buccinator flap as a method for palatal fistula and VPI management [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Abdi, Mohammad Reza
Potential health concerns of trace elements and mineral content in commonly consumed greenhouse vegetables in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Abdollahi, Mohammad Hasan
The effect of sevoflurane versus propofol anesthesia on troponin I after congenital heart surgery, a randomized clinical trial [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Abedi, Mostafa
The effect of preemptive pudendal nerve block on pain after anterior and posterior vaginal repair [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Abedi, Mostafa
Mismanagement of a hypochondriacal patient [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Abraham, John
Ideal anesthetic agents for day-care gynecological procedures: A clinical trial comparing thiopentone with ketamine as adjuncts to propofol [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Abraham, Valsamma
Ideal anesthetic agents for day-care gynecological procedures: A clinical trial comparing thiopentone with ketamine as adjuncts to propofol [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Abrishamchi, Fatemeh
Can we define severity of carpal tunnel syndrome by ultrasound? [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Abrishamkar, Saeid
'Cuff Sign' a new maneuver for decision-making in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Abtahi, Seyed Hamidreza
Comparison the results of two different vestibular system surgery in patients with persistent Meniere's disease [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Abtahi, Seyed Hamidreza
Cigarette smoking effect on human cochlea responses [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Abtahi, Seyed-Hossein
Pentacam topographic changes after collagen cross-linking in patients with keratoconus [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Abtahi-Naeini, Bahareh
Pulsed dye laser and topical timolol gel versus Pulse dye laser in treatment of infantile hemangioma: A double-blind randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Adekhandi, Shamanth
Mobile phones: Reservoirs for the transmission of nosocomial pathogens [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Adib, Minoo
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin decrease expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor in peripheral lymphocyte of β-thalassemia major patients [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Adib, Minoo
Tumor necrosis factor-α inhibits effects of aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligands on cell death in human lymphocytes [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Adibi, Atoosa
Reference range of the weekly uterine cervical length at 8 to 38 weeks of gestation in the center of Iran [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Adibi, Atoosa
Prevalence of different hip sonographic types: A cross-sectional study [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Adibi, Neda
The relationship between quality of life and coping strategies in polycystic ovary syndrome patients [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Adibi, Peyman
Adding diclofenac to Helicobacter pylori eradication regimen [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Adibi, Peyman
The prevalence of isolated hepatitis B core antibody and its related risk factors among male injected drug users in Isfahan prisons [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Afshari, Laleh
The relation between serum Vitamin D levels and body antioxidant status in ischemic stroke patients: A case–control study [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Afsharmanesh, Mohammad Reza
The relation between serum Vitamin D levels and body antioxidant status in ischemic stroke patients: A case–control study [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Afzali, Azita
Expression of ZFX gene correlated with the central features of the neoplastic phenotype in human brain tumors with distinct phenotypes [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Aghadavod, Esmat
Isolation of granulosa cells from follicular fluid; applications in biomedical and molecular biology experiments [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Aghadavod, Esmat
Evaluation of relationship between serum levels of anti-müllerian hormone, androgen, and insulin resistant with retrieval oocytes in overweight patients with polycystic ovary syndrome [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Aghadavoudi, Omid
Comparative evaluation of adding different opiates (morphine, meperidine, buprenorphine, or fentanyl) to lidocaine in duration and quality of axillary brachial plexus block [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Aghadavoudi, Omid
Comparing cardiovascular factors in opium abusers and non-users candidate for coronary artery bypass graft surgery [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Aghasadeghi, Mohammad Reza
Design and expression of fusion protein consists of HBsAg and Polyepitope of HCV as an HCV potential vaccine [Volume 2015, october, 2015]
Aghbageri, Hamid
Anxiety determinants in mothers of children with congenital heart diseases undergoing cardiac surgery [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Aghelan, Zahra
Partial purification and biochemical characterization of peroxidase from rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) leaves [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Ahangari, Fatemeh
Methylation pattern of ALX4 gene promoter as a potential biomarker for blood-based early detection of colorectal cancer [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Ahangari, Fatemeh
Expression of prostaglandin I2 (prostacyclin) receptor in blood of migraine patients: A potential biomarker [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Ahmadi, Alireza
Effect of vitamin C on endothelial function of children with chronic renal failure: An experimental study [Volume 2015, December, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ahmadi, Alireza
Interleukin-4 receptor alpha T1432C and A1652G polymorphisms are associated with risk of visceral leishmaniasis [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Ahmadi, Mohammad Javad
The value of transcranial Doppler derived pulsatility index for diagnosing cerebral small-vessel disease [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Ahmadraji, Fatemeh
Evaluation of the clinical efficacy and safety of an eye counter pad containing caffeine and vitamin K in emulsified Emu oil base [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Ahmadzadeh, Gholamhossain
Sexual dysfunctions in the patients hospitalized in psychiatric wards compared to other specialized wards in Isfahan, Iran, in 2012 [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Ahmadzadeh, Hamid
Effect of self-care education on lifestyle modification, medication adherence and blood pressure in hypertensive adults: Randomized controlled clinical trial [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ahouee, Shohreh Mohseni
A girl with increased writing and painting activities associated with Turner's syndrome and autistic spectrum disorder [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Ahrar, Hossein
A case report of osteochondroma with unusual clinical and imaging presentation [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Ahuja, Hemani
Ideal anesthetic agents for day-care gynecological procedures: A clinical trial comparing thiopentone with ketamine as adjuncts to propofol [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ahvazi, Negah Chaabi
Effect of increase in duration of aprepitant consumption from 3 to 6 days on the prevention of nausea and vomiting in women receiving combination of anthracycline/cyclophosphamide chemotherapy: A randomized, crossover, clinical trial [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ajdary, Marziyeh
The relationship of GH and LEP gene polymorphisms with fat-tail measurements (fat-tail dimensions) in fat-tailed Makooei breed of Iranian sheep [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Ajdary, Marziyeh
The antioxidant effects of silver, gold, and zinc oxide nanoparticles on male mice in in vivo condition [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ajdary, Marziyeh
Sub-chronic toxicity of gold nanoparticles in male mice [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Ajorloo, Mehdi
A novel combined method for cost-benefit production of DNA ladders [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Akbari, Mojtaba
Association between retinal nerve fiber layer thickness and magnetic resonance imaging findings and intelligence in patients with multiple sclerosis [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Akbari, Mojtaba
Early and late posttraumatic seizures following traumatic brain injury: A five-year follow-up survival study [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Akbari, Saeed
Increase in intraocular pressure is less with propofol and remifentanil than isoflurane with remifentanil during cataract surgery: A randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Alaei, Hojjatallah
Effects of doxepin on brain-derived neurotrophic factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, mitogen-activated protein kinase 14, and AKT1 genes expression in rat hippocampus [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Alaei, Hojjat Allah
The effect of medial prefrontal cortex electrical stimulation on passive avoidance memory in healthy and addict rats [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Alaei, Hojjat Allah
Neuroprotective effects of Rosa damascena extract on learning and memory in a rat model of amyloid-β-induced Alzheimer`s disease [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-10]
Alami, Samaneh
Comparing right ventricular function and pulmonary artery pressure before and shortly after hemodialysis in patients with end-stage renal disease [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Alani, Behrang
Bronchodilatory and B-adrenergic effects of methanolic and aqueous extracts of Althaea root on isolated tracheobronchial smooth rat muscle [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Alavi, Samaneh Sadat
Protective effects of Echium amoenum Fisch. and C.A. Mey. against cerebral ischemia in the rats [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Alemzadeh-Ansari, Mohammad Javad
Do pregnant women have a higher risk for venous thromboembolism following air travel? [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Alikhani, Vajiheh
The effects of tamoxifen on spatial and nonspatial learning and memory impairments induced by scopolamine and the brain tissues oxidative damage in ovariectomized rats [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Alizadeh, Farshid
Potential risk factors associated with stress urinary incontinence among Iranian women [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Alizadeh, Farshid
Effect of tubeless percutaneous nephrolithotomy on early renal function: Does it deteriorate? [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Allameh, Zahra
Comparing the impact of acupuncture and pethidine on reducing labor pain [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
AL-Suhail, Raghad
Development of hen antihepatitis B antigen IgY-based conjugate for ELISA assay [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Amani, Reza
The relation between serum Vitamin D levels and body antioxidant status in ischemic stroke patients: A case–control study [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Amini, Ehsan
Hippocampal volume and hippocampal angle (a more practical marker) in mild cognitive impairment: A case-control magnetic resonance imaging study [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Amini, Jaleh
Health related quality of life in irritable bowel syndrome patients, Kashan, Iran: A case control study [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Amini, Masoud
Efficacy of bromocriptine on glycemic and metabolic control of prediabetic patients [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Amini, Massoud
The profile of hypertension and dyslipidemia in prediabetic subjects; results of the Isfahan Diabetes Prevention program: A large population-based study [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Aminorroaya, Ashraf
Efficacy of bromocriptine on glycemic and metabolic control of prediabetic patients [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Amoushahi, Mahsa
Preemptive peritonsillar infiltration with bupivacaine in combination with tramadol improves pediatric post-tonsillectomy pain better than using bupivacaine or tramadol alone: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind clinical trial [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Amoushahi, Mahsa
The effects of different doses of intrathecal meperidine on the incidence and severity of shivering during lower extremity orthopedic surgery under spinal anesthesia: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind-clinical trial [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Amra, Babak
Sleep apnea syndrome and restless legs syndrome in kidney transplant recipients [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Anaeigoudari, Akbar
The effects of L-arginine on spatial memory and synaptic plasticity impairments induced by lipopolysaccharide [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Andalib, Elham
Effect of age on the phenotype of metabolic syndrome in developing country [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ansari, Behnaz
'Cuff Sign' a new maneuver for decision-making in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Ansari, Behnaz
Life-threatening misdiagnosis of bulbar onset myasthenia gravis as a motor neuron disease: How much can one rely on exaggerated deep tendon reflexes [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Ansari, Behnaz
Frontotemporal dementia parkinsonism: Clinical findings in a large Iranian family [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Arab, Saeid
Music therapy: An effective approach in improving social skills of children with autism [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Arabestani, Mohammad Reza
Conventional, molecular methods and biomarkers molecules in detection of septicemia [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-10]
Arabpoor, Zohreh
Effect of cholecystokinin on learning and memory, neuronal proliferation and apoptosis in the rat hippocampus [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Araghi, Mahmood
Nanobiological studies on drug design using molecular mechanic method [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Arashkia, Arash
Isolation, cloning, and expression of E. coli BirA gene for biotinylation applications [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Ardakani, Mohammad Sobhan
The relationship between carotid artery colour Doppler finding and cerebral oximetry [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ardalan, Farid Azmoudeh
Study of C-MYC amplification and expression in Iranian gastric cancer samples using CISH and IHC methods [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Ardekany, Mehdy Rasty
Buccinator flap as a method for palatal fistula and VPI management [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Arezumand, Roghaye
Design and expression of fusion protein consists of HBsAg and Polyepitope of HCV as an HCV potential vaccine [Volume 2015, october, 2015]
Arjmand, Reza
Antigenic profile of heat-killed versus thimerosal-treated Leishmania major using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Arjmandpour, Akbar
Adding diclofenac to Helicobacter pylori eradication regimen [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Asadi Karam, Mohammad Reza
In silico design of fusion protein of FimH from uropathogenic Escherichia coli and MrpH from Proteus mirabilis against urinary tract infections [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Asemi, Neda
The relationship between quality of life and coping strategies in polycystic ovary syndrome patients [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Asgari, Mahdi
Anthropometric predictive equations for estimating body composition [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Asgary, Sedigheh
Iranian-Islamic traditional medicine: An ancient comprehensive personalized medicine [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Asgary, Sedigheh
Development of hen antihepatitis B antigen IgY-based conjugate for ELISA assay [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Asgary, Vahid
Design and expression of fusion protein consists of HBsAg and Polyepitope of HCV as an HCV potential vaccine [Volume 2015, october, 2015]
Asghari, Gholamreza
The effect of hydroalcoholic extract from the leaves of Moringa peregrina(Forssk.) Fiori. on blood pressure and oxidative status in dexamethasone-induced hypertensive rats [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Ashouri, Moghtada
Morphine mouthwash for the management of oral mucositis in patients with head and neck cancer [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Ashrastaghi, Om Golsum
The effectiveness of lavender essence on strernotomy related pain intensity after coronary artery bypass grafting [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Ashtar, Freshteh
A study of psychological well-being in people with multiple sclerosis and their primary caregivers [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ashtari, Fereshteh
Association between retinal nerve fiber layer thickness and magnetic resonance imaging findings and intelligence in patients with multiple sclerosis [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Ashtari, Fereshteh
Preliminary analysis of month of birth in Iranian/Isfahan patients with multiple sclerosis [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Ashtari, Fereshteh
Preliminary study on patients located at the Kashani/Isfahan Hospital with multiple sclerosis between the years 2011 and 2013 [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Ashtari, Fereshteh
The association between saliva control, silent saliva penetration, aspiration, and videofluoroscopic findings in Parkinson's disease patients [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Asiabi, Reza Ebrahimi Kord
Effect of omega-3 supplementation on inflammatory parameters in patients on chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Asilian, Ali
Pulsed dye laser and topical timolol gel versus Pulse dye laser in treatment of infantile hemangioma: A double-blind randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Askari, Gholamreza
Dietary intake of Zinc, serum levels of Zinc and risk of gastric cancer: A review of studies [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Askari, Narges
Cigarette smoking effect on human cochlea responses [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Aslani, Abolfazl
Design, formulation and evaluation of Aloe vera chewing gum [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Assad, Salman
Rolipram: Eotaxin and phosphodiesterase IV inhibitor versus bronchial hyper-reactivity response [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-1]
Assaf, Fatima
Topical pyruvic acid (70%) versus topical salicylic acid (16.7%) compound in treatment of plantar warts: A randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ataei, Behrooz
The prevalence of isolated hepatitis B core antibody and its related risk factors among male injected drug users in Isfahan prisons [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Atapour, Norollah
Methylation pattern of ALX4 gene promoter as a potential biomarker for blood-based early detection of colorectal cancer [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Atef, Fateme
The effect of estrogen on the expression of cartilage-specific genes in the chondrogenesis process of adipose-derived stem cells [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Attari, Mohammadali
Preemptive peritonsillar infiltration with bupivacaine in combination with tramadol improves pediatric post-tonsillectomy pain better than using bupivacaine or tramadol alone: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind clinical trial [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Attari, Mohammadali
Comparison of five methods in predicting difficult laryngoscopy: Neck circumference, neck circumference to thyromental distance ratio, the ratio of height to thyromental distance, upper lip bite test and Mallampati test [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Attur, Ravindra Prabhu
Toxic epidermal necrolysis in hemodialysis patient [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Ayasi, Mitra
The effectiveness of lavender essence on strernotomy related pain intensity after coronary artery bypass grafting [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Azadmanesh, Kayhan
Isolation, cloning, and expression of E. coli BirA gene for biotinylation applications [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Azadmanesh, Kayhan
Divergent behavior of cyclin E and its low molecular weight isoforms to progesterone-induced growth inhibition in MCF-7 cells [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Azargoon, Seyed Abolfazl
The association between saliva control, silent saliva penetration, aspiration, and videofluoroscopic findings in Parkinson's disease patients [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Azarnoush, Hamed
Prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting with a subhypnotic dose of Propofol in patients undergoing lower abdominal surgery: A prospective, randomized, double-blind study [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Azimi, Cyrus
Study of C-MYC amplification and expression in Iranian gastric cancer samples using CISH and IHC methods [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Azma, Kamran
Venous insufficiency after prolonged standing: Is joint hypermobility an important risk factor? [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Bababeik, Maryam
Distribution of cytokine gene single nucleotide polymorphisms among a multi-ethnic Iranian population [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Babaei, Kamran
Buccinator flap as a method for palatal fistula and VPI management [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Baboli, M Teimourzadeh
The effect of problem solving and decision making skills on tendency to depression and anxiety in patients with type 2 diabetes [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Bachewar, Narendra Prabhakar
Study of oxidants and antioxidants in patients of acute myocardial infarction [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Badali, Hamid
Use of restriction fragment length polymorphism to identify Candida species, related to onychomycosis [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Badiee, Parisa
Use of restriction fragment length polymorphism to identify Candida species, related to onychomycosis [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Baghaei, Ramin
An investigation of the rate of cyclooxygenase-2 expression on the surface of adenomatous and colorectal adenocarcinoma polyps [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Bagherpourjahromi, Ali
The early outcome of single-incision versus multi-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Bahadoran, Maryam
Evaluation of the outcomes of corneal collagen cross-linking in progressive keratoconic eyes [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Bahrambeigi, Vahid
The effect of Kisspeptin-10 on mesenchymal stem cells migration in vitro and in vivo [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Bahrami, Faranak
Potential risk factors associated with stress urinary incontinence among Iranian women [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Bahrami, Faranak
The early outcome of single-incision versus multi-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Bahramian, Hamid
Evaluation of the proliferation and viability rates of nucleus pulposus cells of human intervertebral disk in fabricated chitosan-gelatin scaffolds by freeze drying and freeze gelation methods [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Bahramian, Hamid
Changes of neural markers expression during late neurogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Bahreini, Nimah
The influence of impact delivery mode, lactation time, infant gender, maternal age and rural or urban life on total number of Lactobacillus in breast milk Isfahan - Iran [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Bairy, Manohar
Toxic epidermal necrolysis in hemodialysis patient [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Bakhtiyari, Jalal
Comparison of emotional and non-emotional word repetitions in patients with aphasia [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Bandyopadhyay, Maitreyi
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia: Complicating treatment of ESBL UTI [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Banerjee, Debarati
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia: Complicating treatment of ESBL UTI [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Banerjee, Parthajit
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia: Complicating treatment of ESBL UTI [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Baradaran-Ghahfarokhi, Milad
Potential health concerns of trace elements and mineral content in commonly consumed greenhouse vegetables in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Barani, Shaghik
Distribution of cytokine gene single nucleotide polymorphisms among a multi-ethnic Iranian population [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Barekatain, Majid
Hippocampal volume and hippocampal angle (a more practical marker) in mild cognitive impairment: A case-control magnetic resonance imaging study [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Barneh, Farnaz
Fabrication and characterization of biodegradable polymeric films as a corneal stroma substitute [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Barzegari, Abolfazl
Isolation of granulosa cells from follicular fluid; applications in biomedical and molecular biology experiments [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Barzegari, Abolfazl
Evaluation of relationship between serum levels of anti-müllerian hormone, androgen, and insulin resistant with retrieval oocytes in overweight patients with polycystic ovary syndrome [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Basiratnia, Reza
Hippocampal volume and hippocampal angle (a more practical marker) in mild cognitive impairment: A case-control magnetic resonance imaging study [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Basiratnia, Reza
A case report of osteochondroma with unusual clinical and imaging presentation [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Basiri, Akram
Efficacy of topical azathioprine and betamethasone versus betamethasone-only emollient cream in 2-18 years old patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis: A randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Basiri, Keivan
