Abarghuie, Hamed Motavallipour
The Effect of Sneezing on the Reduction of Infarct Volume and the Improvement of Neurological Deficits in Male Rats [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Abbasi, Saeed
Comparison of Nebulized Budesonide and Intravenous Dexamethasone Efficacy on Tracheal Tube Cuff Leak in Intubated Patients admitted to Intensive Care Unit [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Abedi, Daryoush
Effect of Twine-arginine Translocation-signaling Fusion System and Chaperones Co-expression on Secretory Expression of Somatropin [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Aboutalebi, Fateme
Blockade of Glutamate Receptors within the Prelimbic Cortex Attenuate Concentration of Excitatory Amino Acids in the Morphine Self-administration in Rats [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Abrishamkar, Saeid
Comparison the Postoperation Results of Discectomy with Nucleoplasty in Single Cervical Disc Herniation [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Abrishamkar, Saeid
Preventive Effects of Pre- and Intra-operative Marcaine, Lidocaine, and Marcaine Plus Lidocaine on Pain Relief in Lumbar Disc Herination Open Surgery [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Abtahi, Seyed Mohammad
Molecular Identification of Leishmania Parasites in Sand Flies (Diptera, Psychodidae) of an Endemic Foci in Poldokhtar, Iran [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Abtahi, Seyyed Hamid Reza
The Comparison of Nasaleze and Mometasone Nasal Spray to Control the Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Abtahi-Naeini, Bahareh
A Rare Case of Branchio-oculo-facial Syndrome: Clinical and Histopathological Features [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Abtahi-Naeini, Bahareh
Can Fractionated Microneedle Radiofrequency be an Effective Procedure for Treatment of Fox–Fordyce Disease? A Medical Hypothesis [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-2]
Adibi, Peyman
The Effectiveness of Emotional Schema Therapy on the Emotional Schemas and Emotional Regulation in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Single Subject Design [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Adibi, Peyman
Establishment and Development of the First Biobank of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Suspected to Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases in Iran [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Adibi, Peyman
Emotional Intelligence: An Old Issue and a New Look in Clinical Teaching [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Adinehmehr, Leili
Comparison the Effects of Oral Tizanidine and Tramadol on Intra- and Post-operative Shivering in Patients Underwent Spinal Anesthesia [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Adinehmehr, Leili
Comparison the Effect of Granisetron and Dexamethasone on Intravenous Propofol Pain [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Aeinfar, Masoud
Preventive Effects of Pre- and Intra-operative Marcaine, Lidocaine, and Marcaine Plus Lidocaine on Pain Relief in Lumbar Disc Herination Open Surgery [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Ahmadi, Mehdi
Evaluation of Relationship between Extensor Digitorum Communis Hoffmann-reflex Latency and Upper Limb Length and Age [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Ahmadi, Omid
Ketamine versus Ketamine / magnesium Sulfate for Procedural Sedation and Analgesia in the Emergency Department: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Ahmadi, Somayeh
Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Morphine Self-administration and Pain Modulation in Rats [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Ahmadian, Mana
The Effect of Pregabalin and Metformin on Subacute and Chronic Radiculopathy [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Ahmadifar, Abbas
Evaluate the Response Rate of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Patients to Hyper Cyclophosphamide, Vincristine, Adriamycin, and Dexamethasone Regimen and Remission Rate to Stay Until the End of the Arbitrary Treatment [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Akhavan, Ali
Radiobiological Evaluation of Three Common Clinical Radiotherapy Techniques Including Combined Photon-Electron, Tangential Beams and Electron Therapy in Left-Sided Mastectomy Patients [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Akhavan, Sima
Effects of Streptokinase and Normal Saline on the Incidence of Intra-abdominal Adhesion 1 Week and 1 Month after Laparotomy in Rats [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Akhbari, Kourosh
Onset and Effect Duration of Intrabuccal Space and Intramuscular Ketamine in Pediatrics [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Akhlaghi, Lame
A 53 KDa Glycan Antigen of Hydatid Cyst Wall May Involve in Evasion from Host Immune System [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Akouchekian, Shahla
The Effect of Atorvastatin on Obsessive-compulsive Symptoms of Refractory Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (Add-on Therapy) [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Akouchekian, Shahla
Depression in Main Caregivers of Dementia Patients: Prevalence and Predictors [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Alaei, Hojjatallah
Blockade of Glutamate Receptors within the Prelimbic Cortex Attenuate Concentration of Excitatory Amino Acids in the Morphine Self-administration in Rats [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Alaei, Hojjatallah
Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Morphine Self-administration and Pain Modulation in Rats [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Alavi, Mousa
The Role of Mas Receptor on Renal Hemodynamic Responses to Angiotensin 1-7 in Both Irreversible and Reversible Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction Rats [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Alavian, Seyed Moayed
Occult Hepatitis B in Hemodialysis Patients is a Debate [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-1]
Aldebasi, Yousef H
Role of Curcumin in Disease Prevention and Treatment [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Alizadeh, Azadeh
Comparison the Effects of Oral Tizanidine and Tramadol on Intra- and Post-operative Shivering in Patients Underwent Spinal Anesthesia [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Almasi, Asiyeh
The Effect of Atorvastatin on Obsessive-compulsive Symptoms of Refractory Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (Add-on Therapy) [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Alsahli, Mohammed A
Role of Curcumin in Disease Prevention and Treatment [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Alvarado-Vlllacorta, Rosa
Micropulse Trabeculoplasty in Open Angle Glaucoma [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Aly, Salah M
Role of Curcumin in Disease Prevention and Treatment [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Amel, Afsaneh Karbasi
Effectiveness of Parents-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms, Obesity and Self-Esteem of Overweight Children with Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-8]
Amel, Saeed Karbasi
Effectiveness of Parents-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms, Obesity and Self-Esteem of Overweight Children with Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-8]
Amel, Saeed Karbasi
The Effectiveness of Emotional Schema Therapy on the Emotional Schemas and Emotional Regulation in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Single Subject Design [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Amin, Mohammad Mehdi
Biohydrogen Production as Clean Fuel from physically Pretreated Mixed Culture [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Amini, Masoud
The Effect of Levothyroxine and Selenium versus Levothyroxine Alone on Reducing the Level of Anti-thyroid Peroxidase Antibody in Autoimmune Hypothyroid Patients [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Aminmansour, Bahram
Bifrontal Epidermoid Cyst [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Aminorroaya, Ashraf
Pharmacogenomics of Sulfonylureas Response in Relation to rs7754840 Polymorphisms in Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 5 Regulatory Subunit-associated Protein 1-like (CDKAL1) Gene in Iranian Type 2 Diabetes Patients [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Aminorroaya, Ashraf
The Effect of Levothyroxine and Selenium versus Levothyroxine Alone on Reducing the Level of Anti-thyroid Peroxidase Antibody in Autoimmune Hypothyroid Patients [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Aminsharifi, Alireza
A Randomized Double-blind Placebo-controlled Trial to Assess the Effect of Tamarind seed in Premature Ejaculation [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Amirkhani, Zohreh
Leucine-rich Repeat-containing G-protein Coupled Receptor 5 Gene Overexpression of the Rat Small Intestinal Progenitor Cells in Response to Orally Administered Grape Exosome-like Nanovesicles [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Amirpour, Noushin
Cartilage Tissue Engineering Via Icariin and Adipose-derived Stem Cells in Fibrin Scaffold [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Andalib, Ali
Outcomes of Unilateral Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Aged Under 35 Years in Iranian Population: A Preliminary Study [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Ansari, Behnaz
Epidemiology and Clinical Features of Guillain-Barre Syndrome in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Ansari, Behnaz
The Effect of Pregabalin and Metformin on Subacute and Chronic Radiculopathy [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Arabestani, Mohammad Reza
Identification of Hemolysine Genes and their Association with Antimicrobial Resistance Pattern among Clinical Isolates of Staphylococcus aureus in West of Iran [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-8]
Ardestani, Mohammad Emami
Identification of Candida albicans and Candida dubliniensis Species Isolated from Bronchoalveolar Lavage Samples Using Genotypic and Phenotypic Methods [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-8]
Arefnia, Serajaddin
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura in a Child with Diabetic Ketoacidosis [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Arman, Soroor
Parenting Styles and Psychiatric Disorders in Children of Bipolar Parents [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Arman, Soroor
Efficacy of Group Cognitive–behavioral Therapy in Maintenance Treatment and Relapse Prevention for Bipolar Adolescents [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Asadpour, Nabiolah
Twin Brothers with Carnitine Membrane Transporter Deficiency: A Case Study [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Asghari, Babak
Identification of Hemolysine Genes and their Association with Antimicrobial Resistance Pattern among Clinical Isolates of Staphylococcus aureus in West of Iran [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-8]
Asghari, Gholam Reza
Formulation of Herbal Gel of Antirrhinum majus Extract and Evaluation of its Anti- Propionibacterium acne Effects [Volume 2018, March, 2018]
Asgharzadeh, Samira
Applying Two Different Bioinformatic Approaches to Discover Novel Genes Associated with Hereditary Hearing Loss via Whole-Exome Sequencing: ENDEAVOUR and HomozygosityMapper [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Asilian, Ali
A Rare Case of Branchio-oculo-facial Syndrome: Clinical and Histopathological Features [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Askari, Gholamreza