Herpes zoster segmental paresis in an immunocompromised breast cancer woman [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Basiri, Keivan
The Schwartz-Jampel syndrome: Case report and review of literature [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Basiri, Keivan
Can we define severity of carpal tunnel syndrome by ultrasound? [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Basiri, Keivan
'Cuff Sign' a new maneuver for decision-making in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Basiri, Keivan
Life-threatening misdiagnosis of bulbar onset myasthenia gravis as a motor neuron disease: How much can one rely on exaggerated deep tendon reflexes [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Basiri, Keivan
Practical approach to electrodiagnosis of the carpal tunnel syndrome: A review [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Basiri, Keivan
Frontotemporal dementia parkinsonism: Clinical findings in a large Iranian family [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Bastan, Reza
The effect of cyclic nucleotide analog drugs on the mediators release from basophils [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Bazmani, Ahad
Interleukin-4 receptor alpha T1432C and A1652G polymorphisms are associated with risk of visceral leishmaniasis [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Behdani, Mehdi
A novel combined method for cost-benefit production of DNA ladders [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Behfarnia, Parichehr
A histomorphometric study of the effect of doxycycline and erythromycin on bone formation in dental alveolar socket of rat [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Behrad Manesh, Mohammad Saeed
Serum ferritin has correlation with HbA1c in type 2 diabetic patients [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Behradnia, Sepehr
The effects of L-arginine on spatial memory and synaptic plasticity impairments induced by lipopolysaccharide [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Beiraghdar, Mina
The relationship between quality of life and coping strategies in polycystic ovary syndrome patients [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Beiraghdar, Mozhdeh
Comparison of gene expression of SOX2 and OCT4 in normal tissue, polyps, and colon adenocarcinoma using immunohistochemical staining [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Beiraghdar, Mozhdeh
An investigation of the rate of cyclooxygenase-2 expression on the surface of adenomatous and colorectal adenocarcinoma polyps [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Beiraghdar, Mozhdeh
Evaluation of the prevalence of herpes simplex-1 infection in oral squamous cell carcinoma specimens in Alzahra and Kashani Hospitals with polymerase chain reaction method in 2012-2013 [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Bera, Malay Kumar
Isolated abdominal wall metastasis from renal cell carcinoma: Unusual presentation [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Bidaki, Reza
A girl with increased writing and painting activities associated with Turner's syndrome and autistic spectrum disorder [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Bidaki, Reza
Mismanagement of a hypochondriacal patient [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Bigdelian, Hamid
Effect of esmolol on myocardial protection in pediatrics congenital heart defects [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Bigdelian, Hamid
Distribution of mediastinal ectopic thymic tissue in patients without thymic disease [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Bina, Roya
Median and ulnar nerve injuries; what causes different repair outcomes? [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Bina, Roya
Venous insufficiency after prolonged standing: Is joint hypermobility an important risk factor? [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Birang, Reza
A histomorphometric study of the effect of doxycycline and erythromycin on bone formation in dental alveolar socket of rat [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Biranjia-Hurdoyal, Susheela D
A study to investigate the importance of purses as fomites [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Bokaeian, Mohammad
Detection of ESBL- and AmpC-producing E. coli isolates from urinary tract infections [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Boroujeni, Mahsa Zamani
Yoga intervention on blood NO in female migraineurs [Volume 2015, December, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Boroujeni, Maraym Bakhtiari
Effect of age on the phenotype of metabolic syndrome in developing country [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Boroujeni, Zahra Khalili
Easy method for production of a home-made DNA ladder in every laboratory [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Bouzari, Saeid
In silico design of fusion protein of FimH from uropathogenic Escherichia coli and MrpH from Proteus mirabilis against urinary tract infections [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Bouzari, Saeid
Stability and biological activity evaluations of PEGylated human basic fibroblast growth factor [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Bouzari, Saeid
Divergent behavior of cyclin E and its low molecular weight isoforms to progesterone-induced growth inhibition in MCF-7 cells [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Broujeni, Zahra Khalili
Cloning and expression of full-length human insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP3) in the Escherichia coli [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Budkowska, Agata
Evaluation of cellular responses for a chimeric HBsAg-HCV core DNA vaccine in BALB/c mice [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Chagharvand, Sepideh
Evaluation of estrogen receptor expression and its relationship with clinicopathologic findings in gastric cancer [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Chakravarthy, Kalyana
Comparison of two walk tests in determining the claudication distance in patients suffering from peripheral arterial occlusive disease [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Charehdar, Sorour
Therapeutic effect of acupuncture in BALB/c model of cutaneous leishmaniasis [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Chatraei, Maryam
Potential risk factors associated with stress urinary incontinence among Iranian women [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Chatterjee, Mitali
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia: Complicating treatment of ESBL UTI [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Chelongar, Reyhaneh
The antioxidant effects of silver, gold, and zinc oxide nanoparticles on male mice in in vivo condition [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Chitsaz, Ahmad
Preliminary analysis of month of birth in Iranian/Isfahan patients with multiple sclerosis [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Chitsaz, Ahmad
The association between saliva control, silent saliva penetration, aspiration, and videofluoroscopic findings in Parkinson's disease patients [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Chitsaz, Ahmad
Supratentorial cortical ependymoma: An unusual presentation of a rare tumor [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Chitsazi, Mohsen
Geranisetron versus gabapentin in preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting after middle ear surgery in adults: A double-blinded randomized clinical trial study [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Choudhury, Kailash Chandra
Assessment of risk factors associated with hypertension among undergraduate medical students in a medical college in Odisha [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-3]
C Metri, Basavaraj
Correlation of serological markers and platelet count in the diagnosis of Dengue virus infection [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Cohan, Reza Ahangari
Design and expression of fusion protein consists of HBsAg and Polyepitope of HCV as an HCV potential vaccine [Volume 2015, october, 2015]
Cohan, Reza Ahangari
A novel combined method for cost-benefit production of DNA ladders [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Dadgar, Hooshang
Comparison of emotional and non-emotional word repetitions in patients with aphasia [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Dadkhah, Soraya
The effects of different doses of intrathecal meperidine on the incidence and severity of shivering during lower extremity orthopedic surgery under spinal anesthesia: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind-clinical trial [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Daghaghzadeh, Hamed
Adding diclofenac to Helicobacter pylori eradication regimen [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Dalili, Setila
Pure gonadal dysgenesis (46 XX type) with a familial pattern [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Dana, Nasim
Cytoprotective and antioxidant effects of human lactoferrin against H2O2-induced oxidative stress in human umbilical vein endothelial cells [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Daneshmand, Fatemeh
Role of nitric oxide in kidney and liver (as distance organ) function in bilateral renal ischemia-reperfusion: Effect of L-Arginine and NG-nitro-L-Arginine methyl ester [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Daneshpajouhnejad, Parnaz
Scaphoid nonunion fracture and results of the modified Matti-Russe technique [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Daraei, Abdolreza
Significance of a common variant in the CDKAL1 gene with susceptibility to type 2 diabetes mellitus in Iranian population [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Dashti, Sepideh
Brain tumors: Special characters for research and banking [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Dashti-Rahmatabadi, Mohammad Hossein
Antinociceptive effect of palm date spathe hydroalcoholic extract on acute and chronic pain in mice as compared with analgesic effect of morphine and diclofenac [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Davarpanah, Amir Hossein
Distribution of mediastinal ectopic thymic tissue in patients without thymic disease [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Davoodi, Leila
Comparison of the efficacy of nebulized budesonide and intravenous dexamethasone administration before extubation in prevention of post-extubation complications among patients admitted in intensive care unit [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Deerpaul, Shailendra
A study to investigate the importance of purses as fomites [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Dehghan, Alireza
Increase in intraocular pressure is less with propofol and remifentanil than isoflurane with remifentanil during cataract surgery: A randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Dehghan, Farnaz
Clinical utility of residual latency in ulnar neuropathy at elbow: Is there any correlation? [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Dehghanfirozabadi, Fatemeh
Antinociceptive effect of palm date spathe hydroalcoholic extract on acute and chronic pain in mice as compared with analgesic effect of morphine and diclofenac [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Dehghanfirozabadi, Mansooreh
Antinociceptive effect of palm date spathe hydroalcoholic extract on acute and chronic pain in mice as compared with analgesic effect of morphine and diclofenac [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Dehghanfirozabadi, Razieh
Antinociceptive effect of palm date spathe hydroalcoholic extract on acute and chronic pain in mice as compared with analgesic effect of morphine and diclofenac [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Dehghani, Hamide
Anxiety determinants in mothers of children with congenital heart diseases undergoing cardiac surgery [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Dehghani, Leila
Evaluation of the circulating CD34 + , CD309 + , and endothelial progenitor cells in patients with first attack of optic neuritis [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Dehghanimohammadabadi, Narges
Antinociceptive effect of palm date spathe hydroalcoholic extract on acute and chronic pain in mice as compared with analgesic effect of morphine and diclofenac [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Dehnavi, Alireza Mehri
Nucleus and cytoplasm segmentation in microscopic images using K-means clustering and region growing [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Delrish, Elham
Prophylactic effect of topical silica nanoparticles as a novel antineovascularization agent for inhibiting corneal neovascularization following chemical burn [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Dhuria, Radhey S
Current status and patent prospective of animal models in diabetic research [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-14]
Dixit, Snehil
Comparison of two walk tests in determining the claudication distance in patients suffering from peripheral arterial occlusive disease [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Dolatabadi, Leila Kamali
Comparison of capillary and venous blood glucose levels using glucometer and laboratory blood glucose level in poisoned patients being in coma [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Dorkoosh, Farid Abedin
Thermoanalytical characterization of clindamycin-loaded intravitreal implants prepared by hot melt extrusion [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Dorkoosh, Farid Abedin
Design and development of intraocular polymeric implant systems for long-term controlled-release of clindamycin phosphate for toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-12]
Ebrahimi, Amrollah
Preparing a persian version of kimberley indigenous cognitive assessment for assessing the cognitive problems of illiterate geriatric patients [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Ebrahimzadeh, Fatemeh
Distribution of cytokine gene single nucleotide polymorphisms among a multi-ethnic Iranian population [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Ebrahimzadeh, Mohammad Ebrahim
The effectiveness of lavender essence on strernotomy related pain intensity after coronary artery bypass grafting [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Eftekharzadeh, Sayyed Ali
Evaluation of the effect of radiofrequency catheter ablation on autonomic function in patients with atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia by head-up tilt table test [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Eidelkhani, Nastaran
Effects of doxepin on brain-derived neurotrophic factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, mitogen-activated protein kinase 14, and AKT1 genes expression in rat hippocampus [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Eizadi-Mood, Nastaran
Comparing cardiovascular factors in opium abusers and non-users candidate for coronary artery bypass graft surgery [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Emadi-Andani, Elaheh
SIX1 overexpression in diffuse-type and grade III gastric tumors: Features that are associated with poor prognosis [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Emadi-Baygi, Modjtaba
Absence of association between −286C>A>T polymorphism in the CRP gene and metabolic syndrome in Iranian pediatric [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Emadi-Baygi, Modjtaba
Expression of ZFX gene correlated with the central features of the neoplastic phenotype in human brain tumors with distinct phenotypes [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Emadi-Baygi, Modjtaba
SIX1 overexpression in diffuse-type and grade III gastric tumors: Features that are associated with poor prognosis [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Emami, Mohammad
Case report of the bronchioloalveolar carcinoma [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Emami, Parisa
Association between retinal nerve fiber layer thickness and magnetic resonance imaging findings and intelligence in patients with multiple sclerosis [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Emani Taba, Fatemeh
Molecular typing of Brucella species isolates from Human and livestock bloods in Isfahan province [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Entezari, Ahmad
The effect of sevoflurane versus propofol anesthesia on troponin I after congenital heart surgery, a randomized clinical trial [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Esfahani, Bahram Nasr
Genetic characterization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa-resistant isolates at the university teaching hospital in Iran [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Esfahani, Bahram Nasr
Molecular typing of Iranian mycobacteria isolates by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of 360-bp rpoB gene [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Esfahani, Bahram Nasr
Molecular identification of Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from intensive care units and their antimicrobial resistance patterns [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Esfahani, Behjat A Moayedi
Tumor necrosis factor-α inhibits effects of aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligands on cell death in human lymphocytes [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Esfahani, Morteza Abdar
Comparison of the accuracy of cardiac computed tomography angiography and transthoracic echocardiography in the diagnosis of mitral valve prolapse [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Esfahani, Sayyed Hamid Zarkesh
Neurotrophic factors and their effects in the treatment of multiple sclerosis [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Esfahani, Seyyed
The effect of cyclic nucleotide analog drugs on the mediators release from basophils [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Esfandiari, Ebrahim
Neurotrophic factors and their effects in the treatment of multiple sclerosis [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Esfandiari, Ebrahim
The effect of estrogen on the expression of cartilage-specific genes in the chondrogenesis process of adipose-derived stem cells [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Esfandiari, Zahra
Isolation of toxigenic Clostridium difficile from ready-to-eat salads by multiplex polymerase chain reaction in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Esfandiary, Ebrahim
Neuroprotective effects of Rosa damascena extract on learning and memory in a rat model of amyloid-β-induced Alzheimer`s disease [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-10]
Esfarjani, Fahimeh
Yoga intervention on blood NO in female migraineurs [Volume 2015, December, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Eshaghi, Mehdi
Iranian-Islamic traditional medicine: An ancient comprehensive personalized medicine [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Eskandari, Nahid
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin decrease expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor in peripheral lymphocyte of β-thalassemia major patients [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Eskandari, Nahid
Evaluation of the circulating CD34 + , CD309 + , and endothelial progenitor cells in patients with first attack of optic neuritis [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Eskandari, Nahid
The effect of cyclic nucleotide analog drugs on the mediators release from basophils [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Eslampanah Seyedi, Hadieh Alsadat
Easy method for production of a home-made DNA ladder in every laboratory [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Esmaeili, Abolghasem
Neuroprotective effects of Rosa damascena extract on learning and memory in a rat model of amyloid-β-induced Alzheimer`s disease [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-10]
Esmaeili, Maryam
Distribution of cytokine gene single nucleotide polymorphisms among a multi-ethnic Iranian population [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Etemadifar, Masoud
Evaluation of the circulating CD34 + , CD309 + , and endothelial progenitor cells in patients with first attack of optic neuritis [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Etemadifar, Mohammad Reza
Causes and rates of revision total knee arthroplasty: Local results from Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Etemadzadeh, Mohammad Hossein
Isolation, cloning, and expression of E. coli BirA gene for biotinylation applications [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Fadaei, Reza
Molecular typing of Brucella species isolates from Human and livestock bloods in Isfahan province [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Fadaei, Reza
Acute flaccid paralysis surveillance: A 6 years study, Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Faghihi, Gita
Efficacy of topical azathioprine and betamethasone versus betamethasone-only emollient cream in 2-18 years old patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis: A randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Faghri, Jamshid
Molecular detection of metallo-β-lactamase gene blaVIM-1 in imipenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from hospitalized patients in the hospitals of Isfahan [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Faiz, Seyed Hamid Reza
Which one is more efficient on propofol 2% injection pain? Magnesium sulfate or ondansetron: A randomized clinical trial [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Fani, Abdolrahman
Comparison of the effects of colloid preload, vasopressor administration and leg compression on hemodynamic changes during spinal anesthesia for lumbar disc surgery in knee–chest position [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Farahani, Najmeh
Methylation pattern of ALX4 gene promoter as a potential biomarker for blood-based early detection of colorectal cancer [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Faraji, Reza
Aorto-pulmonary fistula accompanied by root abscess and destruction of native aortic valve caused by brucellosis [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Farajzadegan, Ziba
Purified protein derivative test and its booster phenomenon in patients with rheumatoid arthritis [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Fard, Mehdi Rezvani
Potential health concerns of trace elements and mineral content in commonly consumed greenhouse vegetables in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Farhadi, Sadaf
Efficacy of topical azathioprine and betamethasone versus betamethasone-only emollient cream in 2-18 years old patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis: A randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Farid, Fariba
Molecular typing of Iranian mycobacteria isolates by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of 360-bp rpoB gene [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Farjaddoost, Ameneh
Distribution of cytokine gene single nucleotide polymorphisms among a multi-ethnic Iranian population [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Farsani, Enayatolah Yadollahi
The predicting ability of serum potassium to assess the duration of mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Farzadi, Laya
Isolation of granulosa cells from follicular fluid; applications in biomedical and molecular biology experiments [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Farzadi, Laya
Evaluation of relationship between serum levels of anti-müllerian hormone, androgen, and insulin resistant with retrieval oocytes in overweight patients with polycystic ovary syndrome [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Fatehi, Farzad
The Schwartz-Jampel syndrome: Case report and review of literature [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Fatehi, Farzad
'Cuff Sign' a new maneuver for decision-making in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Fathi, Mohammadhossein
Fabrication and characterization of biodegradable polymeric films as a corneal stroma substitute [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Fayyaz, Irandokht
Music therapy: An effective approach in improving social skills of children with autism [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Fazel, Farhad
Collagen cross-linking effect on progressive keratoconus in patients younger than 18 years of age: A clinical trial [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Fazeli, Fateme
A novel combined method for cost-benefit production of DNA ladders [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Fazeli, Hossein
Genetic characterization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa-resistant isolates at the university teaching hospital in Iran [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Fazeli, Hossein
Molecular typing of Iranian mycobacteria isolates by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of 360-bp rpoB gene [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Fazeli, Hossein
Molecular identification of Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from intensive care units and their antimicrobial resistance patterns [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Fazelifar, Saeed
Effect of esmolol on myocardial protection in pediatrics congenital heart defects [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Feizi, Awat
The profile of hypertension and dyslipidemia in prediabetic subjects; results of the Isfahan Diabetes Prevention program: A large population-based study [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Foladi, Lotfolah
An investigation of the rate of cyclooxygenase-2 expression on the surface of adenomatous and colorectal adenocarcinoma polyps [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Foroughi, Mahdi
Dietary intake of Zinc, serum levels of Zinc and risk of gastric cancer: A review of studies [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Forouzannia, Seyed Khalil
Anxiety determinants in mothers of children with congenital heart diseases undergoing cardiac surgery [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Forouzannia, Seyed Khalil
Elimination of routine chest radiographs following off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery: A randomized controlled trial study [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Forozandeh, Dashti
Effects of aerobic exercise on plasma lipoproteins in overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Gabash, Khairallah Muzhir
The early outcome of single-incision versus multi-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Ganji, Hamid
Evaluation of the circulating CD34 + , CD309 + , and endothelial progenitor cells in patients with first attack of optic neuritis [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Gaur, Dushyant Singh
Blood transfusion safety: A study of adverse reactions at the blood bank of a tertiary care center [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Gebril, Ola H