The Relationship between Dietary Patterns with Blood Pressure in Iranian Army Staffs [Volume 2018, september, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Assari, Shervin
Self-rated Health and Mortality due to Kidney Diseases: Racial Differences in the United States [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-8]
Attari, Mohammadali
The First Awake Craniotomy for Seizure Focus Resection in Iran 2016 [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Augustine, Dominic
Stem Cell Markers SOX-2 and OCT-4 Enable to Resolve the Diagnostic Dilemma between Ameloblastic Carcinoma and Aggressive Solid Multicystic Ameloblastoma [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-10]
Avan, Amir
Evaluation of miR-21 Inhibition and its Impact on Cancer Susceptibility Candidate 2 Long Noncoding RNA in Colorectal Cancer Cell Line [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Ayoub, Taha
Comparison the Effects of Ephedrine and Lidocaine in Treatment of Intraoperative Hiccups in Gynecologic Surgery under Sedation [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Azadbakht, Mohammad Karim
The Role of Angiotensin II Infusion on the Baroreflex Sensitivity and Renal Function in Intact and Bilateral Renal Denervation Rats [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Azad Majedi, Mohammad
Comparison the Effects of Oral Tizanidine and Tramadol on Intra- and Post-operative Shivering in Patients Underwent Spinal Anesthesia [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Azad Majedi, Mohammad
Comparison of Propofol and Ketamine Combination (Ketofol) and Propofol and Fentanyl Combination (Fenofol) on Quality of Sedation and Analgesia in the Lumpectomy: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Azizkhani, Reza
Comparison of Wound Tape and Suture Wounds on Traumatic Wounds' Scar [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Azizkhani, Reza
Ketamine versus Ketamine / magnesium Sulfate for Procedural Sedation and Analgesia in the Emergency Department: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Babaie, Sharareh
A Comparison between the Bedside Sonographic Measurements of the Inferior Vena Cava Indices and the Central Venous Pressure While Assessing the Decreased Intravascular Volume in Children [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Badhe, Prerna
Cellular Therapy for Chronic Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injury [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Badiei, Sajad
Outcomes of Unilateral Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Aged Under 35 Years in Iranian Population: A Preliminary Study [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Bagheri, Hadi
Evaluation of miR-21 Inhibition and its Impact on Cancer Susceptibility Candidate 2 Long Noncoding RNA in Colorectal Cancer Cell Line [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Bagheri-Lankarani, Kamran
Estimation and Projection of Prevalence of Colorectal Cancer in Iran, 2015–2020 [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Bagherinejad, Mohammad Reza
Effect of Twine-arginine Translocation-signaling Fusion System and Chaperones Co-expression on Secretory Expression of Somatropin [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Bagherpour, Bahram
Establishment and Development of the First Biobank of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Suspected to Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases in Iran [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Bahadoori, Azadeh
Comparison the Effects of Ephedrine and Lidocaine in Treatment of Intraoperative Hiccups in Gynecologic Surgery under Sedation [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Bahadori, Azadeh
Ketamine versus Ketamine / magnesium Sulfate for Procedural Sedation and Analgesia in the Emergency Department: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Bahrami, Maryam
Cartilage Tissue Engineering Via Icariin and Adipose-derived Stem Cells in Fibrin Scaffold [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Bahrami, Mohsen
A Randomized Double-blind Placebo-controlled Trial to Assess the Effect of Tamarind seed in Premature Ejaculation [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Bananzadeh, Alimohammad
Early Outcome of Patient with Ulcerative Colitis who Received High Dose of Steroid and Underwent Two Staged Total Proctocolectomy [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Baniasadi, Masoome
Prevalence of Fungemia in Pediatric Patients with Febrile Neutropenia [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Barahmand, Nilofar
Postmastectomy Information Needs and Information-seeking Motives for Women with Breast Cancer [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Barazandeh, Morteza
Evaluation of Outcomes of Open Reduction and Internal Fixation Surgery in Patients with Type C Distal Humeral Fractures [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Barekatain, Behzad
A New Case of Neu–Laxova Syndrome: Infant with Facial Dysmorphism, Arthrogryposis, Ichthyosis, and Microcephalia [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Basiri, Keivan
Epidemiology and Clinical Features of Guillain-Barre Syndrome in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Beheshti, Siamak
Quercetin Prevents Body Weight Loss Due to the Using of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Rat [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Behnam, Mahdieh
Establishment and Development of the First Biobank of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Suspected to Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases in Iran [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Behzad, Azita
A Comparison between the Bedside Sonographic Measurements of the Inferior Vena Cava Indices and the Central Venous Pressure While Assessing the Decreased Intravascular Volume in Children [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Beiraghdar, Mozhdeh
Impact of Health Information Prescription on Self-care of Women with Breast Cancer [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Berjis, Nezamoddin
Relationship between Height of Ethmoid Skull Base and Length of Lateral Lamella by Sectional Coronal Computed Tomography Scan before Endoscopic Sinus Surgery [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Berri, Nael
Polyethylene Oxide and Silicon-Substituted Hydroxyapatite Composite: A Biomaterial for Hard Tissue Engineering in Orthopedic and Spine Surgery [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Bigdeli, Shoaleh
The Role of Mas Receptor on Renal Hemodynamic Responses to Angiotensin 1-7 in Both Irreversible and Reversible Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction Rats [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Bina, Bijan
Biohydrogen Production as Clean Fuel from physically Pretreated Mixed Culture [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Boroujeni, Majid Valiyan
The Effect of Sneezing on the Reduction of Infarct Volume and the Improvement of Neurological Deficits in Male Rats [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Bostakian, Anis
A Rare Case of Branchio-oculo-facial Syndrome: Clinical and Histopathological Features [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Bouzari, Saeid
In silico Design, and In vitro Expression of a Fusion Protein Encoding Brucella abortus L7/L12 and SOmp2b Antigens [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Chabavizade, Javaher
Effect of Ganoderma lucidum Powder on Oxidative Stability, Microbial and Sensory Properties of Emulsion Type Sausage [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Chehrazi, Samaneh
Serum Zinc Level and Eating Behaviors in Children Receiving Zinc Supplements without Physician Prescription [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Chehri, Zahra
Isolation of Cinnamic Acid Derivatives from the Bulbs of Allium tripedale [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Cordova-Crisanto, Luis
Micropulse Trabeculoplasty in Open Angle Glaucoma [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Dabbagh-Moghaddam, Arasb
The Relationship between Dietary Patterns with Blood Pressure in Iranian Army Staffs [Volume 2018, september, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Dana, Nasim
Cytotoxic Screening of Marine Organisms from Persian Gulf [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Dana, Nasim
Cytotoxicity of Sargassum angustifolium Partitions against Breast and Cervical Cancer Cell Lines [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Dashti, Gholamreza
Novel High-Fat Diet Formulation and Streptozotocin Treatment for Induction of Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes in Rats [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Dastgerdi, Azadehalsadat Hosseini
Effect of Crocin, Exercise, and Crocin-accompanied Exercise on Learning and Memory in Rats under Chronic Unpredictable Stress [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Dastgerdi, Hajaralsadat Hosseini
Effect of Crocin, Exercise, and Crocin-accompanied Exercise on Learning and Memory in Rats under Chronic Unpredictable Stress [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Dayani, Zahra
Effect of Dydrogesterone on the Outcome of Idiopathic Intrauterine Growth Restriction: A Double-blind Clinical Trial Study [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Dehghan, Farnaz
Enhancement of the Effectiveness of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy with Topical Corticosteroid in Treatment of Chronic Plantar Fasciitis: A Randomized Control Clinical Trial [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Dehghan, Farnaz
Ultrasonography Predictive Factors of Response to Local Steroid Injection in Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Dehghan, Parvin
Identification of Candida albicans and Candida dubliniensis Species Isolated from Bronchoalveolar Lavage Samples Using Genotypic and Phenotypic Methods [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-8]
Dehkordi, Amirreza Farhadian
Superimposed Hepatitis C Virus in Sickle Cell Disease Pregnant Woman [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-2]
Dehkordi, Elham Hashemi
SOFT Syndrome: The First Case in Iran [Volume 2018, september, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Dehkordi, Elham Hashemi
Twin Brothers with Carnitine Membrane Transporter Deficiency: A Case Study [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Dehkordi, Elham Hashemi
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura in a Child with Diabetic Ketoacidosis [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Dehnavi, Parvin Rajabi
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis: A Case Report with Unusual Cutaneous Manifestation [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Dehshari, Shadab
A Randomized Double-blind Placebo-controlled Trial to Assess the Effect of Tamarind seed in Premature Ejaculation [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Derakhshan, Yeganeh
Epidemiology and Clinical Features of Guillain-Barre Syndrome in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Dinani, Masoud Sadeghi
Isolation of Cinnamic Acid Derivatives from the Bulbs of Allium tripedale [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Ebadi, Mina
Neuroprotective Effects of Forced Exercise and Bupropion on Chronic Methamphetamine-induced Cognitive Impairment via Modulation of cAMP Response Element-binding Protein/Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor Signaling Pathway, Oxidative Stress, and Inflammatory Biomarkers in Rats [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Ebrahimi, Hamidreza
Relationship between Height of Ethmoid Skull Base and Length of Lateral Lamella by Sectional Coronal Computed Tomography Scan before Endoscopic Sinus Surgery [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Ebrahimi, Soltan Ahmad
A 53 KDa Glycan Antigen of Hydatid Cyst Wall May Involve in Evasion from Host Immune System [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Eizadi-Mood, Nastaran
What are the Predictive Factors for the Treatment Outcomes in Multi Drug Poisoning Including Antidepressants/Antipsychotic Drugs? [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Emadi-Baygi, Modjtaba
Gene Expression Analysis of Two Epithelial-mesenchymal Transition-related Genes: Long Noncoding RNA-ATB and SETD8 in Gastric Cancer Tissues [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Emami, Mohammad Hassan
Establishment and Development of the First Biobank of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Suspected to Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases in Iran [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Emami Nejad, Abbas
Comparison of Nebulized Budesonide and Intravenous Dexamethasone Efficacy on Tracheal Tube Cuff Leak in Intubated Patients admitted to Intensive Care Unit [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Enteshari, Saeede
Solubility Enhancement of Domperidone by Solvent Change In situ Micronization Technique [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-8]
Erfan, Arefeh
Effectiveness of Parents-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms, Obesity and Self-Esteem of Overweight Children with Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-8]
Erfan, Arefeh
The Effectiveness of Emotional Schema Therapy on the Emotional Schemas and Emotional Regulation in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Single Subject Design [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Esfahani, Bahram Nasr
Evaluation of Biofilm Formation and Frequency of Multidrug-resistant and Extended Drug-resistant Strain in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Burn Patients in Isfahan [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Esfahani, Bahram Nasr
The Relationship between Tuberculosis and Lung Cancer [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-2]
Esfahani, Bahram Nasr
Genetic Diversity of Drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolates in Isfahan Province of Iran [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Esfahani, Mohammad Nasr
Accuracy of Real-time Intratracheal Bedside Ultrasonography and Waveform Capnography for Confirmation of Intubation in Multiple Trauma Patients [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Eskandarian, Abasali
A 53 KDa Glycan Antigen of Hydatid Cyst Wall May Involve in Evasion from Host Immune System [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Eslami, Gilda
Novel High-Fat Diet Formulation and Streptozotocin Treatment for Induction of Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes in Rats [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Esmaeili, Abolghasem
Quercetin Prevents Body Weight Loss Due to the Using of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Rat [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Esmaili, Morteza
Production and Clinical Application of the First Iranian Ultrasonic Desktop Nebulizer [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-1]
Esmailian, Mehrdad
Comparison of Wound Tape and Suture Wounds on Traumatic Wounds' Scar [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Etemadi, Samaneh
Comparison of CAT-21A/T Gene Polymorphism in Women with Preeclampsia and Control Group [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Faghri, Jamshid
Prevalence of CTX-M and TEM β-lactamases in Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolates from Patients with Urinary Tract Infection, Al-Zahra Hospital, Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Fahimnia, Fateme
Postmastectomy Information Needs and Information-seeking Motives for Women with Breast Cancer [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Farajzadegan, Ziba
Youth Violence and Related Risk Factors: A Cross-sectional Study in 2800 Adolescents [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-8]
Farajzadegan, Ziba
What are the Predictive Factors for the Treatment Outcomes in Multi Drug Poisoning Including Antidepressants/Antipsychotic Drugs? [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Farajzadegan, Ziba
Assessment of the Relationship between Nutritional Knowledge and Anthropometric Indices in Isfahan Children and Adolescent [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Fares, Jawad
Polyethylene Oxide and Silicon-Substituted Hydroxyapatite Composite: A Biomaterial for Hard Tissue Engineering in Orthopedic and Spine Surgery [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Fares, Youssef
Polyethylene Oxide and Silicon-Substituted Hydroxyapatite Composite: A Biomaterial for Hard Tissue Engineering in Orthopedic and Spine Surgery [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Farimani, Marzieh
Evaluation of Toxoplasma gondii B1 gene in Placental Tissues of Pregnant Women with Acute Toxoplasmosis [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Farrokhi, Effat
Effects of Nigella sativa Extracts on the Lipid Profile and Uncoupling Protein-1 Gene Expression in Brown Adipose Tissue of Mice [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Farsani, Leili Allahbakhshian
Impact of Health Information Prescription on Self-care of Women with Breast Cancer [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Farsani, Leili Allahbakhshian
Postmastectomy Information Needs and Information-seeking Motives for Women with Breast Cancer [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Farzaneh, Behdad
Efficacy of Memantine as Adjunct Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children Aged <14 Years [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Fatehizadeh, Ali
Biohydrogen Production as Clean Fuel from physically Pretreated Mixed Culture [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Fazeli, Hossein
The Fusion Multistage Synthetic Peptides as the Best Candidates for New Tuberculosis Vaccine [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-2]
Fazeli, Hossein
Antimicrobial Resistance Pattern and Spectrum of Multiple-drug-resistant Enterobacteriaceae in Iranian Hospitalized Patients with Cancer [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Fazeli, Hossein
Evaluation of Biofilm Formation and Frequency of Multidrug-resistant and Extended Drug-resistant Strain in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Burn Patients in Isfahan [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Feizi, Awat
Determination Relation of the Zinc Serum Level in Acute Leukemia Adult Patients with Mucositis and Neutropenic Prevalence before and after Treatment in Isfahan' Seyed-Al-Shohada Hospital, 2012–2013 [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Feizi, Awat
Effects of Streptokinase and Normal Saline on the Incidence of Intra-abdominal Adhesion 1 Week and 1 Month after Laparotomy in Rats [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Fluegge, Keith
Music Therapy and Social Skills in Autism: Underlying Biological Mechanisms [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-2]
Foroughi, Mehdi
The Relationship between Dietary Patterns with Blood Pressure in Iranian Army Staffs [Volume 2018, september, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Forouzannia, Seyed Khalil
A Rare Missense Mutation and a Polymorphism with High Frequency in LDLR Gene among Iranian Patients with Familial Hypercholesterolemia [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Garg, Rajiv
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease with Anemia as Comorbidity in North Indian Population [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Gaur, Priyanka
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease with Anemia as Comorbidity in North Indian Population [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Ghaffarzadeh, Zahra
The First Report on the Frequency of Asymptomatic Proteinuria in Iranian School-aged Children [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Ghanadian, Mustafa
Synthesis and In vitro Leishmanicidal Activities of Six Quercetin Derivatives [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Ghasemi, Ahmad
Cytotoxic Screening of Marine Organisms from Persian Gulf [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Ghasemi, Ahmad
Cytotoxicity of Sargassum angustifolium Partitions against Breast and Cervical Cancer Cell Lines [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Ghasemi, Maedeh
Effects of Isolation and Social Subchronic Stresses on Food Intake and Levels of Leptin, Ghrelin, and Glucose in Male Rats [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Ghasemi, Majid
The Effect of Pregabalin and Metformin on Subacute and Chronic Radiculopathy [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Ghasemi, Mohadeseh
What are the Predictive Factors for the Treatment Outcomes in Multi Drug Poisoning Including Antidepressants/Antipsychotic Drugs? [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Ghasemian, Melina
In silico Design, and In vitro Expression of a Fusion Protein Encoding Brucella abortus L7/L12 and SOmp2b Antigens [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Ghasemian, Mohammad
Biohydrogen Production as Clean Fuel from physically Pretreated Mixed Culture [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Ghayour-Mobarhan, Majid
Evaluation of miR-21 Inhibition and its Impact on Cancer Susceptibility Candidate 2 Long Noncoding RNA in Colorectal Cancer Cell Line [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Gheibi, Nematollah
In silico Design, and In vitro Expression of a Fusion Protein Encoding Brucella abortus L7/L12 and SOmp2b Antigens [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Gheidarloo, Mahshid
SOFT Syndrome: The First Case in Iran [Volume 2018, september, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Ghiasi, Moosa Rahimi
Pharmacogenomics of Sulfonylureas Response in Relation to rs7754840 Polymorphisms in Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 5 Regulatory Subunit-associated Protein 1-like (CDKAL1) Gene in Iranian Type 2 Diabetes Patients [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Ghiasvand, Reza
The Relationship between Dietary Patterns with Blood Pressure in Iranian Army Staffs [Volume 2018, september, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Ghobadi, Runak
Effect of Ganoderma lucidum Powder on Oxidative Stability, Microbial and Sensory Properties of Emulsion Type Sausage [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Gokulchandran, Nandini
Cellular Therapy for Chronic Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injury [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Golbidi, Danial
Radiological Evaluation of the Styloid Process Length Using 64-row Multidetector Computed Tomography Scan [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Golmohammadi, Farnaz
Efficacy of Group Cognitive–behavioral Therapy in Maintenance Treatment and Relapse Prevention for Bipolar Adolescents [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Golparvar, Mohammad
Comparative Evaluation of the Effects of Three Different Recruitment Maneuvers during Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgeries of Morbid Obese Patients on Cardiopulmonary Indices [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Golshahi, Mahboobeh
Cognitive Functioning in Schizophrenia, Methamphetamine-induced Psychotic Disorder, and Healthy People: A Comparative Study [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Golshani, Keyhan