A study of blood serotonin and serotonin transporter promoter variant (5-HTTLPR) polymorphism in Egyptian autistic children [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ghaedamini, Ali Reza
Effect of cholecystokinin on learning and memory, neuronal proliferation and apoptosis in the rat hippocampus [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Ghaheh, Hooria Seyedhosseini
Nanobiological studies on drug design using molecular mechanic method [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ghahiri, Ataollah
Maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality rate in caesarean section and vaginal delivery [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Ghahnavieh, Marziyeh Ziaee
Sub-chronic toxicity of gold nanoparticles in male mice [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Ghahremani, Mohammad Hossein
Divergent behavior of cyclin E and its low molecular weight isoforms to progesterone-induced growth inhibition in MCF-7 cells [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ghajavand, Hasan
Molecular identification of Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from intensive care units and their antimicrobial resistance patterns [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ghalayani, Parichehr
A histomorphometric study of the effect of doxycycline and erythromycin on bone formation in dental alveolar socket of rat [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ghanadian, Mustafa
Neuroprotective effects of Rosa damascena extract on learning and memory in a rat model of amyloid-β-induced Alzheimer`s disease [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-10]
Ghannadi, Alireza
Design, formulation and evaluation of Aloe vera chewing gum [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Ghannadi, Alireza
Protective effects of Echium amoenum Fisch. and C.A. Mey. against cerebral ischemia in the rats [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Gharipour, Mojgan
Effect of age on the phenotype of metabolic syndrome in developing country [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Gharipour, Mojgan
The metabolic syndrome and associated lifestyle factors among the Iranian population [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Ghasemi, Mahmood
Role of nitric oxide in kidney and liver (as distance organ) function in bilateral renal ischemia-reperfusion: Effect of L-Arginine and NG-nitro-L-Arginine methyl ester [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Ghasemi, Majid
Can we define severity of carpal tunnel syndrome by ultrasound? [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ghasemi, Mojdeh
A study of psychological well-being in people with multiple sclerosis and their primary caregivers [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ghasemi, Mojdeh
Comparing the impact of acupuncture and pethidine on reducing labor pain [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Ghasemi, Mojgan
A study of psychological well-being in people with multiple sclerosis and their primary caregivers [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
GhasemianSafaei, Hajieh
Molecular typing of Iranian mycobacteria isolates by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of 360-bp rpoB gene [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ghasemi-Dehkordi, Payam
Small supernumerary marker chromosomes and their correlation with specific syndromes [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Ghasemtabar, Seyyed Nabiollah
Music therapy: An effective approach in improving social skills of children with autism [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Ghashghaei, F Esteki
The effect of problem solving and decision making skills on tendency to depression and anxiety in patients with type 2 diabetes [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Ghassami, Fatemeh
Agreement between static magnetic resonance urography and diuretic renal scintigraphy in patients with ureteropelvic junction obstruction after pyeloplasty [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Ghatrehsamani, Mahdi
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin decrease expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor in peripheral lymphocyte of β-thalassemia major patients [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ghatrehsamani, Mahdi
Tumor necrosis factor-α inhibits effects of aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligands on cell death in human lymphocytes [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ghavam Nasiri, Mohammad Reza
Evaluation of estrogen receptor expression and its relationship with clinicopathologic findings in gastric cancer [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Ghayumi, Zahra
Determining the effect of laser acupuncture in treating stutterers in comparison with speech therapy [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Ghayyoomi, Mansooreh
The effect of an specific inducible NO synthase inhibitor, S-methylisothiourea hemisulfate on cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity; gender-related differences [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ghazaleh Fatemi, Sayedeh
Absence of association between −286C>A>T polymorphism in the CRP gene and metabolic syndrome in Iranian pediatric [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ghazavi, Amirhossein
A case report of osteochondroma with unusual clinical and imaging presentation [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Ghazavi, Mohamadreza
Acute flaccid paralysis surveillance: A 6 years study, Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Gheissari, Alaleh
Effect of vitamin C on endothelial function of children with chronic renal failure: An experimental study [Volume 2015, December, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ghiasi, Farzin
Precalcitonin and C-reactive protein as markers in response to antibiotic treatment in ventilator-associated pneumonia in intensive care unit-hospitalized patients [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ghiasvand, Reza
Dietary intake of Zinc, serum levels of Zinc and risk of gastric cancer: A review of studies [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ghodrati, Mohammad Reza
Which one is more efficient on propofol 2% injection pain? Magnesium sulfate or ondansetron: A randomized clinical trial [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Gholami, Mehrdad
Does nitrogen gas bubbled through a low density polymer gel dosimeter solution affect the polymerization process? [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Gholizadeh, Monireh
Design and expression of fusion protein consists of HBsAg and Polyepitope of HCV as an HCV potential vaccine [Volume 2015, october, 2015]
Ghorbani, Abbas
The value of transcranial Doppler derived pulsatility index for diagnosing cerebral small-vessel disease [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Ghorbani, Abbas
Evaluation of relationship between breast cancer and migraine [Volume 2015, January, 2015]
Ghorbani, Ahmad
Antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic effects of hydroalcoholic extract of Securigera securidaca seeds in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Ghorbani, Masoud
Evaluation of the proliferation and viability rates of nucleus pulposus cells of human intervertebral disk in fabricated chitosan-gelatin scaffolds by freeze drying and freeze gelation methods [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Ghorbani, Rostam
The effect of time and temperature on viability and performance of Langerhans islets separated from Balb/c mouse after death [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Ghoreishi, Mohammad
Evaluation of the outcomes of corneal collagen cross-linking in progressive keratoconic eyes [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ghoreishi, Seyed Mohammad
Comparison of the findings of endothelial specular microscopy before and after corneal cross-linking [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Gilhotra, Neeraj
Formulation and optimization of mucoadhesive buccal patches of losartan potassium by using response surface methodology [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-13]
Gilhotra, Ritu Mehra
Formulation and optimization of mucoadhesive buccal patches of losartan potassium by using response surface methodology [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-13]
Golabbakhsh, Aryan
Mismanagement of a hypochondriacal patient [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Golbidi, Mohammad
Effect of cholecystokinin on learning and memory, neuronal proliferation and apoptosis in the rat hippocampus [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Golchin, Leila
Pistachio supplementation attenuates motor and cognition impairments induced by cisplatin or vincristine in rats [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-10]
Golparvar, Mohammad
The predicting ability of serum potassium to assess the duration of mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Golshahi, Jafar
Effect of self-care education on lifestyle modification, medication adherence and blood pressure in hypertensive adults: Randomized controlled clinical trial [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Golzar, Fatemeh
The Effects of kisspeptin-10 on Migration and Proliferation of Endothelial Cell [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Golzar, Fatemeh
The effect of Kisspeptin-10 on mesenchymal stem cells migration in vitro and in vivo [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Gookizadeh, Abbas
Evaluation of relationship between breast cancer and migraine [Volume 2015, January, 2015]
Gorji, Yoosef
A study of psychological well-being in people with multiple sclerosis and their primary caregivers [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Goshtasbi, Azita
Comparing the effect of oral and vaginal isosorbide dinitrate in pre-induction cervical ripening in term pregnancy: A controlled clinical trial [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Guntaka, Ajay Kumar
Type 2 diabetes mellitus and renal stones [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Habibi, Mehri
In silico design of fusion protein of FimH from uropathogenic Escherichia coli and MrpH from Proteus mirabilis against urinary tract infections [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Habibi, Valiollah
The effectiveness of lavender essence on strernotomy related pain intensity after coronary artery bypass grafting [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Hadadian, Shahin
Stability and biological activity evaluations of PEGylated human basic fibroblast growth factor [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Hadadian, Shahin
Investigation of purification process stresses on erythropoietin peptide mapping profile [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Haddadzadeh, Mahdi
The relationship between carotid artery colour Doppler finding and cerebral oximetry [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hadifar, Shima
Molecular typing of Iranian mycobacteria isolates by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of 360-bp rpoB gene [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hadipour, Mahboubeh
Use of restriction fragment length polymorphism to identify Candida species, related to onychomycosis [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hadi Rafiei, Mohammad
Ultrasound-guided percutaneous central venous catheterization in infants: Learning curve and related complications [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hadjzadeh, Mousa-Al-Reza
Antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic effects of hydroalcoholic extract of Securigera securidaca seeds in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Haghighi, Ladan
Comparing the effect of oral and vaginal isosorbide dinitrate in pre-induction cervical ripening in term pregnancy: A controlled clinical trial [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Haghighipour, Somayeh
Comparing the APACHE II score and IBM-10 score for predicting mortality in patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Haghighizadeh, Mohammad Hossein
The relation between serum Vitamin D levels and body antioxidant status in ischemic stroke patients: A case–control study [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Haghjooy Javanmard, Shaghayegh
Annexin V FITC conjugated as a radiation toxicity indicator in lymphocytes following radiation overexposure in radiotherapy programs [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Haghjooy Javanmard, Shaghayegh
The Effects of kisspeptin-10 on Migration and Proliferation of Endothelial Cell [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Haghjooy-Javanmard, Shaghayegh
Persistence of endothelial cell damage late after Kawasaki disease in patients without coronary artery complications [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Haghshenas, Alireza
Mismanagement of a hypochondriacal patient [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Hajihosseinlo, Abbas
The relationship of GH and LEP gene polymorphisms with fat-tail measurements (fat-tail dimensions) in fat-tailed Makooei breed of Iranian sheep [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Hajilooi, Mehrdad
Interleukin-4 receptor alpha T1432C and A1652G polymorphisms are associated with risk of visceral leishmaniasis [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Hajisadeghi, Samira
A histomorphometric study of the effect of doxycycline and erythromycin on bone formation in dental alveolar socket of rat [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hajiyan, Maryam
Molecular typing of Brucella species isolates from Human and livestock bloods in Isfahan province [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hajizadeh, Yaghob
Detection of Legionella spp. by a nested-PCR assay in air samples of a wastewater treatment plant and downwind distances in Isfahan [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Hakamifard, Atousa
Nocardial brain abscess in a patient with pulmonary alveolar proteinosis [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Hakemi, Mazdak G
Tumor necrosis factor-α inhibits effects of aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligands on cell death in human lymphocytes [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hakemi, Mazdak Ganjalikhani
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin decrease expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor in peripheral lymphocyte of β-thalassemia major patients [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hamoush, Zeinab
Evaluation of antimullerian hormone levels before and after laparoscopic management of endometriosis [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Hamzeh, Jamal
Investigation of Astragalus honey and propolis extract's cytotoxic effect on two human cancer cell lines and their oncogen and proapoptotic gene expression profiles [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Hanjani, Shahriar
Evaluation of the outcomes of corneal collagen cross-linking in progressive keratoconic eyes [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Harandi, Shaahin
Pistachio supplementation attenuates motor and cognition impairments induced by cisplatin or vincristine in rats [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-10]
Hasan Emami, Mohammad
Adding diclofenac to Helicobacter pylori eradication regimen [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Hasanlui, Mohammadamin Valizadeh
Comparing the effect of intravenous dexamethasone, intravenous ondansetron, and their combination on nausea and vomiting in cesarean section with spinal anesthesia [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Hasanzadeh, Akbar
Dietary nutrient intake and antioxidant status in preeclamptic women [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hasanzadeh, Akbar
Association of KCNJ11 (E23K) gene polymorphism with susceptibility to type 2 diabetes in Iranian patients [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hashemi, Hassan
Prophylactic effect of topical silica nanoparticles as a novel antineovascularization agent for inhibiting corneal neovascularization following chemical burn [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Hashemi, Hurie
Purified protein derivative test and its booster phenomenon in patients with rheumatoid arthritis [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hashemi, Mostafa
Cigarette smoking effect on human cochlea responses [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Hashemi, Seid Mozafar
Distribution of mediastinal ectopic thymic tissue in patients without thymic disease [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Hashemi, Seyed Jalal
Effects of different anesthetic techniques on neurologic and adaptation capacity in newborn with elective cesarean section [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Hashemi, Seyed Mozafar
Silver nitrate versus tetracycline in pleurodesis for malignant pleural effusions; a prospective randomized trial [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hashemi, Seyed Taghi
Comparing the effect of intravenous dexamethasone, intravenous ondansetron, and their combination on nausea and vomiting in cesarean section with spinal anesthesia [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Hashemibeni, Batool
Evaluation of the proliferation and viability rates of nucleus pulposus cells of human intervertebral disk in fabricated chitosan-gelatin scaffolds by freeze drying and freeze gelation methods [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Hashemibeni, Batool
The effect of estrogen on the expression of cartilage-specific genes in the chondrogenesis process of adipose-derived stem cells [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hashemi-Firouzi, Nasrin
Investigating the effect of hydro-alcoholic extract of Salix aegyptiaca on anxiety in male rat [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Hashemzadeh-Chaleshtori, Morteza
Small supernumerary marker chromosomes and their correlation with specific syndromes [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Hassani, Ebrahim
Comparison the effects of paracetamol with sufentanil infusion on postoperative pain control after craniotomy in patients with brain tumor [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Hassanpour, Parisa
Distribution of cytokine gene single nucleotide polymorphisms among a multi-ethnic Iranian population [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Hassanzadeh, Akbar
Detection of Legionella spp. by a nested-PCR assay in air samples of a wastewater treatment plant and downwind distances in Isfahan [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Havaei, Seyed Asghar
Molecular typing of Iranian mycobacteria isolates by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of 360-bp rpoB gene [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Havaei, Seyed Asghar
Molecular identification of Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from intensive care units and their antimicrobial resistance patterns [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Heidari, Manouchehr
The relationship between carotid artery colour Doppler finding and cerebral oximetry [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Heidari, Morteza
Geranisetron versus gabapentin in preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting after middle ear surgery in adults: A double-blinded randomized clinical trial study [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Heidari Gorji, Mohammad Ali
The effectiveness of lavender essence on strernotomy related pain intensity after coronary artery bypass grafting [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Heidarinejad, Arman
The effect of hydroalcoholic extract from the leaves of Moringa peregrina(Forssk.) Fiori. on blood pressure and oxidative status in dexamethasone-induced hypertensive rats [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Hejazi, Seyed Hossein
Antigenic profile of heat-killed versus thimerosal-treated Leishmania major using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Hejazi, Seyed Hossein
Therapeutic effect of acupuncture in BALB/c model of cutaneous leishmaniasis [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hejazian, Seyed Hassan
The effects of tamoxifen on spatial and nonspatial learning and memory impairments induced by scopolamine and the brain tissues oxidative damage in ovariectomized rats [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Hekmatnia, Ali
A case report of osteochondroma with unusual clinical and imaging presentation [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Hekmatnia, Farzaneh
A case report of osteochondroma with unusual clinical and imaging presentation [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Hemati, Simin
Effect of increase in duration of aprepitant consumption from 3 to 6 days on the prevention of nausea and vomiting in women receiving combination of anthracycline/cyclophosphamide chemotherapy: A randomized, crossover, clinical trial [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hemati, Simin
Morphine mouthwash for the management of oral mucositis in patients with head and neck cancer [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Hematti, Simin
Evaluation of estrogen receptor expression and its relationship with clinicopathologic findings in gastric cancer [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Heshmat, Farnaz
Use of restriction fragment length polymorphism to identify Candida species, related to onychomycosis [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Heshmatipour, Mojtaba
Determining the effect of laser acupuncture in treating stutterers in comparison with speech therapy [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Hiremath, MB
Fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetes in adult [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Hiremath, Murigendra Basayya
Type 2 diabetes mellitus and renal stones [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Hirmanpour, Anahita
Comparison of the effects of colloid preload, vasopressor administration and leg compression on hemodynamic changes during spinal anesthesia for lumbar disc surgery in knee–chest position [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Honarmand, Azim
Prophylactic use of intravenous ondansetron versus ketamine - midazolam combination for prevention of shivering during spinal anesthesia: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Honarmand, Azim
The predicting ability of serum potassium to assess the duration of mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Honarmand, Azim
Preemptive peritonsillar infiltration with bupivacaine in combination with tramadol improves pediatric post-tonsillectomy pain better than using bupivacaine or tramadol alone: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind clinical trial [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Honarmand, Azim
Comparison of five methods in predicting difficult laryngoscopy: Neck circumference, neck circumference to thyromental distance ratio, the ratio of height to thyromental distance, upper lip bite test and Mallampati test [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Honarmand, Azim
Geranisetron versus gabapentin in preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting after middle ear surgery in adults: A double-blinded randomized clinical trial study [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Honarmand, Azim
The effects of different doses of intrathecal meperidine on the incidence and severity of shivering during lower extremity orthopedic surgery under spinal anesthesia: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind-clinical trial [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Hoseini, Akbar
Molecular typing of Brucella species isolates from Human and livestock bloods in Isfahan province [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hoseini, Mohsen
The metabolic syndrome and associated lifestyle factors among the Iranian population [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Hoseini, Shervin Ghaffari
Therapeutic effect of acupuncture in BALB/c model of cutaneous leishmaniasis [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hoseinpour, Mehrdad
Comparative investigation of two surgical techniques of orchiopexy in the post-operative recurrence rate and testicular size in children in clinical trial study [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hosseini, Alireza
Median and ulnar nerve injuries; what causes different repair outcomes? [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hosseini, Alireza
Venous insufficiency after prolonged standing: Is joint hypermobility an important risk factor? [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hosseini, Habibollah
The effect of sevoflurane versus propofol anesthesia on troponin I after congenital heart surgery, a randomized clinical trial [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Hosseini, Hamid
Early and late posttraumatic seizures following traumatic brain injury: A five-year follow-up survival study [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Hosseini, Mahbubeh
Music therapy: An effective approach in improving social skills of children with autism [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Hosseini, Mahmoud
The effects of L-arginine on spatial memory and synaptic plasticity impairments induced by lipopolysaccharide [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Hosseini, Mahmoud
The effects of tamoxifen on spatial and nonspatial learning and memory impairments induced by scopolamine and the brain tissues oxidative damage in ovariectomized rats [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Hosseini, Mohsen
Effect of age on the phenotype of metabolic syndrome in developing country [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hosseini, Nafiseh Sadat
Isolation of toxigenic Clostridium difficile from ready-to-eat salads by multiplex polymerase chain reaction in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hosseini, Sayyed Mohsen
Topical pyruvic acid (70%) versus topical salicylic acid (16.7%) compound in treatment of plantar warts: A randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hosseini, Seyed Reza
Effect of tubeless percutaneous nephrolithotomy on early renal function: Does it deteriorate? [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Hosseini, Seyed Vahid
The early outcome of single-incision versus multi-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Hosseini, Zahra
Nanobiological studies on drug design using molecular mechanic method [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hosseinpour, Mehrdad
Ultrasound-guided percutaneous central venous catheterization in infants: Learning curve and related complications [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Hovsepain, Silva
Efficacy of bromocriptine on glycemic and metabolic control of prediabetic patients [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Ikram, Md.
Formulation and optimization of mucoadhesive buccal patches of losartan potassium by using response surface methodology [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-13]
Imani, Elham Faghih
Association of KCNJ11 (E23K) gene polymorphism with susceptibility to type 2 diabetes in Iranian patients [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Imran, Mohammed
Complementary and alternative medicine iron preparations: A cost-effective, rationale and accessible solution for public health problems [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-2]
Iraj, Bijan
The profile of hypertension and dyslipidemia in prediabetic subjects; results of the Isfahan Diabetes Prevention program: A large population-based study [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Iraji, Fariba
Efficacy of topical azathioprine and betamethasone versus betamethasone-only emollient cream in 2-18 years old patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis: A randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Isfahani, Bahram Nasr
Isolation of toxigenic Clostridium difficile from ready-to-eat salads by multiplex polymerase chain reaction in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Izadi, Morteza
Do pregnant women have a higher risk for venous thromboembolism following air travel? [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Izadi, Shahrokh
Therapeutic effect of acupuncture in BALB/c model of cutaneous leishmaniasis [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Jabalameli, Mitra
Effects of different anesthetic techniques on neurologic and adaptation capacity in newborn with elective cesarean section [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Jabalameli, Mitra
Preventive effect of ilioinguinal nerve block on postoperative pain after cesarean section [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Jabalameli, Mitra
The effect of preemptive pudendal nerve block on pain after anterior and posterior vaginal repair [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Jabbarvand, Mahmoud
Prophylactic effect of topical silica nanoparticles as a novel antineovascularization agent for inhibiting corneal neovascularization following chemical burn [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Jafari, Hamid Reza
Distribution of mediastinal ectopic thymic tissue in patients without thymic disease [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Jafari, Reza
Therapeutic effect of acupuncture in BALB/c model of cutaneous leishmaniasis [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Jafari, Shoja
The relationship of GH and LEP gene polymorphisms with fat-tail measurements (fat-tail dimensions) in fat-tailed Makooei breed of Iranian sheep [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Jafari-Dehkordi, Esmat
Reference range of the weekly uterine cervical length at 8 to 38 weeks of gestation in the center of Iran [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Jafarieh, Minoo
Evaluation of the effect of radiofrequency catheter ablation on autonomic function in patients with atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia by head-up tilt table test [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Jafari-Ghahfarokhi, Hamideh
Small supernumerary marker chromosomes and their correlation with specific syndromes [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Jafari-Koshki, Tohid
Efficacy of topical azathioprine and betamethasone versus betamethasone-only emollient cream in 2-18 years old patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis: A randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Jafary, Leila
Effects of fluoxetine on memory under forced treadmill exercise conditions in male rats [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Jahanzad, Issa
Study of C-MYC amplification and expression in Iranian gastric cancer samples using CISH and IHC methods [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Jalaee, Shohreh
The relationship between hearing aid frequency response and acceptable noise level in patients with sensorineural hearing loss [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Jalali, Mohammad
Isolation of toxigenic Clostridium difficile from ready-to-eat salads by multiplex polymerase chain reaction in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Jali, Mallikarjuna
Type 2 diabetes mellitus and renal stones [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Jali, MV
Fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetes in adult [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Jalili, Cyrus
The effect of time and temperature on viability and performance of Langerhans islets separated from Balb/c mouse after death [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Jalili, Cyrus
The effect of hydroalcoholic extract of P. crispum on sperm parameters, testis tissue and serum nitric oxide levels in mice [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Jalilvand, Hamid
The relationship between hearing aid frequency response and acceptable noise level in patients with sensorineural hearing loss [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Jamali, Raika
Health related quality of life in irritable bowel syndrome patients, Kashan, Iran: A case control study [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Jarahzadeh, Mohammadhossein
Effect of family members' voice on level of consciousness of comatose patients admitted to the intensive care unit: A single-blind randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Javanmard, Shaghayegh Haghjoo
Cytoprotective and antioxidant effects of human lactoferrin against H2O2-induced oxidative stress in human umbilical vein endothelial cells [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Javanmard, Shaghayegh Haghjoo
The effect of hydroalcoholic extract from the leaves of Moringa peregrina(Forssk.) Fiori. on blood pressure and oxidative status in dexamethasone-induced hypertensive rats [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Javanmard, Shaghayegh Haghjooy
Yoga intervention on blood NO in female migraineurs [Volume 2015, December, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Javanmard, Shaghayegh Haghjooy
The effect of Kisspeptin-10 on mesenchymal stem cells migration in vitro and in vivo [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Javanmard, Shaghayegh Haghjooy
Fabrication and characterization of biodegradable polymeric films as a corneal stroma substitute [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Javanmard, Shaghayegh Haghjooy
Low levels of tissue factor pathway inhibitor increase the risk of cerebral venous thrombosis [Volume 2015, January, 2015]
Javdan, Mohammad
A case report of osteochondroma with unusual clinical and imaging presentation [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Javdan, Zahra
The predicting ability of serum potassium to assess the duration of mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Jazini, Ali
Is the ligation of hernial sac necessary in herniotomy for children? A randomized controlled trial of evaluating surgical complications and duration [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Jokar, Saman
Evaluation of relationship between breast cancer and migraine [Volume 2015, January, 2015]
Jokar, Zahra
Role of endothelin-1 antagonist; bosentan, against cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in male and female rats [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Juyal, Deepak
Mobile phones: Reservoirs for the transmission of nosocomial pathogens [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Jyothi, Parameswarappa
Correlation of serological markers and platelet count in the diagnosis of Dengue virus infection [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Kabiri, Majid
Evaluation of the outcomes of corneal collagen cross-linking in progressive keratoconic eyes [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Kaghazian, Hooman
Investigation of purification process stresses on erythropoietin peptide mapping profile [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Kakaei, Sahar
Investigating the effect of hydro-alcoholic extract of Salix aegyptiaca on anxiety in male rat [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Kalantari, Elham
Case report of the bronchioloalveolar carcinoma [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Kalantari, Hamid
Fecal calprotectin is a useful marker to diagnose ulcerative colitis from irritable bowel syndrome [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Kamali, Ali
Collagen cross-linking effect on progressive keratoconus in patients younger than 18 years of age: A clinical trial [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Kamali, Ali
Silver nitrate versus tetracycline in pleurodesis for malignant pleural effusions; a prospective randomized trial [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Kamali, Atefeh Sadat
Pulsed dye laser and topical timolol gel versus Pulse dye laser in treatment of infantile hemangioma: A double-blind randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Kamali, Sara
A comparison of cell-free placental messenger ribonucleic acid and color Doppler ultrasound for the prediction of placental invasion in patients with placenta accreta [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Kambar, Sanjay
Fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetes in adult [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Karam, Mehdi
Agreement between static magnetic resonance urography and diuretic renal scintigraphy in patients with ureteropelvic junction obstruction after pyeloplasty [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Karami, Mahdi
Prevalence of different hip sonographic types: A cross-sectional study [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Karami, Mehdi
Transocular Doppler and optic nerve sheath diameter monitoring to detect intracranial hypertension [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Karami, Mehdi
The evaluation and comparison of kidney length obtained from axial cuts in spiral CT scan with its true length [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Kargar, Ali
Molecular typing of Brucella species isolates from Human and livestock bloods in Isfahan province [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Kargar, Neda
Collagen cross-linking effect on progressive keratoconus in patients younger than 18 years of age: A clinical trial [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Karimi, Sareh
The effects of tamoxifen on spatial and nonspatial learning and memory impairments induced by scopolamine and the brain tissues oxidative damage in ovariectomized rats [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Karimi, Zeinab
Evaluation of the proliferation and viability rates of nucleus pulposus cells of human intervertebral disk in fabricated chitosan-gelatin scaffolds by freeze drying and freeze gelation methods [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Karimi, Zeinab
A novel combined method for cost-benefit production of DNA ladders [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Karimipour, Mohammad
Neuroprotective effects of Rosa damascena extract on learning and memory in a rat model of amyloid-β-induced Alzheimer`s disease [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-10]
Karkhane, Reza
Thermoanalytical characterization of clindamycin-loaded intravitreal implants prepared by hot melt extrusion [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Karkhane, Reza
Design and development of intraocular polymeric implant systems for long-term controlled-release of clindamycin phosphate for toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-12]
Kashefi, Parviz
Prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting with a subhypnotic dose of Propofol in patients undergoing lower abdominal surgery: A prospective, randomized, double-blind study [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Kashefi, Parviz
Comparison of the efficacy of nebulized budesonide and intravenous dexamethasone administration before extubation in prevention of post-extubation complications among patients admitted in intensive care unit [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Kassaian, Nazila
The prevalence of isolated hepatitis B core antibody and its related risk factors among male injected drug users in Isfahan prisons [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Katirji, Bashar
The Schwartz-Jampel syndrome: Case report and review of literature [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Katirji, Bashar
Practical approach to electrodiagnosis of the carpal tunnel syndrome: A review [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Kaur, Anudeep
Current status and patent prospective of animal models in diabetic research [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-14]
Kaur, Rajveer
Blood transfusion safety: A study of adverse reactions at the blood bank of a tertiary care center [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Kaur, Ramandeep
Current status and patent prospective of animal models in diabetic research [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-14]
Kaur, Tanurajvir
Current status and patent prospective of animal models in diabetic research [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-14]
Kazemi, Mohammad
Changes of neural markers expression during late neurogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Kazemi, Mohammad
Effects of doxepin on brain-derived neurotrophic factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, mitogen-activated protein kinase 14, and AKT1 genes expression in rat hippocampus [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Kazemi, Mohammad
Specific TaqMan allelic discrimination assay for rs1477196 and rs9939609 single nucleotide polymorphisms of FTO gene demonstrated that there is no association between these SNPs and risk of breast cancer in Iranian women [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Kazemi, Mohammad
Expression of prostaglandin I2 (prostacyclin) receptor in blood of migraine patients: A potential biomarker [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Kazemi, Mohammad
Annexin V FITC conjugated as a radiation toxicity indicator in lymphocytes following radiation overexposure in radiotherapy programs [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Kazemi, Mostafa
The effects of unripe grape extract on systemic blood pressure and serum levels of superoxide dismutase, malondialdehyde and nitric oxide in rat [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Kazemi, Sima
Conventional, molecular methods and biomarkers molecules in detection of septicemia [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-10]
Kazemisaleh, Davood
Do pregnant women have a higher risk for venous thromboembolism following air travel? [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Keivandarian, Noushin
Effect of omega-3 supplementation on inflammatory parameters in patients on chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Kelishadi, Roya
Absence of association between −286C>A>T polymorphism in the CRP gene and metabolic syndrome in Iranian pediatric [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Kelishadi, Roya
Circadian type, chronic fatigue, and serum IgM in the shift workers of an industrial organization [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Kelishadi, Roya
Persistence of endothelial cell damage late after Kawasaki disease in patients without coronary artery complications [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Kermani, Ali Taghizadeh
Evaluation of estrogen receptor expression and its relationship with clinicopathologic findings in gastric cancer [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Keshtkar, Mohammad
Does nitrogen gas bubbled through a low density polymer gel dosimeter solution affect the polymerization process? [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Khajehamedi, Zohreh
Protective effects of forced exercise against methylphenidate-induced anxiety, depression and cognition impairment in rat [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Khajouei, Amir Sajjadieh
Comparison of the accuracy of cardiac computed tomography angiography and transthoracic echocardiography in the diagnosis of mitral valve prolapse [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Khalaj, Zahra
Brain tumors: Special characters for research and banking [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Khaledifar, Arsalan
The metabolic syndrome and associated lifestyle factors among the Iranian population [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Khaleghian, Malihea
Study of C-MYC amplification and expression in Iranian gastric cancer samples using CISH and IHC methods [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Khaleghipour, Shahnaz
Circadian type, chronic fatigue, and serum IgM in the shift workers of an industrial organization [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Khalesi, Somayeh
Comparing right ventricular function and pulmonary artery pressure before and shortly after hemodialysis in patients with end-stage renal disease [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Khalighinejad, Farnaz
Geranisetron versus gabapentin in preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting after middle ear surgery in adults: A double-blinded randomized clinical trial study [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Khalighinejad, Pooyan
Changes in blood glucose level during and after light sedations using propofol-fentanyl and midazolam-fentanyl in diabetic patients who underwent cataract surgery [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Khalil, Rehab O
A study of blood serotonin and serotonin transporter promoter variant (5-HTTLPR) polymorphism in Egyptian autistic children [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Khalili, Behrang
Mismanagement of a hypochondriacal patient [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Khalilzade, Saied Hossein
Efficacy of bromocriptine on glycemic and metabolic control of prediabetic patients [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Khamesipour, Ali
Antigenic profile of heat-killed versus thimerosal-treated Leishmania major using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Khan, Hamza Hassan
Rolipram: Eotaxin and phosphodiesterase IV inhibitor versus bronchial hyper-reactivity response [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-1]
Khanahmad, Hossein
Design and expression of fusion protein consists of HBsAg and Polyepitope of HCV as an HCV potential vaccine [Volume 2015, october, 2015]
Khanahmad, Hossein
Pitfalls in molecular diagnosis of 21-hydroxylase deficiency in congenital adrenal hyperplasia [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Khanahmad, Hossein
A novel combined method for cost-benefit production of DNA ladders [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Khanahmad, Hossein
Evaluation of cellular responses for a chimeric HBsAg-HCV core DNA vaccine in BALB/c mice [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Khan Niazi, Asfandyar
Rolipram: Eotaxin and phosphodiesterase IV inhibitor versus bronchial hyper-reactivity response [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-1]
Khatoonabadi, Seyyed Ahmad Reza
Comparison of emotional and non-emotional word repetitions in patients with aphasia [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Khavary, Zohre
Anxiety determinants in mothers of children with congenital heart diseases undergoing cardiac surgery [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Khayyatzadeh, Sayyed Saeid
Dietary intake of Zinc, serum levels of Zinc and risk of gastric cancer: A review of studies [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Khazaei, Majid
Serum inflammatory markers in obese mice: Effect of ghrelin [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Khazaei, Mehdi
Comparison of five methods in predicting difficult laryngoscopy: Neck circumference, neck circumference to thyromental distance ratio, the ratio of height to thyromental distance, upper lip bite test and Mallampati test [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Kheiri, Soleiman
Serum ferritin has correlation with HbA1c in type 2 diabetic patients [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Kheirollahi, Majid
Expression of ZFX gene correlated with the central features of the neoplastic phenotype in human brain tumors with distinct phenotypes [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Kheirollahi, Majid
Expression of prostaglandin I2 (prostacyclin) receptor in blood of migraine patients: A potential biomarker [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Kheirollahi, Majid
Annexin V FITC conjugated as a radiation toxicity indicator in lymphocytes following radiation overexposure in radiotherapy programs [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Kheirollahi, Majid
Brain tumors: Special characters for research and banking [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Khodadadi, Emad
Cloning and expression of full-length human insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP3) in the Escherichia coli [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Khodadadi, Hesam-al-din
Comparison the results of two different vestibular system surgery in patients with persistent Meniere's disease [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Khodadadi, Hesam-al-din
Does working in hospital increases seroprevalence and carrier state against Bordetella pertussis? [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Khodadoostan, Mahsa
Effects of cumin on nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: A double blind, randomised, controlled trial [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Khodaee, Sepideh
Autologous blood reservation is vital for pregnant patient with intermediate thalassemia [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-1]
Khorvash, Elahe
A comparison of cell-free placental messenger ribonucleic acid and color Doppler ultrasound for the prediction of placental invasion in patients with placenta accreta [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Khorvash, Fariborz
Expression of prostaglandin I2 (prostacyclin) receptor in blood of migraine patients: A potential biomarker [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Khorvash, Farzin
Does working in hospital increases seroprevalence and carrier state against Bordetella pertussis? [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Khoshhali, Mehri
The influence of impact delivery mode, lactation time, infant gender, maternal age and rural or urban life on total number of Lactobacillus in breast milk Isfahan - Iran [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Khoshhali, Mehri
Anthropometric predictive equations for estimating body composition [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Khosravani, Parastoo
Topical pyruvic acid (70%) versus topical salicylic acid (16.7%) compound in treatment of plantar warts: A randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Khosravi, Alireza
The metabolic syndrome and associated lifestyle factors among the Iranian population [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Khosravi, Mehrnoush
Maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality rate in caesarean section and vaginal delivery [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Khosravi-Boroujeni, Hossein
The metabolic syndrome and associated lifestyle factors among the Iranian population [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Khosravizadeh, Parvaneh
Comparison of emotional and non-emotional word repetitions in patients with aphasia [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Khosravizadeh, Zahra
Changes of neural markers expression during late neurogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Khosrawi, Saeid
Clinical utility of residual latency in ulnar neuropathy at elbow: Is there any correlation? [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Khushabi, Maral
Collagen cross-linking effect on progressive keratoconus in patients younger than 18 years of age: A clinical trial [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Kiaei, Babak Ali
Precalcitonin and C-reactive protein as markers in response to antibiotic treatment in ventilator-associated pneumonia in intensive care unit-hospitalized patients [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Kianersi, Kianoosh
Comparison of gene expression of SOX2 and OCT4 in normal tissue, polyps, and colon adenocarcinoma using immunohistochemical staining [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Kiani, Ali
Annexin V FITC conjugated as a radiation toxicity indicator in lymphocytes following radiation overexposure in radiotherapy programs [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Kianmehr, Anvarsadat
In silico design and analysis of a new hyperglycosylated analog of erythropoietin to improve drug efficacy [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Kini Rao, Anuradha Calicut
Toxic epidermal necrolysis in hemodialysis patient [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Kohmanaee, Shahin
Pure gonadal dysgenesis (46 XX type) with a familial pattern [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Kolahdouz, Mahsa
Pitfalls in molecular diagnosis of 21-hydroxylase deficiency in congenital adrenal hyperplasia [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Kolahdouz, Mahsa
Expression of prostaglandin I2 (prostacyclin) receptor in blood of migraine patients: A potential biomarker [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Kolahdouz, Parisa
Pitfalls in molecular diagnosis of 21-hydroxylase deficiency in congenital adrenal hyperplasia [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Kolahi, Leila
An investigation of the rate of cyclooxygenase-2 expression on the surface of adenomatous and colorectal adenocarcinoma polyps [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Kolahi, Leila
The relationship between quality of life and coping strategies in polycystic ovary syndrome patients [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Komaki, Alireza
Investigating the effect of hydro-alcoholic extract of Salix aegyptiaca on anxiety in male rat [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Koohi, Kaveh
Prevalence of different hip sonographic types: A cross-sectional study [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Koulivand, Leila
Expression of prostaglandin I2 (prostacyclin) receptor in blood of migraine patients: A potential biomarker [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Koushki, Ali Mehrabi
Does working in hospital increases seroprevalence and carrier state against Bordetella pertussis? [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Kumar, Ajay
In silico prediction of B- and T- cell epitope on Lassa virus proteins for peptide based subunit vaccine design [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Kumar, Simit
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia: Complicating treatment of ESBL UTI [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Kumar, Suresh
Isolated abdominal wall metastasis from renal cell carcinoma: Unusual presentation [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Kurdistani, Zana Karimi
Distribution of cytokine gene single nucleotide polymorphisms among a multi-ethnic Iranian population [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Kuriakose, Santhosh
Histomorphometric effects of gemcitabine on Swiss albino mice spermatogenesis [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Lalazaryan, Anasik