Determination of Clinical Signs and Symptoms Predicting No Pelvic Fracture in Patients with Multiple Trauma [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Golshani, Keyhan
Ketamine versus Ketamine / magnesium Sulfate for Procedural Sedation and Analgesia in the Emergency Department: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Golshani, Maryam
In silico Design, and In vitro Expression of a Fusion Protein Encoding Brucella abortus L7/L12 and SOmp2b Antigens [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Golshiri, Parastoo
Youth Violence and Related Risk Factors: A Cross-sectional Study in 2800 Adolescents [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-8]
Hadipour, Maryam
Estimation and Projection of Prevalence of Colorectal Cancer in Iran, 2015–2020 [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Haghani, Fariba
Emotional Intelligence: An Old Issue and a New Look in Clinical Teaching [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Haghani, Fariba
The Role of Mas Receptor on Renal Hemodynamic Responses to Angiotensin 1-7 in Both Irreversible and Reversible Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction Rats [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Haghdoost, AliAkbar
Estimation and Projection of Prevalence of Colorectal Cancer in Iran, 2015–2020 [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Haghighat, Shila
Normative Ulnar Nerve Conduction Study: Comparison of Two Measurement Methods [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Haghighat, Shila
Ultrasonography Predictive Factors of Response to Local Steroid Injection in Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Haghighizadeh, Ebrahim
Depression in Main Caregivers of Dementia Patients: Prevalence and Predictors [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Haghjoo, Mojdeh
Effect of Thymoquinone on Reproductive Parameter in Morphine-treated Male Mice [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Haghjooy Javanmard, Shaghayegh
Association of Polymorphism in Fatty Acid Desaturase Gene with the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Iranian Population [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Haghjooy Javanmard, Shaghayegh
Development of a Rapid and Precise Reversed-phase High-performance Liquid Chromatography Method for Analysis of Docetaxel in Rat Plasma: Application in Single-dose Pharmacokinetic Studies of Folate-targeted Micelles Containing Docetaxel [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Haghshenas, Milad
Extract from Teucrium polium L. Protects Rat Heart against Oxidative Stress Induced by Ischemic–reperfusion Injury [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Hajakbari, Farideh
Cytotoxic Screening of Marine Organisms from Persian Gulf [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Hajiloii, Mehrdad
Evaluation of Toxoplasma gondii B1 gene in Placental Tissues of Pregnant Women with Acute Toxoplasmosis [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Hamidi, Seyed Jalil
Outcomes of Unilateral Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Aged Under 35 Years in Iranian Population: A Preliminary Study [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Haragannavar, Vanishri C
Stem Cell Markers SOX-2 and OCT-4 Enable to Resolve the Diagnostic Dilemma between Ameloblastic Carcinoma and Aggressive Solid Multicystic Ameloblastoma [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-10]
Haratian, Azadeh
The Efficacy of Internet-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on the Anxiety Disorders among Adolescent Girls [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Hasandokht, Tolou
Cognitive Functioning in Schizophrenia, Methamphetamine-induced Psychotic Disorder, and Healthy People: A Comparative Study [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Hasanshahi, Jalal
The Role of Vasodilator Receptors of Renin–angiotensin System on Nitric Oxide Formation and Kidney Circulation after Angiotensin II Infusion in Renal Ischemia/Reperfusion Rats [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Hashemi, Seyyed Mustafa
Relationship between Height of Ethmoid Skull Base and Length of Lateral Lamella by Sectional Coronal Computed Tomography Scan before Endoscopic Sinus Surgery [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Hashemibeni, Batool
Cartilage Tissue Engineering Via Icariin and Adipose-derived Stem Cells in Fibrin Scaffold [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Hashemipour, Mahin
SOFT Syndrome: The First Case in Iran [Volume 2018, september, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Hashemipour, Mahin
Twin Brothers with Carnitine Membrane Transporter Deficiency: A Case Study [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Hashemipour, Mahin
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura in a Child with Diabetic Ketoacidosis [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Hashemipour, Mahin
A Case of Tyrosinemia Type III with Status Epilepticus and Mental Retardation [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Hashemzadeh-Chaleshtori, Morteza
Clinical Aspects of Microsatellite Instability Testing in Colorectal Cancer [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Hassan Emami, Mohammad
Clinical Aspects of Microsatellite Instability Testing in Colorectal Cancer [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Hassanshahi, Jalal
The Role of Angiotensin II Infusion on the Baroreflex Sensitivity and Renal Function in Intact and Bilateral Renal Denervation Rats [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Hassanshahi, Jalal
The Role of Mas Receptor on Renal Hemodynamic Responses to Angiotensin 1-7 in Both Irreversible and Reversible Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction Rats [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Hassanzadeh, Farshid
Development of a Rapid and Precise Reversed-phase High-performance Liquid Chromatography Method for Analysis of Docetaxel in Rat Plasma: Application in Single-dose Pharmacokinetic Studies of Folate-targeted Micelles Containing Docetaxel [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Hatefi, Zahra
Pharmacogenomics of Sulfonylureas Response in Relation to rs7754840 Polymorphisms in Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 5 Regulatory Subunit-associated Protein 1-like (CDKAL1) Gene in Iranian Type 2 Diabetes Patients [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Hatefi, Zahra
Micro R-410 Binding Site Single Nucleotide Polymorphism rs13702 in Lipoprotein Lipase Gene is Effective to Increase Susceptibility to Type 2 Diabetes in Iranian Population [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Hatef Khorrami, Mohammad
Stress Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse Correction by Single Incision and Using Monoprosthesis: Three-year Follow-up [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Hedayat, Pegah
A Large Primary Subcutaneous Hydatid Cyst in Proximal Thigh: An Unusual Localization [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-2]
Heidari, Farhad
Determination of Clinical Signs and Symptoms Predicting No Pelvic Fracture in Patients with Multiple Trauma [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Heidari, Kamal
Youth Violence and Related Risk Factors: A Cross-sectional Study in 2800 Adolescents [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-8]
Heidari, Kamal
Assessment of the Relationship between Nutritional Knowledge and Anthropometric Indices in Isfahan Children and Adolescent [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Heidarian, Esfandiar
Effects of Nigella sativa Extracts on the Lipid Profile and Uncoupling Protein-1 Gene Expression in Brown Adipose Tissue of Mice [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Heidari-Beni, Motahar
Serum Zinc Level and Eating Behaviors in Children Receiving Zinc Supplements without Physician Prescription [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Hejazi, Seyed Hossein
Molecular Identification of Leishmania Parasites in Sand Flies (Diptera, Psychodidae) of an Endemic Foci in Poldokhtar, Iran [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Hekmatnia, Ali
A Large Primary Subcutaneous Hydatid Cyst in Proximal Thigh: An Unusual Localization [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-2]
Hekmatnia, Farzaneh
A Large Primary Subcutaneous Hydatid Cyst in Proximal Thigh: An Unusual Localization [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-2]
Herrera-Quiroz, Julio
Micropulse Trabeculoplasty in Open Angle Glaucoma [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Heydari, Farhad
Accuracy of Real-time Intratracheal Bedside Ultrasonography and Waveform Capnography for Confirmation of Intubation in Multiple Trauma Patients [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Hojjati, Atefeh
The Relationship between Dietary Patterns with Blood Pressure in Iranian Army Staffs [Volume 2018, september, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Homayuonfar, Abdulla
A Randomized Double-blind Placebo-controlled Trial to Assess the Effect of Tamarind seed in Premature Ejaculation [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Hosseini, Ali
Effects of Streptokinase and Normal Saline on the Incidence of Intra-abdominal Adhesion 1 Week and 1 Month after Laparotomy in Rats [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Hosseini, Alireza
Investigating Diagnostic Value of Ultrasonography in Acute Appendicitis [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Hosseini, Ehsan Mohammad
Bifrontal Epidermoid Cyst [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Hosseini, Seyed Vahid
Early Outcome of Patient with Ulcerative Colitis who Received High Dose of Steroid and Underwent Two Staged Total Proctocolectomy [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Hosseininassab, Seyed Abolfazl
Evaluation of Biofilm Formation and Frequency of Multidrug-resistant and Extended Drug-resistant Strain in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Burn Patients in Isfahan [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Hosseinpour, Mehrdad
Osseous Metaplasia in Rectal Polyp: A Case Report with Review of Probable Pathogenesis [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Hosseinzadeh, Javad
The Relationship between Dietary Patterns with Blood Pressure in Iranian Army Staffs [Volume 2018, september, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Hozhabri, Kamran
The First Awake Craniotomy for Seizure Focus Resection in Iran 2016 [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Inamdar, Sanket
Cellular Therapy for Chronic Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injury [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Iraji, Fariba
A Rare Case of Branchio-oculo-facial Syndrome: Clinical and Histopathological Features [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Iraji, Fariba
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis: A Case Report with Unusual Cutaneous Manifestation [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Izadi, Mina Sadat
Effects of Isolation and Social Subchronic Stresses on Food Intake and Levels of Leptin, Ghrelin, and Glucose in Male Rats [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Izadpanahi, Mohammad Hosein
Stress Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse Correction by Single Incision and Using Monoprosthesis: Three-year Follow-up [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Jafari, Reza
Molecular Identification of Leishmania Parasites in Sand Flies (Diptera, Psychodidae) of an Endemic Foci in Poldokhtar, Iran [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Jafarian, Abbas
Evaluation of Cytotoxic Effect of Different Extracts of Seidlitzia rosmarinus on HeLa and HepG2 Cell Lines [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Jahanian, Ali