How health information is received by diabetic patients? [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Liddle, Dootika
Ideal anesthetic agents for day-care gynecological procedures: A clinical trial comparing thiopentone with ketamine as adjuncts to propofol [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Liehr, Thomas
Small supernumerary marker chromosomes and their correlation with specific syndromes [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Macharla, Ramyasri
Risk factor assessment of stroke and its awareness among stroke survivors: A prospective study [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Madani, Golnoush
The influence of impact delivery mode, lactation time, infant gender, maternal age and rural or urban life on total number of Lactobacillus in breast milk Isfahan - Iran [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Madole, Mahesh Basavaraj
Study of oxidants and antioxidants in patients of acute myocardial infarction [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Maghsoudi, Zahra
Dietary intake of Zinc, serum levels of Zinc and risk of gastric cancer: A review of studies [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mahaki, Behzad
Comparing right ventricular function and pulmonary artery pressure before and shortly after hemodialysis in patients with end-stage renal disease [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Mahdavi, Amir Hossein
Development of hen antihepatitis B antigen IgY-based conjugate for ELISA assay [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Mahdavi, Leila
The effect of sevoflurane versus propofol anesthesia on troponin I after congenital heart surgery, a randomized clinical trial [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Mahdavi, Mehdi
Evaluation of cellular responses for a chimeric HBsAg-HCV core DNA vaccine in BALB/c mice [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Mahdavi, Sadegh Baradaran
Herpes zoster segmental paresis in an immunocompromised breast cancer woman [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mahmoodi, Mohsen
Therapeutic effect of acupuncture in BALB/c model of cutaneous leishmaniasis [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mahmoodi Bakhtiari, Behrooz
Comparison of emotional and non-emotional word repetitions in patients with aphasia [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Mahmoodnia, Leila
Sleep apnea syndrome and restless legs syndrome in kidney transplant recipients [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Mahmoudi, Farhad
Herpes zoster segmental paresis in an immunocompromised breast cancer woman [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mahmoudi, Maryam
Mismanagement of a hypochondriacal patient [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Mahoori, Alireza
Comparing the effect of intravenous dexamethasone, intravenous ondansetron, and their combination on nausea and vomiting in cesarean section with spinal anesthesia [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Mahoori, Alireza
Comparison the effects of paracetamol with sufentanil infusion on postoperative pain control after craniotomy in patients with brain tumor [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Mahzouni, Parvin
Brain tumors: Special characters for research and banking [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-9]
M Aiyar, Chandrashekhar
Study of oxidants and antioxidants in patients of acute myocardial infarction [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Malekpour, Alireza
Agreement between static magnetic resonance urography and diuretic renal scintigraphy in patients with ureteropelvic junction obstruction after pyeloplasty [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Mansoori, Yaser
Significance of a common variant in the CDKAL1 gene with susceptibility to type 2 diabetes mellitus in Iranian population [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Manssori, Nayereh Siyah
Persistence of endothelial cell damage late after Kawasaki disease in patients without coronary artery complications [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mansurian, Marjan
Therapeutic effect of acupuncture in BALB/c model of cutaneous leishmaniasis [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Maracy, Mohammad
The effect of add-on memantine on global function and quality of life in schizophrenia: A randomized, double-blind, controlled, clinical trial [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Maracy, Mohammad
Hippocampal volume and hippocampal angle (a more practical marker) in mild cognitive impairment: A case-control magnetic resonance imaging study [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Marandi, Seyed Mohamad
Yoga intervention on blood NO in female migraineurs [Volume 2015, December, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Mardani, Mohammad
Neuroprotective effects of Rosa damascena extract on learning and memory in a rat model of amyloid-β-induced Alzheimer`s disease [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-10]
Mardani, Mohammad
Neurotrophic factors and their effects in the treatment of multiple sclerosis [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Mardanian, Farahnaz
Effects of aerobic exercise on plasma lipoproteins in overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Martha, Srinivas
Risk factor assessment of stroke and its awareness among stroke survivors: A prospective study [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Masjedi, Mohsen
Circadian type, chronic fatigue, and serum IgM in the shift workers of an industrial organization [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Masoud Marandi, Sayyed Mohammad
Iranian-Islamic traditional medicine: An ancient comprehensive personalized medicine [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Mateti, Uday Venkat
Risk factor assessment of stroke and its awareness among stroke survivors: A prospective study [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Mateti, Uday Venkat
Toxic epidermal necrolysis in hemodialysis patient [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Matini, Mohammad
Interleukin-4 receptor alpha T1432C and A1652G polymorphisms are associated with risk of visceral leishmaniasis [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Matini, Mohammad
Health related quality of life in irritable bowel syndrome patients, Kashan, Iran: A case control study [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mazaheri, Safoora
Effect of Γ-aminobutyric acid on kidney injury induced by renal ischemia-reperfusion in male and female rats: Gender-related difference [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Mazdak, Hamid
Agreement between static magnetic resonance urography and diuretic renal scintigraphy in patients with ureteropelvic junction obstruction after pyeloplasty [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Meamar, Rokhsareh
Evaluation of the circulating CD34 + , CD309 + , and endothelial progenitor cells in patients with first attack of optic neuritis [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Meamar, Rokhsareh
Can we define severity of carpal tunnel syndrome by ultrasound? [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Meamar, Rokhsareh
'Cuff Sign' a new maneuver for decision-making in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Meamar, Rokhsareh
Frontotemporal dementia parkinsonism: Clinical findings in a large Iranian family [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Meguid, Nagwa A
A study of blood serotonin and serotonin transporter promoter variant (5-HTTLPR) polymorphism in Egyptian autistic children [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mehdipour, Shima
The effect of medial prefrontal cortex electrical stimulation on passive avoidance memory in healthy and addict rats [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mehr, Asieh Maghami
The relationship between quality of life and coping strategies in polycystic ovary syndrome patients [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Mehrzad, Mansour
A case report of osteochondroma with unusual clinical and imaging presentation [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Mehta, Vandana
Peripheral communications of intercostobrachial nerve Peripheral communications of the intercostobrachial nerve in relation to the alar thoracic artery [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Meidani, Mohsen
Purified protein derivative test and its booster phenomenon in patients with rheumatoid arthritis [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Meidani, Mohsen
Morphine mouthwash for the management of oral mucositis in patients with head and neck cancer [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Memarnejadian, Arash
Design and expression of fusion protein consists of HBsAg and Polyepitope of HCV as an HCV potential vaccine [Volume 2015, october, 2015]
Memarnejadian, Arash
Evaluation of cellular responses for a chimeric HBsAg-HCV core DNA vaccine in BALB/c mice [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Memarzade, Mehrdad
Ultrasound-guided percutaneous central venous catheterization in infants: Learning curve and related complications [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Memarzadeh, Mehrdad
Comparative investigation of two surgical techniques of orchiopexy in the post-operative recurrence rate and testicular size in children in clinical trial study [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Meshkinfar, Shirin
Purified protein derivative test and its booster phenomenon in patients with rheumatoid arthritis [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Minaiyan, Mohsen
A histomorphometric study of the effect of doxycycline and erythromycin on bone formation in dental alveolar socket of rat [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Minakari, Mohammad
A comparative study of one minute versus five seconds endoscopic biliary balloon dilation after small sphincterotomy in choleducolithiasis [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Miraj, Sepideh
Survey of the detoxification effect of green tea extract on the reproductive system in rats exposed to lead acetate [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Mirhosseini, Seyyed Mohammad Mahdy
Mismanagement of a hypochondriacal patient [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Mirian, Mina
Investigation of Astragalus honey and propolis extract's cytotoxic effect on two human cancer cell lines and their oncogen and proapoptotic gene expression profiles [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Mirlohi, Maryam
The influence of impact delivery mode, lactation time, infant gender, maternal age and rural or urban life on total number of Lactobacillus in breast milk Isfahan - Iran [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Mirlohi, Maryam
Isolation of toxigenic Clostridium difficile from ready-to-eat salads by multiplex polymerase chain reaction in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mirzaee, Seyyed Abbas
Detection of Legionella spp. by a nested-PCR assay in air samples of a wastewater treatment plant and downwind distances in Isfahan [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Mirzaei, Masoud
Evaluation of the effect of radiofrequency catheter ablation on autonomic function in patients with atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia by head-up tilt table test [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mirzaei, Mohammadreza
The relationship between quality of life and coping strategies in polycystic ovary syndrome patients [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Mirzahoseini, Hasan
Stability and biological activity evaluations of PEGylated human basic fibroblast growth factor [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
M Jali, Sujata
Fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetes in adult [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Moayedi Esfahani, Behjat Al-Sadat
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin decrease expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor in peripheral lymphocyte of β-thalassemia major patients [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Moazen, Fatemeh
Association of KCNJ11 (E23K) gene polymorphism with susceptibility to type 2 diabetes in Iranian patients [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Moeini, Maryam
Role of nitric oxide in kidney and liver (as distance organ) function in bilateral renal ischemia-reperfusion: Effect of L-Arginine and NG-nitro-L-Arginine methyl ester [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Moeini, Maryam
Role of endothelin-1 antagonist; bosentan, against cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in male and female rats [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Moeinzadeh, Firouzeh
Effect of omega-3 supplementation on inflammatory parameters in patients on chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Moezi, Mehdi
Scaphoid nonunion fracture and results of the modified Matti-Russe technique [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mofid, Mohammad Reza
Easy method for production of a home-made DNA ladder in every laboratory [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Moghaddam, Reza Nafisi
The relationship between carotid artery colour Doppler finding and cerebral oximetry [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Moghim, Sharareh
Molecular typing of Iranian mycobacteria isolates by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of 360-bp rpoB gene [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Moghim, Sharareh
Molecular identification of Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from intensive care units and their antimicrobial resistance patterns [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Moghim, Sharareh
Acute flaccid paralysis surveillance: A 6 years study, Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Moghoofeie, Mohsen
Molecular detection of metallo-β-lactamase gene blaVIM-1 in imipenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from hospitalized patients in the hospitals of Isfahan [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mohaghegh, Mohammad Reza
Supratentorial cortical ependymoma: An unusual presentation of a rare tumor [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Mohajerani, Nazanin
Distribution of cytokine gene single nucleotide polymorphisms among a multi-ethnic Iranian population [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Mohamadianpanah, Mohamad
Effect of increase in duration of aprepitant consumption from 3 to 6 days on the prevention of nausea and vomiting in women receiving combination of anthracycline/cyclophosphamide chemotherapy: A randomized, crossover, clinical trial [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mohammadi, Hamid Shahbaz
In silico design and analysis of a new hyperglycosylated analog of erythropoietin to improve drug efficacy [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mohammadi, Marjan
Distribution of cytokine gene single nucleotide polymorphisms among a multi-ethnic Iranian population [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Mohammadi, Rasoul
Use of restriction fragment length polymorphism to identify Candida species, related to onychomycosis [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mohammadi, Zahra
Pitfalls in molecular diagnosis of 21-hydroxylase deficiency in congenital adrenal hyperplasia [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mohammadi, Zahra
Comparison of the findings of endothelial specular microscopy before and after corneal cross-linking [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mohammadian-Sichani, Maryam
The effect of add-on memantine on global function and quality of life in schizophrenia: A randomized, double-blind, controlled, clinical trial [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mohammadifard, Noushin
Effect of self-care education on lifestyle modification, medication adherence and blood pressure in hypertensive adults: Randomized controlled clinical trial [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mohammadinia, Mohadeseh
Evaluation of the outcomes of corneal collagen cross-linking in progressive keratoconic eyes [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mohammadnejad, Daryoush
Neuroprotective effects of Rosa damascena extract on learning and memory in a rat model of amyloid-β-induced Alzheimer`s disease [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-10]
Mohammadpour, Mehrdad
Prophylactic effect of topical silica nanoparticles as a novel antineovascularization agent for inhibiting corneal neovascularization following chemical burn [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Mohammadsadeqie, Sara
Prophylactic use of intravenous ondansetron versus ketamine - midazolam combination for prevention of shivering during spinal anesthesia: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Mohebat, Leili
Annexin V FITC conjugated as a radiation toxicity indicator in lymphocytes following radiation overexposure in radiotherapy programs [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Mohseni, Mohammad Ghasem
Effect of tubeless percutaneous nephrolithotomy on early renal function: Does it deteriorate? [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Mojaver, Mahboobeh
Specific TaqMan allelic discrimination assay for rs1477196 and rs9939609 single nucleotide polymorphisms of FTO gene demonstrated that there is no association between these SNPs and risk of breast cancer in Iranian women [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mokarian, Fariborz
Specific TaqMan allelic discrimination assay for rs1477196 and rs9939609 single nucleotide polymorphisms of FTO gene demonstrated that there is no association between these SNPs and risk of breast cancer in Iranian women [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mokhtari, Fatemeh
Pulsed dye laser and topical timolol gel versus Pulse dye laser in treatment of infantile hemangioma: A double-blind randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Mokhtari, Fatemeh
Efficacy of topical azathioprine and betamethasone versus betamethasone-only emollient cream in 2-18 years old patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis: A randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Mokhtari, Mojgan
Does working in hospital increases seroprevalence and carrier state against Bordetella pertussis? [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Mokhtari, Mozhgan
Evaluation of the prevalence of herpes simplex-1 infection in oral squamous cell carcinoma specimens in Alzahra and Kashani Hospitals with polymerase chain reaction method in 2012-2013 [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Mokhtary, Forough
Effects of different anesthetic techniques on neurologic and adaptation capacity in newborn with elective cesarean section [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Molavi, Safieh
Comparing right ventricular function and pulmonary artery pressure before and shortly after hemodialysis in patients with end-stage renal disease [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Mollanoori, Yaser
Cytoprotective and antioxidant effects of human lactoferrin against H2O2-induced oxidative stress in human umbilical vein endothelial cells [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Momeni, Ali
Serum ferritin has correlation with HbA1c in type 2 diabetic patients [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Monajemi, Ramesh
Effect of Γ-aminobutyric acid on kidney injury induced by renal ischemia-reperfusion in male and female rats: Gender-related difference [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Montazeri, Hamed
Divergent behavior of cyclin E and its low molecular weight isoforms to progesterone-induced growth inhibition in MCF-7 cells [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Montazeri, Kamran
Increase in intraocular pressure is less with propofol and remifentanil than isoflurane with remifentanil during cataract surgery: A randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Mood, Nastaran Eizadi
Comparison of capillary and venous blood glucose levels using glucometer and laboratory blood glucose level in poisoned patients being in coma [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Moradi, Azam
Evaluation of relationship between breast cancer and migraine [Volume 2015, January, 2015]
Moradi, Daryoush
Precalcitonin and C-reactive protein as markers in response to antibiotic treatment in ventilator-associated pneumonia in intensive care unit-hospitalized patients [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Moradi, Maryam
Comparison of the accuracy of cardiac computed tomography angiography and transthoracic echocardiography in the diagnosis of mitral valve prolapse [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Moradi, Reyhaneh
Antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic effects of hydroalcoholic extract of Securigera securidaca seeds in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Moradi-Chaleshtori, Maryam
Small supernumerary marker chromosomes and their correlation with specific syndromes [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Moravveji, Alireza
Health related quality of life in irritable bowel syndrome patients, Kashan, Iran: A case control study [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mortaz, Esmaeil
Comparison of antibacterial activities of cadmium oxide nanoparticles against Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Staphylococcus Aureus bacteria [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Mortazavi, Mojgan
The investigation of correlation between Iminoral concentration and neurotoxic levels after kidney transplantation [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Moshayedi, Mona
Fabrication and characterization of biodegradable polymeric films as a corneal stroma substitute [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Moshkani-Farahani, Maryam
Do pregnant women have a higher risk for venous thromboembolism following air travel? [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Moshtaghion, Hossein
The relationship between carotid artery colour Doppler finding and cerebral oximetry [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Moshtaghioon, Syed Hossein
The effect of sevoflurane versus propofol anesthesia on troponin I after congenital heart surgery, a randomized clinical trial [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Moslemi, Fatemeh
The effect of an specific inducible NO synthase inhibitor, S-methylisothiourea hemisulfate on cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity; gender-related differences [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mossahebimohammadi, Majid
Tumor necrosis factor-α inhibits effects of aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligands on cell death in human lymphocytes [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mostaan, Saied
A novel combined method for cost-benefit production of DNA ladders [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Mostaejeran, Fatemeh
Evaluation of antimullerian hormone levels before and after laparoscopic management of endometriosis [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Mostafaie, Shayan
Pulsed dye laser and topical timolol gel versus Pulse dye laser in treatment of infantile hemangioma: A double-blind randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Mostafavi, Nasser
Persistence of endothelial cell damage late after Kawasaki disease in patients without coronary artery complications [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mostafavi, S Abolfazl
Design and development of intraocular polymeric implant systems for long-term controlled-release of clindamycin phosphate for toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-12]
Mostafavi, Seyed Abolfazl
Thermoanalytical characterization of clindamycin-loaded intravitreal implants prepared by hot melt extrusion [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Motaghinejad, Majid
Protective effects of forced exercise against methylphenidate-induced anxiety, depression and cognition impairment in rat [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Motevalian, Manijeh
Protective effects of forced exercise against methylphenidate-induced anxiety, depression and cognition impairment in rat [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Motevalli, Fatemeh
Design and expression of fusion protein consists of HBsAg and Polyepitope of HCV as an HCV potential vaccine [Volume 2015, october, 2015]
Motevalli, Fatemeh
Evaluation of cellular responses for a chimeric HBsAg-HCV core DNA vaccine in BALB/c mice [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Motififard, Mehdi
Causes and rates of revision total knee arthroplasty: Local results from Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Motififard, Mehdi
Scaphoid nonunion fracture and results of the modified Matti-Russe technique [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mottaghi, Peyman
Venous insufficiency after prolonged standing: Is joint hypermobility an important risk factor? [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mottaghi Shahri, Mohammad Hossein
Evaluation of estrogen receptor expression and its relationship with clinicopathologic findings in gastric cancer [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Moukhah, Rasul
A novel combined method for cost-benefit production of DNA ladders [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Moukhah, Somayeh
Comparing the effect of oral and vaginal isosorbide dinitrate in pre-induction cervical ripening in term pregnancy: A controlled clinical trial [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Mousavi, Maryam
Nanobiological studies on drug design using molecular mechanic method [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Mousavi, Seyed Masoud
Conventional, molecular methods and biomarkers molecules in detection of septicemia [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-10]
Movassaghpour, Ali Akbar
Isolation of granulosa cells from follicular fluid; applications in biomedical and molecular biology experiments [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Movassaghpour, Ali Akbar
Evaluation of relationship between serum levels of anti-müllerian hormone, androgen, and insulin resistant with retrieval oocytes in overweight patients with polycystic ovary syndrome [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Mozhgani, Seyed
A novel combined method for cost-benefit production of DNA ladders [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Nabavi, BiBi Fatemeh
Detection of Legionella spp. by a nested-PCR assay in air samples of a wastewater treatment plant and downwind distances in Isfahan [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Naderi, Tahere
The effect of hydroalcoholic extract of P. crispum on sperm parameters, testis tissue and serum nitric oxide levels in mice [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Naeini, Alireza Emami
Does working in hospital increases seroprevalence and carrier state against Bordetella pertussis? [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Naeini, Alireza Emami
Acute flaccid paralysis surveillance: A 6 years study, Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Naeini, Alireza Emami
Comparing the APACHE II score and IBM-10 score for predicting mortality in patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Naeini, Alireza Emami
The prevalence of isolated hepatitis B core antibody and its related risk factors among male injected drug users in Isfahan prisons [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Naeini, Sahar Emami
Does working in hospital increases seroprevalence and carrier state against Bordetella pertussis? [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Nafea, Najat Muayed
Development of hen antihepatitis B antigen IgY-based conjugate for ELISA assay [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Nafisi-Moghadam, Reza
Elimination of routine chest radiographs following off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery: A randomized controlled trial study [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Nagappa, Anantha Naik
Toxic epidermal necrolysis in hemodialysis patient [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Nagaraju, Shankar Prasad
Toxic epidermal necrolysis in hemodialysis patient [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Naghani, Elmira Akbari
Protective effects of Echium amoenum Fisch. and C.A. Mey. against cerebral ischemia in the rats [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Naghashian, Hamed
Music therapy: An effective approach in improving social skills of children with autism [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Naghibi, Khosro
Changes in blood glucose level during and after light sedations using propofol-fentanyl and midazolam-fentanyl in diabetic patients who underwent cataract surgery [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Naghibi, Khosrou
Preemptive peritonsillar infiltration with bupivacaine in combination with tramadol improves pediatric post-tonsillectomy pain better than using bupivacaine or tramadol alone: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind clinical trial [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Naghibi, Khosrou
Prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting with a subhypnotic dose of Propofol in patients undergoing lower abdominal surgery: A prospective, randomized, double-blind study [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Naghizadeh, Mohammad Mehdi
Significance of a common variant in the CDKAL1 gene with susceptibility to type 2 diabetes mellitus in Iranian population [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Naghsh, Narges
A histomorphometric study of the effect of doxycycline and erythromycin on bone formation in dental alveolar socket of rat [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Naghsh, Nooshin
Effects of fluoxetine on memory under forced treadmill exercise conditions in male rats [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Naghsh, Nooshin
Sub-chronic toxicity of gold nanoparticles in male mice [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Naghshineh, Elham
Preventive effect of ilioinguinal nerve block on postoperative pain after cesarean section [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Naghshineh, Elham
A comparison of cell-free placental messenger ribonucleic acid and color Doppler ultrasound for the prediction of placental invasion in patients with placenta accreta [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Naini, Afsoon Emami
Sleep apnea syndrome and restless legs syndrome in kidney transplant recipients [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Naini, Afsoon Emami
Effect of omega-3 supplementation on inflammatory parameters in patients on chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Najafi, Mohammad Amin
Early and late posttraumatic seizures following traumatic brain injury: A five-year follow-up survival study [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Najafi, Mohammad Reza
Early and late posttraumatic seizures following traumatic brain injury: A five-year follow-up survival study [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Najafi, Mohammad-Reza
The investigation of correlation between Iminoral concentration and neurotoxic levels after kidney transplantation [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Najafian, Jamshid
Comparing right ventricular function and pulmonary artery pressure before and shortly after hemodialysis in patients with end-stage renal disease [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Najarzadegan, Mohammad Reza
Comparing cardiovascular factors in opium abusers and non-users candidate for coronary artery bypass graft surgery [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Naji, Homayoun
Iranian-Islamic traditional medicine: An ancient comprehensive personalized medicine [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Namayandeh, Syedeh Mahdieh
Anxiety determinants in mothers of children with congenital heart diseases undergoing cardiac surgery [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Namazi, Mohammad Reza
What is the important practical implication of detecting decreased G6PD levels in vitiligo? [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-2]
Namjoo, Abdul Rasool
Survey of the detoxification effect of green tea extract on the reproductive system in rats exposed to lead acetate [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Naser Shafei, Mohammad
The effects of L-arginine on spatial memory and synaptic plasticity impairments induced by lipopolysaccharide [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Nasrollahi, Kobra
Collagen cross-linking effect on progressive keratoconus in patients younger than 18 years of age: A clinical trial [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Nasrollahi, Kobra
Evaluation of the outcomes of corneal collagen cross-linking in progressive keratoconic eyes [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Nasrollahi, Kobra
Comparison of the findings of endothelial specular microscopy before and after corneal cross-linking [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Nazari, Masoud
Comparison of the accuracy of cardiac computed tomography angiography and transthoracic echocardiography in the diagnosis of mitral valve prolapse [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Nazem, Ghasemi
Neurotrophic factors and their effects in the treatment of multiple sclerosis [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Nazemi, Ali
Design and expression of fusion protein consists of HBsAg and Polyepitope of HCV as an HCV potential vaccine [Volume 2015, october, 2015]
Nazemroaia, Fatemeh
Brain tumors: Special characters for research and banking [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Nazemroaya, Fatemehe
Expression of ZFX gene correlated with the central features of the neoplastic phenotype in human brain tumors with distinct phenotypes [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Neboh, Emeka E
Myeloprotective activity of crude methanolic leaf extract of Cassia occidentalis in cyclophosphamide-induced bone marrow suppression in Wistar rats [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Negahdary, Masoud
The antioxidant effects of silver, gold, and zinc oxide nanoparticles on male mice in in vivo condition [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Negi, Gita
Blood transfusion safety: A study of adverse reactions at the blood bank of a tertiary care center [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Nematbakhsh, Mehdi
Role of nitric oxide in kidney and liver (as distance organ) function in bilateral renal ischemia-reperfusion: Effect of L-Arginine and NG-nitro-L-Arginine methyl ester [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Nematbakhsh, Mehdi
Effect of Γ-aminobutyric acid on kidney injury induced by renal ischemia-reperfusion in male and female rats: Gender-related difference [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Nematbakhsh, Mehdi
The effect of an specific inducible NO synthase inhibitor, S-methylisothiourea hemisulfate on cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity; gender-related differences [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Nematbakhsh, Mehdi
The effects of unripe grape extract on systemic blood pressure and serum levels of superoxide dismutase, malondialdehyde and nitric oxide in rat [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Nematbakhsh, Mehdi
Role of endothelin-1 antagonist; bosentan, against cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in male and female rats [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Nerli, Rajendra
Type 2 diabetes mellitus and renal stones [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Nikaeen, Mahnaz
Detection of Legionella spp. by a nested-PCR assay in air samples of a wastewater treatment plant and downwind distances in Isfahan [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Niknam, Negar
Changes in blood glucose level during and after light sedations using propofol-fentanyl and midazolam-fentanyl in diabetic patients who underwent cataract surgery [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Nikolaidis, Pantelis T
Can maximal aerobic running speed be predicted from submaximal cycle ergometry in soccer players? The effects of age, anthropometry and positional roles [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Nikoobakht, Nasim
Which one is more efficient on propofol 2% injection pain? Magnesium sulfate or ondansetron: A randomized clinical trial [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Nikpour, Parvaneh
Absence of association between −286C>A>T polymorphism in the CRP gene and metabolic syndrome in Iranian pediatric [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Nikpour, Parvaneh
Expression of ZFX gene correlated with the central features of the neoplastic phenotype in human brain tumors with distinct phenotypes [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Nikpour, Parvaneh
SIX1 overexpression in diffuse-type and grade III gastric tumors: Features that are associated with poor prognosis [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Nilforoush, Mohammadhasan
Cigarette smoking effect on human cochlea responses [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Nilforoush, Mohammad Hussein
The association between saliva control, silent saliva penetration, aspiration, and videofluoroscopic findings in Parkinson's disease patients [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Nilforoushzadeh, Mohammad Ali
Pulsed dye laser and topical timolol gel versus Pulse dye laser in treatment of infantile hemangioma: A double-blind randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Nilforoushzadeh, Mohammad Ali
Efficacy of topical azathioprine and betamethasone versus betamethasone-only emollient cream in 2-18 years old patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis: A randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Nokhodian, Zary
The prevalence of isolated hepatitis B core antibody and its related risk factors among male injected drug users in Isfahan prisons [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Noori, Fariba
Preparing a persian version of kimberley indigenous cognitive assessment for assessing the cognitive problems of illiterate geriatric patients [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Norouzian, Dariush
Isolation, cloning, and expression of E. coli BirA gene for biotinylation applications [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Norouzian, Dariush
Investigation of purification process stresses on erythropoietin peptide mapping profile [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Nosratabadi, Reza
The effects of L-arginine on spatial memory and synaptic plasticity impairments induced by lipopolysaccharide [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Nouraei, Farhad
Median and ulnar nerve injuries; what causes different repair outcomes? [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Nouraei, Mohammad Hadi
Median and ulnar nerve injuries; what causes different repair outcomes? [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Noureddini, Mahdi
Bronchodilatory and B-adrenergic effects of methanolic and aqueous extracts of Althaea root on isolated tracheobronchial smooth rat muscle [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Nouri, Mohammad
Isolation of granulosa cells from follicular fluid; applications in biomedical and molecular biology experiments [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Nouri, Mohammad
Evaluation of relationship between serum levels of anti-müllerian hormone, androgen, and insulin resistant with retrieval oocytes in overweight patients with polycystic ovary syndrome [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Oghalaie, Akbar
Distribution of cytokine gene single nucleotide polymorphisms among a multi-ethnic Iranian population [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Okhovat, Ali Asghar
Supratentorial cortical ependymoma: An unusual presentation of a rare tumor [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Okhovat, Ali Asghar
Life-threatening misdiagnosis of bulbar onset myasthenia gravis as a motor neuron disease: How much can one rely on exaggerated deep tendon reflexes [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Omid, Mohammad
Ultrasound-guided percutaneous central venous catheterization in infants: Learning curve and related complications [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Omidi, Abdollah
Health related quality of life in irritable bowel syndrome patients, Kashan, Iran: A case control study [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Omidinia, Eskandar
In silico design and analysis of a new hyperglycosylated analog of erythropoietin to improve drug efficacy [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Omranifard, Victoria
The effect of add-on memantine on global function and quality of life in schizophrenia: A randomized, double-blind, controlled, clinical trial [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Omranifard, Victoria
Preparing a persian version of kimberley indigenous cognitive assessment for assessing the cognitive problems of illiterate geriatric patients [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Omranyfard, Mahmood
Buccinator flap as a method for palatal fistula and VPI management [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Oryan, Golfam
Molecular detection of metallo-β-lactamase gene blaVIM-1 in imipenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from hospitalized patients in the hospitals of Isfahan [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Ostad, Seyed Nasser
Divergent behavior of cyclin E and its low molecular weight isoforms to progesterone-induced growth inhibition in MCF-7 cells [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Owlia, Mohammadbagher
Evaluation of the effect of radiofrequency catheter ablation on autonomic function in patients with atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia by head-up tilt table test [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Paknahad, Zamzam
Dietary nutrient intake and antioxidant status in preeclamptic women [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Pal, Shekhar
Mobile phones: Reservoirs for the transmission of nosocomial pathogens [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Palizban, Abbas Ali
Preliminary analysis of month of birth in Iranian/Isfahan patients with multiple sclerosis [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Palizban, Abbas-Ali
Preliminary study on patients located at the Kashani/Isfahan Hospital with multiple sclerosis between the years 2011 and 2013 [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Palizban, Abbas-Ali
The investigation of correlation between Iminoral concentration and neurotoxic levels after kidney transplantation [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Pangalizadeh, Mohammadesmaeil
Antinociceptive effect of palm date spathe hydroalcoholic extract on acute and chronic pain in mice as compared with analgesic effect of morphine and diclofenac [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Panjepour, Mojtaba
Cloning and expression of full-length human insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP3) in the Escherichia coli [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Parihar, Ashwin
Mobile phones: Reservoirs for the transmission of nosocomial pathogens [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Parmar, Mihir Y
Risk factor assessment of stroke and its awareness among stroke survivors: A prospective study [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Patil, Shivagouda
Type 2 diabetes mellitus and renal stones [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Patnaik, Archana
Assessment of risk factors associated with hypertension among undergraduate medical students in a medical college in Odisha [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Patne, Pravin
Type 2 diabetes mellitus and renal stones [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Peachell, Peter T
The effect of cyclic nucleotide analog drugs on the mediators release from basophils [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Permal, G Krishna
A study to investigate the importance of purses as fomites [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Pesteh, Mohamad
Causes and rates of revision total knee arthroplasty: Local results from Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Peyghambari, Fatemeh
Antinociceptive effect of palm date spathe hydroalcoholic extract on acute and chronic pain in mice as compared with analgesic effect of morphine and diclofenac [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Peyman, Alireza
Collagen cross-linking effect on progressive keratoconus in patients younger than 18 years of age: A clinical trial [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Peyman, Alireza
Comparison of the findings of endothelial specular microscopy before and after corneal cross-linking [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Pilehvariyan, Ali Asghar
The effect of medial prefrontal cortex electrical stimulation on passive avoidance memory in healthy and addict rats [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Pishva, Ebtehaj
Molecular typing of Brucella species isolates from Human and livestock bloods in Isfahan province [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Poddar, Sumon
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia: Complicating treatment of ESBL UTI [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Poorbafrani, Maryam
Preparing a persian version of kimberley indigenous cognitive assessment for assessing the cognitive problems of illiterate geriatric patients [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Poudineh, Zahra
Music therapy: An effective approach in improving social skills of children with autism [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Poulsen, Asger Nyborg
Nocardial brain abscess in a patient with pulmonary alveolar proteinosis [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Pour, Elnaz Babaei
Supratentorial cortical ependymoma: An unusual presentation of a rare tumor [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Pourahmad, Saeedeh
The early outcome of single-incision versus multi-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Pourbakht, Akram
The relationship between hearing aid frequency response and acceptable noise level in patients with sensorineural hearing loss [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Pourfallah, Tayyeb Allahverdi
Does nitrogen gas bubbled through a low density polymer gel dosimeter solution affect the polymerization process? [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Pourmand, Mohammad Reza
Genetic characterization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa-resistant isolates at the university teaching hospital in Iran [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Pourmoghaddas, Ali
Effect of self-care education on lifestyle modification, medication adherence and blood pressure in hypertensive adults: Randomized controlled clinical trial [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Poursina, Farkhondeh
The influence of impact delivery mode, lactation time, infant gender, maternal age and rural or urban life on total number of Lactobacillus in breast milk Isfahan - Iran [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Prakash, Rajat
Mobile phones: Reservoirs for the transmission of nosocomial pathogens [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Presidend, Nahid
Persistence of endothelial cell damage late after Kawasaki disease in patients without coronary artery complications [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Rabbani, Mohammad
Association of KCNJ11 (E23K) gene polymorphism with susceptibility to type 2 diabetes in Iranian patients [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Rad, Afagh Hassanzadeh
Pure gonadal dysgenesis (46 XX type) with a familial pattern [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Rad, Jafar Soleimani
Immunohistochemical (Ki-67) study of endometrial maturation in mice after use of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Rad, Leila Roshangar
Immunohistochemical (Ki-67) study of endometrial maturation in mice after use of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Radahmadi, Maryam
Effects of doxepin on brain-derived neurotrophic factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, mitogen-activated protein kinase 14, and AKT1 genes expression in rat hippocampus [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Radahmadi, Maryam
Effects of repeated treatment with cholecystokinin sulfated octapeptide on passive avoidance memory under chronic restraint stress in male rats [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Raddanipour, Razieh
Design, formulation and evaluation of Aloe vera chewing gum [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Rafei, Rahmatolah
An investigation of the rate of cyclooxygenase-2 expression on the surface of adenomatous and colorectal adenocarcinoma polyps [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Rafie, Azam
The effect of sevoflurane versus propofol anesthesia on troponin I after congenital heart surgery, a randomized clinical trial [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Rafiee, Laleh
Effects of doxepin on brain-derived neurotrophic factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, mitogen-activated protein kinase 14, and AKT1 genes expression in rat hippocampus [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Rafiee, Laleh
The effect of Kisspeptin-10 on mesenchymal stem cells migration in vitro and in vivo [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Rafiee-Tehrani, Morteza
Thermoanalytical characterization of clindamycin-loaded intravitreal implants prepared by hot melt extrusion [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Rafiee-Tehrani, Morteza
Design and development of intraocular polymeric implant systems for long-term controlled-release of clindamycin phosphate for toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-12]
Rafiei, Fahime
Comparing the effect of intravenous dexamethasone, intravenous ondansetron, and their combination on nausea and vomiting in cesarean section with spinal anesthesia [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Rafiei, Mohammad Hadi
Is the ligation of hernial sac necessary in herniotomy for children? A randomized controlled trial of evaluating surgical complications and duration [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Rafieian-Kohpayei, Mahmoud
Survey of the detoxification effect of green tea extract on the reproductive system in rats exposed to lead acetate [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Rahgozar, Aminhossein
Pentacam topographic changes after collagen cross-linking in patients with keratoconus [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Rahimi, Alireza
How health information is received by diabetic patients? [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Rahimi, Farshad
The evaluation and comparison of kidney length obtained from axial cuts in spiral CT scan with its true length [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Rahimi, Hojatollah
Adding diclofenac to Helicobacter pylori eradication regimen [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Rahimi, Mojtaba
Changes in blood glucose level during and after light sedations using propofol-fentanyl and midazolam-fentanyl in diabetic patients who underwent cataract surgery [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Rahimianfar, Ali Akbar
Anxiety determinants in mothers of children with congenital heart diseases undergoing cardiac surgery [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Rahimianfar, Ali Akbar
Evaluation of the effect of radiofrequency catheter ablation on autonomic function in patients with atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia by head-up tilt table test [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Rahimianfar, Ali Akbar
The relationship between carotid artery colour Doppler finding and cerebral oximetry [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Rahimianfar, Ali Akbar
The effect of sevoflurane versus propofol anesthesia on troponin I after congenital heart surgery, a randomized clinical trial [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Rahimianfar, Fatemeh
Anxiety determinants in mothers of children with congenital heart diseases undergoing cardiac surgery [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Rahimikazerooni, Salar
The early outcome of single-incision versus multi-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Rahimzadeh, Poupak
Which one is more efficient on propofol 2% injection pain? Magnesium sulfate or ondansetron: A randomized clinical trial [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Rahman, Muhammad Aadil
Rolipram: Eotaxin and phosphodiesterase IV inhibitor versus bronchial hyper-reactivity response [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-1]
Raisi, Mostafa
Health related quality of life in irritable bowel syndrome patients, Kashan, Iran: A case control study [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Rajabi, Fatemeh
The effect of add-on memantine on global function and quality of life in schizophrenia: A randomized, double-blind, controlled, clinical trial [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Rajaei, Ali
The association between saliva control, silent saliva penetration, aspiration, and videofluoroscopic findings in Parkinson's disease patients [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Rajaei, Ziba
Antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic effects of hydroalcoholic extract of Securigera securidaca seeds in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Ramezanpour, Javad
Molecular typing of Brucella species isolates from Human and livestock bloods in Isfahan province [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Rana, Amit
Mobile phones: Reservoirs for the transmission of nosocomial pathogens [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Rashidi, Bahman
Effect of cholecystokinin on learning and memory, neuronal proliferation and apoptosis in the rat hippocampus [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Rashidi, Bahman
Immunohistochemical (Ki-67) study of endometrial maturation in mice after use of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Rasoolzadeh, Reza
Nanobiological studies on drug design using molecular mechanic method [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Rastegar, Shirvan
Herpes zoster segmental paresis in an immunocompromised breast cancer woman [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Rastegar, Shirvan
Scaphoid nonunion fracture and results of the modified Matti-Russe technique [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Rastegari, Ali
Association of KCNJ11 (E23K) gene polymorphism with susceptibility to type 2 diabetes in Iranian patients [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Rastiany, Sahar