Optimization of Poly(methyl vinyl ether-co-maleic acid) Electrospun Nanofibers as a Fast-Dissolving Drug Delivery System [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-8]
Jahanian-Najafabadi, Ali
Formulation of Herbal Gel of Antirrhinum majus Extract and Evaluation of its Anti- Propionibacterium acne Effects [Volume 2018, March, 2018]
Jalili, Cyrus
Effect of Thymoquinone on Reproductive Parameter in Morphine-treated Male Mice [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Jangjoo, Aliakbar
Comparison of Wound Tape and Suture Wounds on Traumatic Wounds' Scar [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Jari, Mohsen
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Allergic Rhinitis in Primary School Students of Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Jari, Mohsen
The First Report on the Frequency of Asymptomatic Proteinuria in Iranian School-aged Children [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Javad Tarrahi, Mohammad
Efficacy of Memantine as Adjunct Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children Aged <14 Years [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Javanmard, Shaghayegh Haghjooy
miR-30a Inhibits Melanoma Tumor Metastasis by Targeting the E-cadherin and Zinc Finger E-box Binding Homeobox 2 [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Jilanchi, Sima
Cisplatin Alters Sodium Excretion and Renal Clearance in Rats: Gender and Drug Dose Related [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Joumaa, Ibrahim
Accuracy of Real-time Intratracheal Bedside Ultrasonography and Waveform Capnography for Confirmation of Intubation in Multiple Trauma Patients [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Kabiri, Sattar
Can Fractionated Microneedle Radiofrequency be an Effective Procedure for Treatment of Fox–Fordyce Disease? A Medical Hypothesis [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-2]
Kachouei, Ali
The Effect of Levothyroxine and Selenium versus Levothyroxine Alone on Reducing the Level of Anti-thyroid Peroxidase Antibody in Autoimmune Hypothyroid Patients [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Kadkhodaei, Farzaneh
Epidemiology and Clinical Features of Guillain-Barre Syndrome in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Kafie, Moosa
Cognitive Functioning in Schizophrenia, Methamphetamine-induced Psychotic Disorder, and Healthy People: A Comparative Study [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Kalidarei, Behrooz
Comparative Evaluation of the Effects of Three Different Recruitment Maneuvers during Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgeries of Morbid Obese Patients on Cardiopulmonary Indices [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Kamali, Majid
The Relationship between Dietary Patterns with Blood Pressure in Iranian Army Staffs [Volume 2018, september, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Kang, Hosein Kafi
Determination of Clinical Signs and Symptoms Predicting No Pelvic Fracture in Patients with Multiple Trauma [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Kant, Surya
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease with Anemia as Comorbidity in North Indian Population [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Karahmadi, Mojgan
Evaluation of the Effect of Memantine Supplementation in the Treatment of Acute Phase of Mania in Bipolar Disorder of Elderly Patients: A Double-blind Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Karahmadi, Mojgan
Efficacy of Memantine as Adjunct Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children Aged <14 Years [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Karami, Mehdi
Ultrasonography Predictive Factors of Response to Local Steroid Injection in Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Karami, Nader Alishan
Impact of Health Information Prescription on Self-care of Women with Breast Cancer [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Karbasi, Afsaneh
The Efficacy of Internet-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on the Anxiety Disorders among Adolescent Girls [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Karbasi, Saeed
Poly(hydroxybutyrate)/chitosan Aligned Electrospun Scaffold as a Novel Substrate for Nerve Tissue Engineering [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Karimi, Afarin
Poly(hydroxybutyrate)/chitosan Aligned Electrospun Scaffold as a Novel Substrate for Nerve Tissue Engineering [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Karimi, Nafiseh
Evaluation of Seizure Frequency Distribution in Epileptic Patients with Normal and Abnormal Electroencephalogram in Al-Zahra Hospital of Isfahan [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Karimifar, Mozhgan
A Case of Functional Metastatic Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma that Presented with Hip Fracture and Hypercalcemia [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Kashefi, Parviz
Comparison of Nebulized Budesonide and Intravenous Dexamethasone Efficacy on Tracheal Tube Cuff Leak in Intubated Patients admitted to Intensive Care Unit [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Kazemi, Mohammad
Micro R-410 Binding Site Single Nucleotide Polymorphism rs13702 in Lipoprotein Lipase Gene is Effective to Increase Susceptibility to Type 2 Diabetes in Iranian Population [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Kazemi, Moloud
Preparation and Evaluation of Lipid-Based Liquid Crystalline Formulation of Fenofibrate [Volume 2018, september, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Kazemipour, Nasrin
Quercetin Prevents Body Weight Loss Due to the Using of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Rat [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Kazemipour, Samira
A Rare Case of Branchio-oculo-facial Syndrome: Clinical and Histopathological Features [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Keikha, Masoud
The Fusion Multistage Synthetic Peptides as the Best Candidates for New Tuberculosis Vaccine [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-2]
Keikha, Masoud
The Relationship between Tuberculosis and Lung Cancer [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-2]
Kelishadi, Roya
Is Vitamin D Supplementation Effective in Prevention of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections in the Pediatrics? A Randomized Triple-Masked Controlled Trial [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Kelishadi, Roya
Serum Zinc Level and Eating Behaviors in Children Receiving Zinc Supplements without Physician Prescription [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Kelishadi, Roya
The First Report on the Frequency of Asymptomatic Proteinuria in Iranian School-aged Children [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Keshavarzi, Saghar
Neuroprotective Effects of Forced Exercise and Bupropion on Chronic Methamphetamine-induced Cognitive Impairment via Modulation of cAMP Response Element-binding Protein/Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor Signaling Pathway, Oxidative Stress, and Inflammatory Biomarkers in Rats [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Khalkhali, Mohammadrasoul
Cognitive Functioning in Schizophrenia, Methamphetamine-induced Psychotic Disorder, and Healthy People: A Comparative Study [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Khan, Masood A
Role of Curcumin in Disease Prevention and Treatment [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Khan, Wafa
Stem Cell Markers SOX-2 and OCT-4 Enable to Resolve the Diagnostic Dilemma between Ameloblastic Carcinoma and Aggressive Solid Multicystic Ameloblastoma [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-10]
Khazraei, Hajar
Early Outcome of Patient with Ulcerative Colitis who Received High Dose of Steroid and Underwent Two Staged Total Proctocolectomy [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Khodadoostan, Mahsa
Effect of Probiotic Administration Immediately and 1 Month after Colonoscopy in Diarrhea-predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome Patients [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Khodadoostan, Mahsa
Levofloxacin-containing versus Clarithromycin-containing Therapy for Helicobacter pylori Eradication: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Khorvash, Fariborz
The Effect of Pregabalin and Metformin on Subacute and Chronic Radiculopathy [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Khorvash, Farzin
Prevalence of Fungemia in Pediatric Patients with Febrile Neutropenia [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Khoshnevisan, Razieh
Establishment and Development of the First Biobank of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Suspected to Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases in Iran [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Khosravi, Sharifeh
Novel High-Fat Diet Formulation and Streptozotocin Treatment for Induction of Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes in Rats [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Khosravi, Sharifeh
Pharmacogenomics of Sulfonylureas Response in Relation to rs7754840 Polymorphisms in Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 5 Regulatory Subunit-associated Protein 1-like (CDKAL1) Gene in Iranian Type 2 Diabetes Patients [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Khosravi, Sharifeh
Micro R-410 Binding Site Single Nucleotide Polymorphism rs13702 in Lipoprotein Lipase Gene is Effective to Increase Susceptibility to Type 2 Diabetes in Iranian Population [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Khosravi, Sharifeh
Evaluation of miR-21 Inhibition and its Impact on Cancer Susceptibility Candidate 2 Long Noncoding RNA in Colorectal Cancer Cell Line [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Khosrawi, Saeid
Evaluation of Relationship between Extensor Digitorum Communis Hoffmann-reflex Latency and Upper Limb Length and Age [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Kiaei, Babak Ali
Comparison of Nebulized Budesonide and Intravenous Dexamethasone Efficacy on Tracheal Tube Cuff Leak in Intubated Patients admitted to Intensive Care Unit [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Kianimehr, Lida
Normative Ulnar Nerve Conduction Study: Comparison of Two Measurement Methods [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Kianipour, Sahar
Identification of Candida albicans and Candida dubliniensis Species Isolated from Bronchoalveolar Lavage Samples Using Genotypic and Phenotypic Methods [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-8]
Kolahdouz, Parisa
A Rare Missense Mutation and a Polymorphism with High Frequency in LDLR Gene among Iranian Patients with Familial Hypercholesterolemia [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Kouchekzadeh, Masih
Epidemiologic and Demographic Features, Therapeutic Intervention and Prognosis of the Patients with Cerebral Aneurysm [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Kulkarni, Pooja
Cellular Therapy for Chronic Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injury [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Latifi, Masoome
Postmastectomy Information Needs and Information-seeking Motives for Women with Breast Cancer [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Latifi, Masoomeh
Impact of Health Information Prescription on Self-care of Women with Breast Cancer [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Loayza-Gamboa, Waldo
Micropulse Trabeculoplasty in Open Angle Glaucoma [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Maghami-Mehr, Asieh