Conventional, molecular methods and biomarkers molecules in detection of septicemia [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-10]
Rath, Gayatri
Peripheral communications of intercostobrachial nerve Peripheral communications of the intercostobrachial nerve in relation to the alar thoracic artery [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Razavi, Sayed Mohammad
A histomorphometric study of the effect of doxycycline and erythromycin on bone formation in dental alveolar socket of rat [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Razavi, Shahnaz
Changes of neural markers expression during late neurogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Razavi, Shahnaz
Neurotrophic factors and their effects in the treatment of multiple sclerosis [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Razavinasab, Moazamehosadat
Pistachio supplementation attenuates motor and cognition impairments induced by cisplatin or vincristine in rats [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-10]
Razmjoo, Farzaneh
The effect of an specific inducible NO synthase inhibitor, S-methylisothiourea hemisulfate on cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity; gender-related differences [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Razmjoo, Hasan
Collagen cross-linking effect on progressive keratoconus in patients younger than 18 years of age: A clinical trial [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Razmjoo, Hasan
Comparison of the findings of endothelial specular microscopy before and after corneal cross-linking [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Razmjoo, Hassan
Pentacam topographic changes after collagen cross-linking in patients with keratoconus [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Reddy, Ravi Shankar
Comparison of two walk tests in determining the claudication distance in patients suffering from peripheral arterial occlusive disease [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Reisi, Parham
Effects of fluoxetine on memory under forced treadmill exercise conditions in male rats [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Reisi, Parham
Effect of cholecystokinin on learning and memory, neuronal proliferation and apoptosis in the rat hippocampus [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Reisi, Parham
Effects of doxepin on brain-derived neurotrophic factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, mitogen-activated protein kinase 14, and AKT1 genes expression in rat hippocampus [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Reisi, Parham
The effects of L-arginine on spatial memory and synaptic plasticity impairments induced by lipopolysaccharide [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Reisi, Parham
Effects of repeated treatment with cholecystokinin sulfated octapeptide on passive avoidance memory under chronic restraint stress in male rats [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Rezaee-Ebrahim-Saraee, Khadijeh
Potential health concerns of trace elements and mineral content in commonly consumed greenhouse vegetables in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Rezaei, Maryam
A novel combined method for cost-benefit production of DNA ladders [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Rezaianzadeh, Abbas
The early outcome of single-incision versus multi-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Reza Mofid, Mohammad
Cloning and expression of full-length human insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP3) in the Escherichia coli [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Rezvani, Majid
Can we define severity of carpal tunnel syndrome by ultrasound? [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Riahinejad, Maryam
Ultrasound-guided percutaneous central venous catheterization in infants: Learning curve and related complications [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Riahinezhad, Maryam
Two unusual sites of cystic lymphangioma in a child: A report of imaging profile with surgical and histopathologic findings [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Riazi-Esfahani, Mohammad
Thermoanalytical characterization of clindamycin-loaded intravitreal implants prepared by hot melt extrusion [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Riazi-Esfahani, Mohammad
Design and development of intraocular polymeric implant systems for long-term controlled-release of clindamycin phosphate for toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-12]
Roayaei, Mahnaz
Morphine mouthwash for the management of oral mucositis in patients with head and neck cancer [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Rogha, Mehrdad
Cigarette smoking effect on human cochlea responses [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Roodbari, Seyedeh Setareh
Evaluation of estrogen receptor expression and its relationship with clinicopathologic findings in gastric cancer [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Roohvand, Farzin
Design and expression of fusion protein consists of HBsAg and Polyepitope of HCV as an HCV potential vaccine [Volume 2015, october, 2015]
Roohvand, Farzin
Isolation, cloning, and expression of E. coli BirA gene for biotinylation applications [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Roohvand, Farzin
Evaluation of cellular responses for a chimeric HBsAg-HCV core DNA vaccine in BALB/c mice [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Roshan, Hamzeh
Effect of tubeless percutaneous nephrolithotomy on early renal function: Does it deteriorate? [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Rostami, Fatemeh
Therapeutic effect of acupuncture in BALB/c model of cutaneous leishmaniasis [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Rouholamin, Safoura
Evaluation the effect of 17-alpha hydroxyprogesterone caproate on gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnant women at risk for preterm birth [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Rouholamin, Safoura
Evaluation of antimullerian hormone levels before and after laparoscopic management of endometriosis [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Rouholamin, Safoura
The effect of preemptive pudendal nerve block on pain after anterior and posterior vaginal repair [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Rustagi, Shaifaly Madan
Peripheral communications of intercostobrachial nerve Peripheral communications of the intercostobrachial nerve in relation to the alar thoracic artery [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Saadatnia, Mohammad
Low levels of tissue factor pathway inhibitor increase the risk of cerebral venous thrombosis [Volume 2015, January, 2015]
Sabaghi, Amirhosein
Acute flaccid paralysis surveillance: A 6 years study, Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Sabbah, Majeed Arsheed
Development of hen antihepatitis B antigen IgY-based conjugate for ELISA assay [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Saberi, Samaneh
Distribution of cytokine gene single nucleotide polymorphisms among a multi-ethnic Iranian population [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Saberi, Sedigheh
Antigenic profile of heat-killed versus thimerosal-treated Leishmania major using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Sabri, Mohammad Reza
Effect of vitamin C on endothelial function of children with chronic renal failure: An experimental study [Volume 2015, December, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Sabzi, Feridoun
Aorto-pulmonary fistula accompanied by root abscess and destruction of native aortic valve caused by brucellosis [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Sadat, Seyed Mehdi
Design and expression of fusion protein consists of HBsAg and Polyepitope of HCV as an HCV potential vaccine [Volume 2015, october, 2015]
Sadat, Seyed Mehdi
Evaluation of cellular responses for a chimeric HBsAg-HCV core DNA vaccine in BALB/c mice [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Sadeghi, Ali
Mismanagement of a hypochondriacal patient [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Sadeghi, Farzaneh
The effect of estrogen on the expression of cartilage-specific genes in the chondrogenesis process of adipose-derived stem cells [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Sadeghi, Hamid Mirmohammad
Association of KCNJ11 (E23K) gene polymorphism with susceptibility to type 2 diabetes in Iranian patients [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Sadeghi, Laleh
Evaluation the effect of 17-alpha hydroxyprogesterone caproate on gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnant women at risk for preterm birth [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Sadeghi, Malihe
Effects of repeated treatment with cholecystokinin sulfated octapeptide on passive avoidance memory under chronic restraint stress in male rats [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Sadeghi, Masoumeh
Effect of self-care education on lifestyle modification, medication adherence and blood pressure in hypertensive adults: Randomized controlled clinical trial [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Sadeghi, Masoumeh
Effect of age on the phenotype of metabolic syndrome in developing country [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Sadeghi, Masoumeh
The metabolic syndrome and associated lifestyle factors among the Iranian population [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Sadeghi, Saba
The association between saliva control, silent saliva penetration, aspiration, and videofluoroscopic findings in Parkinson's disease patients [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Sadeghi-Aliabadi, Hojjat
Investigation of Astragalus honey and propolis extract's cytotoxic effect on two human cancer cell lines and their oncogen and proapoptotic gene expression profiles [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Sadeghipanah, Fatemeh
Preemptive peritonsillar infiltration with bupivacaine in combination with tramadol improves pediatric post-tonsillectomy pain better than using bupivacaine or tramadol alone: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind clinical trial [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Sadeghizadeh, Atefeh
A comparative study of one minute versus five seconds endoscopic biliary balloon dilation after small sphincterotomy in choleducolithiasis [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Sadeghnia, Hamid Reza
The effects of L-arginine on spatial memory and synaptic plasticity impairments induced by lipopolysaccharide [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Sadeqi, Azadeh
Comparative investigation of two surgical techniques of orchiopexy in the post-operative recurrence rate and testicular size in children in clinical trial study [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Sadighian, Hooman
Genetic characterization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa-resistant isolates at the university teaching hospital in Iran [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Saeidi, Hamid
Evaluation of estrogen receptor expression and its relationship with clinicopathologic findings in gastric cancer [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Safa, Ahmad Hosseini
Use of restriction fragment length polymorphism to identify Candida species, related to onychomycosis [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Safaei, Hajieh Ghasemian
The influence of impact delivery mode, lactation time, infant gender, maternal age and rural or urban life on total number of Lactobacillus in breast milk Isfahan - Iran [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Safaeian, Leila
Cytoprotective and antioxidant effects of human lactoferrin against H2O2-induced oxidative stress in human umbilical vein endothelial cells [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Safaeian, Leila
Protective effects of Echium amoenum Fisch. and C.A. Mey. against cerebral ischemia in the rats [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Safaeian, Leila
The effect of hydroalcoholic extract from the leaves of Moringa peregrina(Forssk.) Fiori. on blood pressure and oxidative status in dexamethasone-induced hypertensive rats [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Safavi, Mohammadreza
Prophylactic use of intravenous ondansetron versus ketamine - midazolam combination for prevention of shivering during spinal anesthesia: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Safavi, Mohammadreza
Preemptive peritonsillar infiltration with bupivacaine in combination with tramadol improves pediatric post-tonsillectomy pain better than using bupivacaine or tramadol alone: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind clinical trial [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Safavi, Mohammadreza
Comparison of five methods in predicting difficult laryngoscopy: Neck circumference, neck circumference to thyromental distance ratio, the ratio of height to thyromental distance, upper lip bite test and Mallampati test [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Safavi, Mohammadreza
Geranisetron versus gabapentin in preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting after middle ear surgery in adults: A double-blinded randomized clinical trial study [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Safavi, Mohammadreza
The effects of different doses of intrathecal meperidine on the incidence and severity of shivering during lower extremity orthopedic surgery under spinal anesthesia: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind-clinical trial [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Saghaei, Mahmud
Determining the effect of laser acupuncture in treating stutterers in comparison with speech therapy [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Saghebi, Ahmad
Antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic effects of hydroalcoholic extract of Securigera securidaca seeds in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Said, Hassan Al
Topical pyruvic acid (70%) versus topical salicylic acid (16.7%) compound in treatment of plantar warts: A randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Sajedi, Parvin
Comparative evaluation of adding different opiates (morphine, meperidine, buprenorphine, or fentanyl) to lidocaine in duration and quality of axillary brachial plexus block [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Salahshoor, Mohammad Reza
The effect of time and temperature on viability and performance of Langerhans islets separated from Balb/c mouse after death [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Salahshoor, Mohammad Reza
The effect of hydroalcoholic extract of P. crispum on sperm parameters, testis tissue and serum nitric oxide levels in mice [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Salam, Hasan
Comparison of the findings of endothelial specular microscopy before and after corneal cross-linking [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Salamat, Amir Hossein
Anthropometric predictive equations for estimating body composition [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Salamat, Mohammad Reza
Anthropometric predictive equations for estimating body composition [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Salami, Maryam-Alsadat
Evaluation of the effect of radiofrequency catheter ablation on autonomic function in patients with atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia by head-up tilt table test [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Salami, Ramin
The profile of hypertension and dyslipidemia in prediabetic subjects; results of the Isfahan Diabetes Prevention program: A large population-based study [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Salehi, Ahmad Reza
Methylation pattern of ALX4 gene promoter as a potential biomarker for blood-based early detection of colorectal cancer [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Salehi, Asma
Comparing right ventricular function and pulmonary artery pressure before and shortly after hemodialysis in patients with end-stage renal disease [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Salehi, Bahareh
Comparison of antibacterial activities of cadmium oxide nanoparticles against Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Staphylococcus Aureus bacteria [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Salehi, Ehsan
The effect of sevoflurane versus propofol anesthesia on troponin I after congenital heart surgery, a randomized clinical trial [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Salehi, Hosein
The effect of estrogen on the expression of cartilage-specific genes in the chondrogenesis process of adipose-derived stem cells [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Salehi, Hossein
Neurotrophic factors and their effects in the treatment of multiple sclerosis [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Salehi, Iraj
Investigating the effect of hydro-alcoholic extract of Salix aegyptiaca on anxiety in male rat [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Salehi, Mansoor
Specific TaqMan allelic discrimination assay for rs1477196 and rs9939609 single nucleotide polymorphisms of FTO gene demonstrated that there is no association between these SNPs and risk of breast cancer in Iranian women [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Salehi, Rasoul
Methylation pattern of ALX4 gene promoter as a potential biomarker for blood-based early detection of colorectal cancer [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Salehi, Rasoul
Molecular typing of Brucella species isolates from Human and livestock bloods in Isfahan province [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Salehi, Rasoul
Significance of a common variant in the CDKAL1 gene with susceptibility to type 2 diabetes mellitus in Iranian population [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Salehi, Sahar
Fabrication and characterization of biodegradable polymeric films as a corneal stroma substitute [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Salek, Shadi
Median and ulnar nerve injuries; what causes different repair outcomes? [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Salek, Shadi
Venous insufficiency after prolonged standing: Is joint hypermobility an important risk factor? [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Salesi, Asiyeh
Collagen cross-linking effect on progressive keratoconus in patients younger than 18 years of age: A clinical trial [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Salesi, Mansour
Purified protein derivative test and its booster phenomenon in patients with rheumatoid arthritis [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Salimi, Tahereh
Effect of family members' voice on level of consciousness of comatose patients admitted to the intensive care unit: A single-blind randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Samandari, Said
Preparing a persian version of kimberley indigenous cognitive assessment for assessing the cognitive problems of illiterate geriatric patients [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Samani, Fazel Sahraneshin
Evaluation of the circulating CD34 + , CD309 + , and endothelial progenitor cells in patients with first attack of optic neuritis [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Samsam Shariat, Seyed Ziyaedin
Partial purification and biochemical characterization of peroxidase from rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) leaves [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Sane, Shahryar
Comparing the effect of intravenous dexamethasone, intravenous ondansetron, and their combination on nausea and vomiting in cesarean section with spinal anesthesia [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Sane, Shahryar
Comparison the effects of paracetamol with sufentanil infusion on postoperative pain control after craniotomy in patients with brain tumor [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Sanei, Behnam
Distribution of mediastinal ectopic thymic tissue in patients without thymic disease [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Sanei, Mohammad Hossein
Distribution of mediastinal ectopic thymic tissue in patients without thymic disease [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Sardarian, Khosro
Interleukin-4 receptor alpha T1432C and A1652G polymorphisms are associated with risk of visceral leishmaniasis [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Sarebanhassanabadi, Mohammadtaghi
Anxiety determinants in mothers of children with congenital heart diseases undergoing cardiac surgery [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Sarebanhassanabadi, Mohammadtaghi
Elimination of routine chest radiographs following off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery: A randomized controlled trial study [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Sarebanhassanabadi, Mohammadtaghi
Effect of family members' voice on level of consciousness of comatose patients admitted to the intensive care unit: A single-blind randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Sarebanhassanabadi, Mohammadtaghi
Evaluation of the effect of radiofrequency catheter ablation on autonomic function in patients with atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia by head-up tilt table test [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Sarihi, Abdolrahman
Investigating the effect of hydro-alcoholic extract of Salix aegyptiaca on anxiety in male rat [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Sarrafzadegan, Nizal
Effect of age on the phenotype of metabolic syndrome in developing country [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Sarrafzadegan, Nizal
The metabolic syndrome and associated lifestyle factors among the Iranian population [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Sarrafzadeh, Omid
Nucleus and cytoplasm segmentation in microscopic images using K-means clustering and region growing [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Sarrami, Amir Hossein
Two unusual sites of cystic lymphangioma in a child: A report of imaging profile with surgical and histopathologic findings [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Sartipzadeh, Nasser Hosein
Evaluation of the effect of radiofrequency catheter ablation on autonomic function in patients with atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia by head-up tilt table test [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Sarvi, Ali
Elimination of routine chest radiographs following off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery: A randomized controlled trial study [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Sarvizadeh, Mostafa
Morphine mouthwash for the management of oral mucositis in patients with head and neck cancer [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Saryazdi, Hamid
Comparative evaluation of adding different opiates (morphine, meperidine, buprenorphine, or fentanyl) to lidocaine in duration and quality of axillary brachial plexus block [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Sattar, Mina
Yoga intervention on blood NO in female migraineurs [Volume 2015, December, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Sedighi, Mansour
Molecular detection of metallo-β-lactamase gene blaVIM-1 in imipenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from hospitalized patients in the hospitals of Isfahan [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Sepahi, Mina
Stability and biological activity evaluations of PEGylated human basic fibroblast growth factor [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Sepahi, Mina
Investigation of purification process stresses on erythropoietin peptide mapping profile [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Sepehrnejad, Mahsa
Cigarette smoking effect on human cochlea responses [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Seyfpourshouraki, Zeynolabedin
Evaluation of the effect of radiofrequency catheter ablation on autonomic function in patients with atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia by head-up tilt table test [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Sha'bani, Najmeh
Survey of the detoxification effect of green tea extract on the reproductive system in rats exposed to lead acetate [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Shabani, Fateme
The effect of estrogen on the expression of cartilage-specific genes in the chondrogenesis process of adipose-derived stem cells [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Shabani, Mohammad
Pistachio supplementation attenuates motor and cognition impairments induced by cisplatin or vincristine in rats [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-10]
Shabrang, Moloud
Effect of cholecystokinin on learning and memory, neuronal proliferation and apoptosis in the rat hippocampus [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Shafiee, Akbar
Do pregnant women have a higher risk for venous thromboembolism following air travel? [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Shafiei, Bijan
Determining the effect of laser acupuncture in treating stutterers in comparison with speech therapy [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Shafigh Ardestani, Mohammad Hadi
A comparative study of one minute versus five seconds endoscopic biliary balloon dilation after small sphincterotomy in choleducolithiasis [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Shahabooei, Mohammad
A histomorphometric study of the effect of doxycycline and erythromycin on bone formation in dental alveolar socket of rat [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Shahbazi-Gahrouei, Daryoush
Does nitrogen gas bubbled through a low density polymer gel dosimeter solution affect the polymerization process? [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Shahidi, Siamak
Investigating the effect of hydro-alcoholic extract of Salix aegyptiaca on anxiety in male rat [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Shahidsales, Soodabeh
Evaluation of estrogen receptor expression and its relationship with clinicopathologic findings in gastric cancer [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Shahin, Ali
Sexual dysfunctions in the patients hospitalized in psychiatric wards compared to other specialized wards in Isfahan, Iran, in 2012 [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Shahmoradi, Zabihollah
Topical pyruvic acid (70%) versus topical salicylic acid (16.7%) compound in treatment of plantar warts: A randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Shahraki, Azar Danesh
Autologous blood reservation is vital for pregnant patient with intermediate thalassemia [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-1]
Shahriary-Kalantary, Manijeh
Effect of family members' voice on level of consciousness of comatose patients admitted to the intensive care unit: A single-blind randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Shahsanai, Armindokht
Morphine mouthwash for the management of oral mucositis in patients with head and neck cancer [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Shahsavarzadeh, Tayebeh
Low levels of tissue factor pathway inhibitor increase the risk of cerebral venous thrombosis [Volume 2015, January, 2015]
Shakibapour, Mahshid
Therapeutic effect of acupuncture in BALB/c model of cutaneous leishmaniasis [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Shakoori, Abbas
Study of C-MYC amplification and expression in Iranian gastric cancer samples using CISH and IHC methods [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Shamassebi, Dariush Norouzian
Stability and biological activity evaluations of PEGylated human basic fibroblast growth factor [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Shamibaf, Marzieh
Evaluation of the effect of radiofrequency catheter ablation on autonomic function in patients with atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia by head-up tilt table test [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Shanei, Ahmad
Anthropometric predictive equations for estimating body composition [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Sharbafchi, Mohammad Reza
Hippocampal volume and hippocampal angle (a more practical marker) in mild cognitive impairment: A case-control magnetic resonance imaging study [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Sharbafchi, Mohammad Reza
Iranian-Islamic traditional medicine: An ancient comprehensive personalized medicine [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Shariat, Zeinab
Two unusual sites of cystic lymphangioma in a child: A report of imaging profile with surgical and histopathologic findings [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Sharma, Mona
Peripheral communications of intercostobrachial nerve Peripheral communications of the intercostobrachial nerve in relation to the alar thoracic artery [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Sharma, Munesh
Mobile phones: Reservoirs for the transmission of nosocomial pathogens [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Sharma, Neelam
Mobile phones: Reservoirs for the transmission of nosocomial pathogens [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Sharma, Pramod Kumar
Isolated abdominal wall metastasis from renal cell carcinoma: Unusual presentation [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Sharma, Priyamvada
Complementary and alternative medicine iron preparations: A cost-effective, rationale and accessible solution for public health problems [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-2]
Sharma, Sansar Chand
Complementary and alternative medicine iron preparations: A cost-effective, rationale and accessible solution for public health problems [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-2]
Shatalebi, Mohammad Ali
Evaluation of the clinical efficacy and safety of an eye counter pad containing caffeine and vitamin K in emulsified Emu oil base [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Shavakhi, Ahmad
Effects of cumin on nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: A double blind, randomised, controlled trial [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Shavakhi, Ahmad
A comparative study of one minute versus five seconds endoscopic biliary balloon dilation after small sphincterotomy in choleducolithiasis [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Shavakhi, Sara
Effects of cumin on nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: A double blind, randomised, controlled trial [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Shavakhi, Sara
A comparative study of one minute versus five seconds endoscopic biliary balloon dilation after small sphincterotomy in choleducolithiasis [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Shayan, Sara
Detection of ESBL- and AmpC-producing E. coli isolates from urinary tract infections [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Shaygannejad, Vahid
Yoga intervention on blood NO in female migraineurs [Volume 2015, December, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Shaygannejad, Vahid
Transocular Doppler and optic nerve sheath diameter monitoring to detect intracranial hypertension [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Shaygannejad, Vahid
Preliminary study on patients located at the Kashani/Isfahan Hospital with multiple sclerosis between the years 2011 and 2013 [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Shaygannejad, Vahid
Comparison of emotional and non-emotional word repetitions in patients with aphasia [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Shaygannejad, Vahid
Clinical utility of residual latency in ulnar neuropathy at elbow: Is there any correlation? [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Shemshaki, Hamidreza
The value of transcranial Doppler derived pulsatility index for diagnosing cerebral small-vessel disease [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Sheykhi, Mahdiye
Dietary nutrient intake and antioxidant status in preeclamptic women [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Shiari, Samira
Preventive effect of ilioinguinal nerve block on postoperative pain after cesarean section [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Shiasi, Maryam
The effect of time and temperature on viability and performance of Langerhans islets separated from Balb/c mouse after death [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Shirahmad, Mehran
Prevalence of different hip sonographic types: A cross-sectional study [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Shirani, Kiana
Nocardial brain abscess in a patient with pulmonary alveolar proteinosis [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Shirani, Kiana
Pentacam topographic changes after collagen cross-linking in patients with keratoconus [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Shirani, Kiana
Comparing the APACHE II score and IBM-10 score for predicting mortality in patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Shirani, Kiana
The prevalence of isolated hepatitis B core antibody and its related risk factors among male injected drug users in Isfahan prisons [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Shirazinejad, Somayeh
Transocular Doppler and optic nerve sheath diameter monitoring to detect intracranial hypertension [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Shirazinejad, Somayeh
Causes and rates of revision total knee arthroplasty: Local results from Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Shirazinejad, Zahra
Transocular Doppler and optic nerve sheath diameter monitoring to detect intracranial hypertension [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Shirdavani, Soheila
The effect of an specific inducible NO synthase inhibitor, S-methylisothiourea hemisulfate on cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity; gender-related differences [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Shirdavani, Soheyla
Effect of Γ-aminobutyric acid on kidney injury induced by renal ischemia-reperfusion in male and female rats: Gender-related difference [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Shirzad, Hedayatollah
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin decrease expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor in peripheral lymphocyte of β-thalassemia major patients [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Shirzad, Hedayatollah
Tumor necrosis factor-α inhibits effects of aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligands on cell death in human lymphocytes [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Shokrgozar, Mohamad Ali
Stability and biological activity evaluations of PEGylated human basic fibroblast growth factor [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Shokrgozar, Mohammad Ali
In silico design and analysis of a new hyperglycosylated analog of erythropoietin to improve drug efficacy [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Shooshtari, Mitra Hakim
A girl with increased writing and painting activities associated with Turner's syndrome and autistic spectrum disorder [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Shravani, K
Risk factor assessment of stroke and its awareness among stroke survivors: A prospective study [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Shygannejad, Vahid
Preliminary analysis of month of birth in Iranian/Isfahan patients with multiple sclerosis [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Singh, Gurpreet
Current status and patent prospective of animal models in diabetic research [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-14]
Singh, Nidhi
Peripheral communications of intercostobrachial nerve Peripheral communications of the intercostobrachial nerve in relation to the alar thoracic artery [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Sirus, Mehri
Reference range of the weekly uterine cervical length at 8 to 38 weeks of gestation in the center of Iran [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Sobhani, Ahmad
An investigation of the rate of cyclooxygenase-2 expression on the surface of adenomatous and colorectal adenocarcinoma polyps [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Soheilipour, Saeed
Comparison the results of two different vestibular system surgery in patients with persistent Meniere's disease [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Soleimani, Masoud
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin decrease expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor in peripheral lymphocyte of β-thalassemia major patients [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Soleimani, Masoud
Tumor necrosis factor-α inhibits effects of aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligands on cell death in human lymphocytes [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Soleimani, Reza
Evaluation of the circulating CD34 + , CD309 + , and endothelial progenitor cells in patients with first attack of optic neuritis [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Soleimani Fard, Simindokht
Antigenic profile of heat-killed versus thimerosal-treated Leishmania major using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Soleimanjahi, Hoorieh
Evaluation of cellular responses for a chimeric HBsAg-HCV core DNA vaccine in BALB/c mice [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Solgi, Ghasem
Interleukin-4 receptor alpha T1432C and A1652G polymorphisms are associated with risk of visceral leishmaniasis [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Solhjou, Zhabiz
The early outcome of single-incision versus multi-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Soltani, Farhad
The relation between serum Vitamin D levels and body antioxidant status in ischemic stroke patients: A case–control study [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Soltani, Masoud
Comparison the results of two different vestibular system surgery in patients with persistent Meniere's disease [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Soltani, Mojtaba
Preemptive peritonsillar infiltration with bupivacaine in combination with tramadol improves pediatric post-tonsillectomy pain better than using bupivacaine or tramadol alone: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind clinical trial [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Soltani, Nepton
The effect of an specific inducible NO synthase inhibitor, S-methylisothiourea hemisulfate on cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity; gender-related differences [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Sonbolestan, Seyed Ali
Evaluation of relationship between breast cancer and migraine [Volume 2015, January, 2015]
Soukhtanloo, Mohammad
The effects of L-arginine on spatial memory and synaptic plasticity impairments induced by lipopolysaccharide [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Sudha, MJ
Histomorphometric effects of gemcitabine on Swiss albino mice spermatogenesis [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Suri, Rajesh K
Peripheral communications of intercostobrachial nerve Peripheral communications of the intercostobrachial nerve in relation to the alar thoracic artery [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Tabarsi, Payam
Comparison of antibacterial activities of cadmium oxide nanoparticles against Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Staphylococcus Aureus bacteria [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Tabatabaei, Seyed Abass
Silver nitrate versus tetracycline in pleurodesis for malignant pleural effusions; a prospective randomized trial [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Tabatabie, Seid Abbas
Distribution of mediastinal ectopic thymic tissue in patients without thymic disease [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Tabesh, Homayoun
Early and late posttraumatic seizures following traumatic brain injury: A five-year follow-up survival study [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Tabibian, Seyed Reza
Mismanagement of a hypochondriacal patient [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Taghaodi, Maryam
Collagen cross-linking effect on progressive keratoconus in patients younger than 18 years of age: A clinical trial [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Taghian, Farzaneh
Effects of aerobic exercise on plasma lipoproteins in overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Taghizadeh, Faegheh
Two unusual sites of cystic lymphangioma in a child: A report of imaging profile with surgical and histopathologic findings [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Taghizadeh, Mansoureh
The influence of impact delivery mode, lactation time, infant gender, maternal age and rural or urban life on total number of Lactobacillus in breast milk Isfahan - Iran [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Tahergorabi, Zoya
Serum inflammatory markers in obese mice: Effect of ghrelin [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Taheri, Akhtar
Fecal calprotectin is a useful marker to diagnose ulcerative colitis from irritable bowel syndrome [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Taheri, Masoud
The association between saliva control, silent saliva penetration, aspiration, and videofluoroscopic findings in Parkinson's disease patients [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Taheri, Shahram
Sleep apnea syndrome and restless legs syndrome in kidney transplant recipients [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Taheri, Shahram
Comparing right ventricular function and pulmonary artery pressure before and shortly after hemodialysis in patients with end-stage renal disease [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Tajadini, Mohammadhasan
The evaluation and comparison of kidney length obtained from axial cuts in spiral CT scan with its true length [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Tajamolian, Masoud
Pitfalls in molecular diagnosis of 21-hydroxylase deficiency in congenital adrenal hyperplasia [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Talakoub, Reihanak
Comparison of the effects of colloid preload, vasopressor administration and leg compression on hemodynamic changes during spinal anesthesia for lumbar disc surgery in knee–chest position [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Talakoub, Reihanak
The predicting ability of serum potassium to assess the duration of mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Talebi, Ardeshir
Comparison of gene expression of SOX2 and OCT4 in normal tissue, polyps, and colon adenocarcinoma using immunohistochemical staining [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Talebi, Ardeshir
Role of nitric oxide in kidney and liver (as distance organ) function in bilateral renal ischemia-reperfusion: Effect of L-Arginine and NG-nitro-L-Arginine methyl ester [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Talebi, Ardeshir
Effect of Γ-aminobutyric acid on kidney injury induced by renal ischemia-reperfusion in male and female rats: Gender-related difference [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Talebi, Ardeshir
The effect of an specific inducible NO synthase inhibitor, S-methylisothiourea hemisulfate on cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity; gender-related differences [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Talebi, Ardeshir
Role of endothelin-1 antagonist; bosentan, against cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in male and female rats [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Talebi, Maedeh
Evaluation of the circulating CD34 + , CD309 + , and endothelial progenitor cells in patients with first attack of optic neuritis [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Talebi, Nahid
Effect of Γ-aminobutyric acid on kidney injury induced by renal ischemia-reperfusion in male and female rats: Gender-related difference [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Talebkhan, Yeganeh
Distribution of cytokine gene single nucleotide polymorphisms among a multi-ethnic Iranian population [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Tamaddon, Lana
Thermoanalytical characterization of clindamycin-loaded intravitreal implants prepared by hot melt extrusion [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Tamaddon, Lana
Design and development of intraocular polymeric implant systems for long-term controlled-release of clindamycin phosphate for toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-12]
Tameh, Abolfazl Azami
Protective effects of Echium amoenum Fisch. and C.A. Mey. against cerebral ischemia in the rats [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Tavakol, Samira
Determining the effect of laser acupuncture in treating stutterers in comparison with speech therapy [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Tavakoli, Mohammad Bagher
Annexin V FITC conjugated as a radiation toxicity indicator in lymphocytes following radiation overexposure in radiotherapy programs [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Tavana, Esfandiar Najafi
Effect of vitamin C on endothelial function of children with chronic renal failure: An experimental study [Volume 2015, December, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Tavangar, Hossein
Effect of family members' voice on level of consciousness of comatose patients admitted to the intensive care unit: A single-blind randomized controlled trial [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Tavazoei, Hamed
Protective effects of Echium amoenum Fisch. and C.A. Mey. against cerebral ischemia in the rats [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Tedla, Jaya Shanker
Comparison of two walk tests in determining the claudication distance in patients suffering from peripheral arterial occlusive disease [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Tehrani, Hatav Ghasemi
Comparing the impact of acupuncture and pethidine on reducing labor pain [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Tehrani, Zahra Rikhtegaran
A novel combined method for cost-benefit production of DNA ladders [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Teimori, Hossein
Small supernumerary marker chromosomes and their correlation with specific syndromes [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Toghiani, Ali
Adding diclofenac to Helicobacter pylori eradication regimen [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Tolouei, Sepideh
Antigenic profile of heat-killed versus thimerosal-treated Leishmania major using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Tolou-Ghamari, Zahra
Preliminary analysis of month of birth in Iranian/Isfahan patients with multiple sclerosis [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Tolou-Ghamari, Zahra
Preliminary study on patients located at the Kashani/Isfahan Hospital with multiple sclerosis between the years 2011 and 2013 [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Tolou-Ghamari, Zahra
The investigation of correlation between Iminoral concentration and neurotoxic levels after kidney transplantation [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Tolumehr, Arash
Comparison the effects of paracetamol with sufentanil infusion on postoperative pain control after craniotomy in patients with brain tumor [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Torki, Masoumeh
Effects of cumin on nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: A double blind, randomised, controlled trial [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Trejaut, Jean
Distribution of cytokine gene single nucleotide polymorphisms among a multi-ethnic Iranian population [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-9]
Udyavar, Ajay
Histomorphometric effects of gemcitabine on Swiss albino mice spermatogenesis [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Ufelle, Silas A
Myeloprotective activity of crude methanolic leaf extract of Cassia occidentalis in cyclophosphamide-induced bone marrow suppression in Wistar rats [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Vaez, Hamid
Molecular detection of metallo-β-lactamase gene blaVIM-1 in imipenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from hospitalized patients in the hospitals of Isfahan [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Vafaeenasab, Mohammadreza
Evaluation of the effect of radiofrequency catheter ablation on autonomic function in patients with atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia by head-up tilt table test [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Vafapour, Marzieh
Effect of Γ-aminobutyric acid on kidney injury induced by renal ischemia-reperfusion in male and female rats: Gender-related difference [Volume 2015, july, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Vahabpour, Rouhollah
Evaluation of cellular responses for a chimeric HBsAg-HCV core DNA vaccine in BALB/c mice [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Vahdatpour, Babak
Potential risk factors associated with stress urinary incontinence among Iranian women [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Vahid Jorat, Mohammad
Evaluation of the effect of radiofrequency catheter ablation on autonomic function in patients with atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia by head-up tilt table test [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Vatandoust, Nasimeh
Methylation pattern of ALX4 gene promoter as a potential biomarker for blood-based early detection of colorectal cancer [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Verma, Sitansu Kumar
In silico prediction of B- and T- cell epitope on Lassa virus proteins for peptide based subunit vaccine design [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Viveka, S
Histomorphometric effects of gemcitabine on Swiss albino mice spermatogenesis [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Wasedar, Jyothi
Fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetes in adult [Volume 2015, August, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Yadav, Soni
In silico prediction of B- and T- cell epitope on Lassa virus proteins for peptide based subunit vaccine design [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Yaghini, Jaber
A histomorphometric study of the effect of doxycycline and erythromycin on bone formation in dental alveolar socket of rat [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Yamoudy, Mahire
Isolation of toxigenic Clostridium difficile from ready-to-eat salads by multiplex polymerase chain reaction in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Yaraghi, Ahmad
Comparison of capillary and venous blood glucose levels using glucometer and laboratory blood glucose level in poisoned patients being in coma [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Yaraghi, Ahmad
Comparison of five methods in predicting difficult laryngoscopy: Neck circumference, neck circumference to thyromental distance ratio, the ratio of height to thyromental distance, upper lip bite test and Mallampati test [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Yaran, Majid
Fecal calprotectin is a useful marker to diagnose ulcerative colitis from irritable bowel syndrome [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Yazdani, Alireza
Comparative evaluation of adding different opiates (morphine, meperidine, buprenorphine, or fentanyl) to lidocaine in duration and quality of axillary brachial plexus block [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Yazdani, Hajar
Use of restriction fragment length polymorphism to identify Candida species, related to onychomycosis [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Yazdani, Jamshid
The effectiveness of lavender essence on strernotomy related pain intensity after coronary artery bypass grafting [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Yazdanian, Maryam
Evaluation of cellular responses for a chimeric HBsAg-HCV core DNA vaccine in BALB/c mice [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Zabihi, Parisa
Prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting with a subhypnotic dose of Propofol in patients undergoing lower abdominal surgery: A prospective, randomized, double-blind study [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Zadeh, Akbar Hassan
How health information is received by diabetic patients? [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Zaman, Nasim
Does working in hospital increases seroprevalence and carrier state against Bordetella pertussis? [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Zamani, Majid
Comparison of five methods in predicting difficult laryngoscopy: Neck circumference, neck circumference to thyromental distance ratio, the ratio of height to thyromental distance, upper lip bite test and Mallampati test [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Zare, Mina
Isolation of granulosa cells from follicular fluid; applications in biomedical and molecular biology experiments [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Zare, Mina
Evaluation of relationship between serum levels of anti-müllerian hormone, androgen, and insulin resistant with retrieval oocytes in overweight patients with polycystic ovary syndrome [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Zare, Mohammad
Bronchodilatory and B-adrenergic effects of methanolic and aqueous extracts of Althaea root on isolated tracheobronchial smooth rat muscle [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Zare, Sakineh Karimi
A novel combined method for cost-benefit production of DNA ladders [Volume 2015, January, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Zarean, Elahe
Evaluation the effect of 17-alpha hydroxyprogesterone caproate on gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnant women at risk for preterm birth [Volume 2015, october, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Zare-Farashbandi, Firoozeh
How health information is received by diabetic patients? [Volume 2015, june, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Zarezadeh, Abolghasem
Scaphoid nonunion fracture and results of the modified Matti-Russe technique [Volume 2015, February, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Zargham, Mahtab
Potential risk factors associated with stress urinary incontinence among Iranian women [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-3]
Zarghami, Nosratollah
Isolation of granulosa cells from follicular fluid; applications in biomedical and molecular biology experiments [Volume 2015, November, 2015, Pages 1-6]
Zarghami, Nosratollah
Evaluation of relationship between serum levels of anti-müllerian hormone, androgen, and insulin resistant with retrieval oocytes in overweight patients with polycystic ovary syndrome [Volume 2015, March, 2015, Pages 1-7]
Zeinalian, Mehrdad
Iranian-Islamic traditional medicine: An ancient comprehensive personalized medicine [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-4]
Ziaie, Hamidreza
Evaluation of the outcomes of corneal collagen cross-linking in progressive keratoconic eyes [Volume 2015, september, 2015, Pages 1-5]
Zolfaghari, Behzad
The effects of unripe grape extract on systemic blood pressure and serum levels of superoxide dismutase, malondialdehyde and nitric oxide in rat [Volume 2015, May, 2015, Pages 1-4]
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