Is Vitamin D Supplementation Effective in Prevention of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections in the Pediatrics? A Randomized Triple-Masked Controlled Trial [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Maghsood, Amir Hossein
Evaluation of Toxoplasma gondii B1 gene in Placental Tissues of Pregnant Women with Acute Toxoplasmosis [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Mahabadi, Amir
Bifrontal Epidermoid Cyst [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Mahabadi, Amir
Epidemiologic and Demographic Features, Therapeutic Intervention and Prognosis of the Patients with Cerebral Aneurysm [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Mahabadi, Amir
Preventive Effects of Pre- and Intra-operative Marcaine, Lidocaine, and Marcaine Plus Lidocaine on Pain Relief in Lumbar Disc Herination Open Surgery [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Mahaki, Hanie
Evaluation of Toxoplasma gondii B1 gene in Placental Tissues of Pregnant Women with Acute Toxoplasmosis [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Mahdavi, Manijeh
Association of Polymorphism in Fatty Acid Desaturase Gene with the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Iranian Population [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Mahmoodi, Nafiseh Sadat
The Comparison of Nasaleze and Mometasone Nasal Spray to Control the Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Mahmoodian, Amir Ebrahim
Normative Ulnar Nerve Conduction Study: Comparison of Two Measurement Methods [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Mahmoodieh, Mohsen
Comparative Evaluation of the Effects of Three Different Recruitment Maneuvers during Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgeries of Morbid Obese Patients on Cardiopulmonary Indices [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Mahmood-Zadeh, Mehdi
Determination Relation of the Zinc Serum Level in Acute Leukemia Adult Patients with Mucositis and Neutropenic Prevalence before and after Treatment in Isfahan' Seyed-Al-Shohada Hospital, 2012–2013 [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Mahmoudabady, Maryam
Extract from Teucrium polium L. Protects Rat Heart against Oxidative Stress Induced by Ischemic–reperfusion Injury [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Mahmoudi, Amin
Effects of Nigella sativa Extracts on the Lipid Profile and Uncoupling Protein-1 Gene Expression in Brown Adipose Tissue of Mice [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Mahmoudzadeh, Mehdi
Evaluate the Response Rate of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Patients to Hyper Cyclophosphamide, Vincristine, Adriamycin, and Dexamethasone Regimen and Remission Rate to Stay Until the End of the Arbitrary Treatment [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Mahzouni, Parvin
Bifrontal Epidermoid Cyst [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Maiti, Tanay
Critical Comment on Depression in Main Caregivers of Dementia Patients: Prevalence and Predictors [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-1]
Majidi, Saeed
Onset and Effect Duration of Intrabuccal Space and Intramuscular Ketamine in Pediatrics [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Majidinejad, Saeed
Determination of Clinical Signs and Symptoms Predicting No Pelvic Fracture in Patients with Multiple Trauma [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Makalani, Fatemeh
Effect of Thymoquinone on Reproductive Parameter in Morphine-treated Male Mice [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Maktoobian, Masoud
Optimization of Poly(methyl vinyl ether-co-maleic acid) Electrospun Nanofibers as a Fast-Dissolving Drug Delivery System [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-8]
Maleki, Maryam
The Role of Vasodilator Receptors of Renin–angiotensin System on Nitric Oxide Formation and Kidney Circulation after Angiotensin II Infusion in Renal Ischemia/Reperfusion Rats [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Maleki, Nafiseh
Prevalence of CTX-M and TEM β-lactamases in Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolates from Patients with Urinary Tract Infection, Al-Zahra Hospital, Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Maleki Rizi, Abdellah
A Large Primary Subcutaneous Hydatid Cyst in Proximal Thigh: An Unusual Localization [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-2]
Mansouri, Vahid
Association of Polymorphism in Fatty Acid Desaturase Gene with the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Iranian Population [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Mansourian, Marjan
Feasibility Study of Using Radio-frequency Identification Technology in Estimating the Time Pattern of Exposure to Causative Agents of Occupational Diseases [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Maracy, Mohammad Reza
Parenting Styles and Psychiatric Disorders in Children of Bipolar Parents [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Maracy, Mohammad Reza
The Effect of Atorvastatin on Obsessive-compulsive Symptoms of Refractory Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (Add-on Therapy) [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Maraki, Fatemeh
Impact of Health Information Prescription on Self-care of Women with Breast Cancer [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Mardanian, Farahnaz
Evaluation of Efficacy of Transvaginal Sonography with Hysteroscopy for Assessment of Tubal Patency in Infertile Women Regarding Diagnostic Laparoscopy [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Maryam Sharafi, Seyedeh
A 53 KDa Glycan Antigen of Hydatid Cyst Wall May Involve in Evasion from Host Immune System [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Masoumi, Babak
Ketamine versus Ketamine / magnesium Sulfate for Procedural Sedation and Analgesia in the Emergency Department: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Mazaheri, Mahsa
Enhancement of the Effectiveness of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy with Topical Corticosteroid in Treatment of Chronic Plantar Fasciitis: A Randomized Control Clinical Trial [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Mazraati, Parvin
Hepatoprotective Effect of Metadoxine on Acetaminophen-induced Liver Toxicity in Mice [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Meamar, Rokhsareh
Evaluation of Seizure Frequency Distribution in Epileptic Patients with Normal and Abnormal Electroencephalogram in Al-Zahra Hospital of Isfahan [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Mehrzad, Valiollah
Evaluate the Response Rate of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Patients to Hyper Cyclophosphamide, Vincristine, Adriamycin, and Dexamethasone Regimen and Remission Rate to Stay Until the End of the Arbitrary Treatment [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Mehrzad, Valiollah
Determination Relation of the Zinc Serum Level in Acute Leukemia Adult Patients with Mucositis and Neutropenic Prevalence before and after Treatment in Isfahan' Seyed-Al-Shohada Hospital, 2012–2013 [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Meidani, Mohsen
Prevalence of Fungemia in Pediatric Patients with Febrile Neutropenia [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Meidani, Mohsen
Respiratory Viruses in Febrile Neutropenic Patients with Respiratory Symptoms [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Menshaei, Maziar
Effects of Streptokinase and Normal Saline on the Incidence of Intra-abdominal Adhesion 1 Week and 1 Month after Laparotomy in Rats [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Merrikhi, Alireza
Is Vitamin D Supplementation Effective in Prevention of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections in the Pediatrics? A Randomized Triple-Masked Controlled Trial [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Merrikhi, Alireza
The First Report on the Frequency of Asymptomatic Proteinuria in Iranian School-aged Children [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Minaiyan, Mohsen
Hepatoprotective Effect of Metadoxine on Acetaminophen-induced Liver Toxicity in Mice [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Mirhendi, Seyed Hossein
Molecular Identification of Leishmania Parasites in Sand Flies (Diptera, Psychodidae) of an Endemic Foci in Poldokhtar, Iran [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Mirmohammad Sadeghi, Seyed Alireza
Respiratory Viruses in Febrile Neutropenic Patients with Respiratory Symptoms [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Moazen, Fateme
Effect of Twine-arginine Translocation-signaling Fusion System and Chaperones Co-expression on Secretory Expression of Somatropin [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Mobasherizadeh, Sina
Biofilm Formation in Nonmultidrug-resistant Escherichia coli Isolated from Patients with Urinary Tract Infection in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Mobasherizadeh, Sina
Prevalence of CTX-M and TEM β-lactamases in Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolates from Patients with Urinary Tract Infection, Al-Zahra Hospital, Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Mofrad, Simaa Zangouei
Comparative Evaluation of the Effects of Three Different Recruitment Maneuvers during Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgeries of Morbid Obese Patients on Cardiopulmonary Indices [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Moghim, Sharareh
The Fusion Multistage Synthetic Peptides as the Best Candidates for New Tuberculosis Vaccine [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-2]
Moghim, Sharareh
Antimicrobial Resistance Pattern and Spectrum of Multiple-drug-resistant Enterobacteriaceae in Iranian Hospitalized Patients with Cancer [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Moghim, Sharareh
Evaluation of Biofilm Formation and Frequency of Multidrug-resistant and Extended Drug-resistant Strain in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Burn Patients in Isfahan [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Moghim, Sharareh
Genetic Diversity of Drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolates in Isfahan Province of Iran [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Mohajeri, Leila
Comparison of Preoperative Infusion of Magnesium Sulfate and Mannitol on Intraocular Pressure Changes in Patients Undergoing Phacoemulsification Surgery [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Mohajeri, Maryam
Synthesis and In vitro Leishmanicidal Activities of Six Quercetin Derivatives [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Mohamadi, Mehrdad
Stress Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse Correction by Single Incision and Using Monoprosthesis: Three-year Follow-up [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Mohammadi, Abolfazl
The Effectiveness of Emotional Schema Therapy on the Emotional Schemas and Emotional Regulation in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Single Subject Design [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Mohammadi, Hannane
Applying Two Different Bioinformatic Approaches to Discover Novel Genes Associated with Hereditary Hearing Loss via Whole-Exome Sequencing: ENDEAVOUR and HomozygosityMapper [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Mohammadi, Rasoul
Effect of Ganoderma lucidum Powder on Oxidative Stability, Microbial and Sensory Properties of Emulsion Type Sausage [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Mohammadpour, Masoud
A Comparison between the Bedside Sonographic Measurements of the Inferior Vena Cava Indices and the Central Venous Pressure While Assessing the Decreased Intravascular Volume in Children [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Mokhtari, Fatemeh
Subcorneal Pustular Dermatosis: A Case Report of a Patient with Diffuse Scleroderma [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Mokhtarian, Arghavan
Enhancement of the Effectiveness of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy with Topical Corticosteroid in Treatment of Chronic Plantar Fasciitis: A Randomized Control Clinical Trial [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Molaeinezhad, Mitra
Psychosocial Factors Associated with Suicidal Behavior among Iranian Women: A Meta-analysis [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-8]
Molaeinezhad, Mitra
Efficacy of Group Cognitive–behavioral Therapy in Maintenance Treatment and Relapse Prevention for Bipolar Adolescents [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Momen, Tooba
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Allergic Rhinitis in Primary School Students of Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Momenzadeh, Sedigheh
Novel High-Fat Diet Formulation and Streptozotocin Treatment for Induction of Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes in Rats [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Montazeri, Kamran
Comparison of Preoperative Infusion of Magnesium Sulfate and Mannitol on Intraocular Pressure Changes in Patients Undergoing Phacoemulsification Surgery [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Moosavi, Ali
A 53 KDa Glycan Antigen of Hydatid Cyst Wall May Involve in Evasion from Host Immune System [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Moradi, Eshagh
The Effect of Levothyroxine and Selenium versus Levothyroxine Alone on Reducing the Level of Anti-thyroid Peroxidase Antibody in Autoimmune Hypothyroid Patients [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Mosallaie, Meysam
Evaluation of miR-21 Inhibition and its Impact on Cancer Susceptibility Candidate 2 Long Noncoding RNA in Colorectal Cancer Cell Line [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Moshfegh, Parivash
The Effect of Atorvastatin on Obsessive-compulsive Symptoms of Refractory Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (Add-on Therapy) [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Moslehi, Amirhossein
The Comparison of Nasaleze and Mometasone Nasal Spray to Control the Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Moslemi, Fatemeh
The Role of Vasodilator Receptors of Renin–angiotensin System on Nitric Oxide Formation and Kidney Circulation after Angiotensin II Infusion in Renal Ischemia/Reperfusion Rats [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Mostajeran, Fateme
N-Acetylcysteine as an Adjuvant to Letrozole for Induction of Ovulation in Infertile Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Mostajeran, Fatemeh
Effect of Dydrogesterone on the Outcome of Idiopathic Intrauterine Growth Restriction: A Double-blind Clinical Trial Study [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Mostofizadeh, Neda
SOFT Syndrome: The First Case in Iran [Volume 2018, september, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Mostofizadeh, Neda
Twin Brothers with Carnitine Membrane Transporter Deficiency: A Case Study [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Mostofizadeh, Neda
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura in a Child with Diabetic Ketoacidosis [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Mostofizadeh, Neda
A Case of Tyrosinemia Type III with Status Epilepticus and Mental Retardation [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Motaghinejad, Majid
Neuroprotective Effects of Forced Exercise and Bupropion on Chronic Methamphetamine-induced Cognitive Impairment via Modulation of cAMP Response Element-binding Protein/Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor Signaling Pathway, Oxidative Stress, and Inflammatory Biomarkers in Rats [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Motamedi, Hamid
Identification of Hemolysine Genes and their Association with Antimicrobial Resistance Pattern among Clinical Isolates of Staphylococcus aureus in West of Iran [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-8]
Motevalian, Manijeh
Neuroprotective Effects of Forced Exercise and Bupropion on Chronic Methamphetamine-induced Cognitive Impairment via Modulation of cAMP Response Element-binding Protein/Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor Signaling Pathway, Oxidative Stress, and Inflammatory Biomarkers in Rats [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Motififar, Mehdi
Evaluation of Outcomes of Open Reduction and Internal Fixation Surgery in Patients with Type C Distal Humeral Fractures [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Motififard, Mahdi
Outcomes of Unilateral Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Aged Under 35 Years in Iranian Population: A Preliminary Study [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Motififard, Mehdi
A Large Primary Subcutaneous Hydatid Cyst in Proximal Thigh: An Unusual Localization [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-2]
Motififard, Mehdi
Effect of Patellar Electrocautery Neurectomy on Postoperative Pain among Patients Referred for Total Knee Arthroplasty [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Naimi, Azar
Osseous Metaplasia in Rectal Polyp: A Case Report with Review of Probable Pathogenesis [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Najafabadi, Rezvan Enteshari
Quercetin Prevents Body Weight Loss Due to the Using of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Rat [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Najafi, Mohmmad Reza
Evaluation of Seizure Frequency Distribution in Epileptic Patients with Normal and Abnormal Electroencephalogram in Al-Zahra Hospital of Isfahan [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Najafi, Reza
A Case of Tyrosinemia Type III with Status Epilepticus and Mental Retardation [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Najafi, Somayeh
Establishment and Development of the First Biobank of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Suspected to Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases in Iran [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Najafizadeh, Rana
Comparison the Effect of Granisetron and Dexamethasone on Intravenous Propofol Pain [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Namazi, Ali
Epidemiologic and Demographic Features, Therapeutic Intervention and Prognosis of the Patients with Cerebral Aneurysm [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Namazi, Ali
Preventive Effects of Pre- and Intra-operative Marcaine, Lidocaine, and Marcaine Plus Lidocaine on Pain Relief in Lumbar Disc Herination Open Surgery [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Nambiar, Shwetha
Stem Cell Markers SOX-2 and OCT-4 Enable to Resolve the Diagnostic Dilemma between Ameloblastic Carcinoma and Aggressive Solid Multicystic Ameloblastoma [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-10]
Nasirmoghadas, Pourya
Evaluation of Biofilm Formation and Frequency of Multidrug-resistant and Extended Drug-resistant Strain in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Burn Patients in Isfahan [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Nasr, Mehdi
Comparison of Wound Tape and Suture Wounds on Traumatic Wounds' Scar [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Nasr, Nafiseh
Enhancement of the Effectiveness of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy with Topical Corticosteroid in Treatment of Chronic Plantar Fasciitis: A Randomized Control Clinical Trial [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Nasr-Esfahani, Bahram
The Fusion Multistage Synthetic Peptides as the Best Candidates for New Tuberculosis Vaccine [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-2]
Nazarzadeh, Reza
Investigating Diagnostic Value of Ultrasonography in Acute Appendicitis [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Nazem, Khalilollah
Effect of Patellar Electrocautery Neurectomy on Postoperative Pain among Patients Referred for Total Knee Arthroplasty [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Nazemi, Maryam
Evaluation of Efficacy of Transvaginal Sonography with Hysteroscopy for Assessment of Tubal Patency in Infertile Women Regarding Diagnostic Laparoscopy [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Nazemroaya, Behzad
Comparison of Propofol and Ketamine Combination (Ketofol) and Propofol and Fentanyl Combination (Fenofol) on Quality of Sedation and Analgesia in the Lumpectomy: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Nazifi, Saeed
Quercetin Prevents Body Weight Loss Due to the Using of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Rat [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Nedaeinia, Reza
Evaluation of miR-21 Inhibition and its Impact on Cancer Susceptibility Candidate 2 Long Noncoding RNA in Colorectal Cancer Cell Line [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Nematbakhsh, Mehdi
Cisplatin Alters Sodium Excretion and Renal Clearance in Rats: Gender and Drug Dose Related [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Nematbakhsh, Mehdi
The Role of Angiotensin II Infusion on the Baroreflex Sensitivity and Renal Function in Intact and Bilateral Renal Denervation Rats [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Nematbakhsh, Mehdi
The Role of Mas Receptor on Renal Hemodynamic Responses to Angiotensin 1-7 in Both Irreversible and Reversible Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction Rats [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Nemati, Sirous
Comparison of Wound Tape and Suture Wounds on Traumatic Wounds' Scar [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Nematihonar, Behzad
Early Versus Delayed (Traditional) Postoperative Oral Feeding in Patients Undergoing Colorectal Anastomosis [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Niazmand, Saeed
Extract from Teucrium polium L. Protects Rat Heart against Oxidative Stress Induced by Ischemic–reperfusion Injury [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Nikpour, Parvaneh
Gene Expression Analysis of Two Epithelial-mesenchymal Transition-related Genes: Long Noncoding RNA-ATB and SETD8 in Gastric Cancer Tissues [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Nikpour, Parvaneh
A Rare Missense Mutation and a Polymorphism with High Frequency in LDLR Gene among Iranian Patients with Familial Hypercholesterolemia [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Noorbala, Ahmad Ali
The Effectiveness of Emotional Schema Therapy on the Emotional Schemas and Emotional Regulation in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Single Subject Design [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Noori, Jahangir
miR-30a Inhibits Melanoma Tumor Metastasis by Targeting the E-cadherin and Zinc Finger E-box Binding Homeobox 2 [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Noorian, Vahid
Early Versus Delayed (Traditional) Postoperative Oral Feeding in Patients Undergoing Colorectal Anastomosis [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Nouraei, Mohammadhadi
Evaluation of Outcomes of Open Reduction and Internal Fixation Surgery in Patients with Type C Distal Humeral Fractures [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Nourbakhsh, Nooshin
Gene Expression Analysis of Two Epithelial-mesenchymal Transition-related Genes: Long Noncoding RNA-ATB and SETD8 in Gastric Cancer Tissues [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Nouri, Shadi
Radiological Evaluation of the Styloid Process Length Using 64-row Multidetector Computed Tomography Scan [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Nourian, Niloufar
Preventive Effects of Pre- and Intra-operative Marcaine, Lidocaine, and Marcaine Plus Lidocaine on Pain Relief in Lumbar Disc Herination Open Surgery [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Nourimahdavi, Kia
Stress Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse Correction by Single Incision and Using Monoprosthesis: Three-year Follow-up [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Okhovat, Ali Asghar
Epidemiology and Clinical Features of Guillain-Barre Syndrome in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Olamazadeh, Shokooh
Production and Clinical Application of the First Iranian Ultrasonic Desktop Nebulizer [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-1]
Omid, Athar
Emotional Intelligence: An Old Issue and a New Look in Clinical Teaching [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Omid, Athar
The Role of Mas Receptor on Renal Hemodynamic Responses to Angiotensin 1-7 in Both Irreversible and Reversible Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction Rats [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Omidi, Razieh
Assessment of the Relationship between Nutritional Knowledge and Anthropometric Indices in Isfahan Children and Adolescent [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Omidian, Javad
Investigating Diagnostic Value of Ultrasonography in Acute Appendicitis [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Omranifard, Victoria
Evaluation of the Effect of Memantine Supplementation in the Treatment of Acute Phase of Mania in Bipolar Disorder of Elderly Patients: A Double-blind Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Omranifard, Victoria
Efficacy of Memantine as Adjunct Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children Aged <14 Years [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Omranifard, Victoria
The Effect of Atorvastatin on Obsessive-compulsive Symptoms of Refractory Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (Add-on Therapy) [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Omranifard, Victoria
Depression in Main Caregivers of Dementia Patients: Prevalence and Predictors [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Oryan, Shahrbanoo
Blockade of Glutamate Receptors within the Prelimbic Cortex Attenuate Concentration of Excitatory Amino Acids in the Morphine Self-administration in Rats [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Ostadhusseini, Ehsan
Synthesis and In vitro Leishmanicidal Activities of Six Quercetin Derivatives [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Pai, Suhasini
Cellular Therapy for Chronic Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injury [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Pandey, Sarika
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease with Anemia as Comorbidity in North Indian Population [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Pantoja Davalos, Nahuel
Micropulse Trabeculoplasty in Open Angle Glaucoma [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Parna, Abdolrahman
Onset and Effect Duration of Intrabuccal Space and Intramuscular Ketamine in Pediatrics [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Patil, Anant D
Response to “Levofloxacin-containing versus Clarithromycin-containing Therapy for Helicobacter pylori Eradication: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial” [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-1]
Pestechian, Nader
Synthesis and In vitro Leishmanicidal Activities of Six Quercetin Derivatives [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Pirmoradi, Habib
Comparison the Postoperation Results of Discectomy with Nucleoplasty in Single Cervical Disc Herniation [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Poostiyan, Nazila
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis: A Case Report with Unusual Cutaneous Manifestation [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Poostiyan, Nazila
Subcorneal Pustular Dermatosis: A Case Report of a Patient with Diffuse Scleroderma [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Pourazizi, Mohsen
Can Fractionated Microneedle Radiofrequency be an Effective Procedure for Treatment of Fox–Fordyce Disease? A Medical Hypothesis [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-2]
Pourmirzaiee, Mohammad Ali
Serum Zinc Level and Eating Behaviors in Children Receiving Zinc Supplements without Physician Prescription [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Pourreza, Mohammad Reza
Applying Two Different Bioinformatic Approaches to Discover Novel Genes Associated with Hereditary Hearing Loss via Whole-Exome Sequencing: ENDEAVOUR and HomozygosityMapper [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Pourshanazari, Ali Asghar
The Effect of Sneezing on the Reduction of Infarct Volume and the Improvement of Neurological Deficits in Male Rats [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Poursina, Farkhondeh
Evaluation of Biofilm Formation and Frequency of Multidrug-resistant and Extended Drug-resistant Strain in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Burn Patients in Isfahan [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Poursina, Farkhondeh
Biofilm Formation in Nonmultidrug-resistant Escherichia coli Isolated from Patients with Urinary Tract Infection in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Rabbani, Mohammad
Effect of Twine-arginine Translocation-signaling Fusion System and Chaperones Co-expression on Secretory Expression of Somatropin [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Radahmadi, Maryam
Effect of Crocin, Exercise, and Crocin-accompanied Exercise on Learning and Memory in Rats under Chronic Unpredictable Stress [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Radahmadi, Maryam
Effects of Isolation and Social Subchronic Stresses on Food Intake and Levels of Leptin, Ghrelin, and Glucose in Male Rats [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Radahmadi, Maryam
Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Morphine Self-administration and Pain Modulation in Rats [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Raeissadat, Seyed Ahmad
Enhancement of the Effectiveness of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy with Topical Corticosteroid in Treatment of Chronic Plantar Fasciitis: A Randomized Control Clinical Trial [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Rahbary, Bahare
N-Acetylcysteine as an Adjuvant to Letrozole for Induction of Ovulation in Infertile Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Rahimi, Elnaz
Leucine-rich Repeat-containing G-protein Coupled Receptor 5 Gene Overexpression of the Rat Small Intestinal Progenitor Cells in Response to Orally Administered Grape Exosome-like Nanovesicles [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Rahimi Ghiasi, Moosa
Leucine-rich Repeat-containing G-protein Coupled Receptor 5 Gene Overexpression of the Rat Small Intestinal Progenitor Cells in Response to Orally Administered Grape Exosome-like Nanovesicles [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Rahmani, Arshad Husain
Role of Curcumin in Disease Prevention and Treatment [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Rahmani, Farideh
Formulation of Herbal Gel of Antirrhinum majus Extract and Evaluation of its Anti- Propionibacterium acne Effects [Volume 2018, March, 2018]
Rahrovi, Ali
Production and Clinical Application of the First Iranian Ultrasonic Desktop Nebulizer [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-1]
Raisi, Arash
Determination Relation of the Zinc Serum Level in Acute Leukemia Adult Patients with Mucositis and Neutropenic Prevalence before and after Treatment in Isfahan' Seyed-Al-Shohada Hospital, 2012–2013 [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Rajabi, Parvin
A Rare Case of Branchio-oculo-facial Syndrome: Clinical and Histopathological Features [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Ramezanian, Hadiseh
Ultrasonography Predictive Factors of Response to Local Steroid Injection in Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Rami, Farzaneh
Novel High-Fat Diet Formulation and Streptozotocin Treatment for Induction of Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes in Rats [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Ramshini, Effat
Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Morphine Self-administration and Pain Modulation in Rats [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Rao, Roopa S
Stem Cell Markers SOX-2 and OCT-4 Enable to Resolve the Diagnostic Dilemma between Ameloblastic Carcinoma and Aggressive Solid Multicystic Ameloblastoma [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-10]
Rastegar, Hassan-Ali
Molecular Identification of Leishmania Parasites in Sand Flies (Diptera, Psychodidae) of an Endemic Foci in Poldokhtar, Iran [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Rayatpour, Atefeh
Effects of Isolation and Social Subchronic Stresses on Food Intake and Levels of Leptin, Ghrelin, and Glucose in Male Rats [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Razavi, Shahnaz
Poly(hydroxybutyrate)/chitosan Aligned Electrospun Scaffold as a Novel Substrate for Nerve Tissue Engineering [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Reisi, Mohsen
A Comparison between the Bedside Sonographic Measurements of the Inferior Vena Cava Indices and the Central Venous Pressure While Assessing the Decreased Intravascular Volume in Children [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Reisi, Parham
Effect of Crocin, Exercise, and Crocin-accompanied Exercise on Learning and Memory in Rats under Chronic Unpredictable Stress [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Rezaeepoor, Mahsa
Evaluation of Toxoplasma gondii B1 gene in Placental Tissues of Pregnant Women with Acute Toxoplasmosis [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Rezaei, Aliakbar
Prevalence of CTX-M and TEM β-lactamases in Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolates from Patients with Urinary Tract Infection, Al-Zahra Hospital, Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Rezaei, Moein
Evaluation of Cytotoxic Effect of Different Extracts of Seidlitzia rosmarinus on HeLa and HepG2 Cell Lines [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Rezaei, Mohammad Reza
Ultrasonography Predictive Factors of Response to Local Steroid Injection in Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Reza Maracy, Mohammad
Efficacy of Group Cognitive–behavioral Therapy in Maintenance Treatment and Relapse Prevention for Bipolar Adolescents [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Reza Okhovat, Seyyed Ahmad
The Comparison of Nasaleze and Mometasone Nasal Spray to Control the Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Rezazadeh, Hossein
The Effect of Sneezing on the Reduction of Infarct Volume and the Improvement of Neurological Deficits in Male Rats [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Reza Zare, Mohammad
Biohydrogen Production as Clean Fuel from physically Pretreated Mixed Culture [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Rezvani, Majeed
Epidemiologic and Demographic Features, Therapeutic Intervention and Prognosis of the Patients with Cerebral Aneurysm [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Rezvani, Majid
Bifrontal Epidermoid Cyst [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Rezvani, Majid
Preventive Effects of Pre- and Intra-operative Marcaine, Lidocaine, and Marcaine Plus Lidocaine on Pain Relief in Lumbar Disc Herination Open Surgery [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Rezvanian, Hassan
The Effect of Levothyroxine and Selenium versus Levothyroxine Alone on Reducing the Level of Anti-thyroid Peroxidase Antibody in Autoimmune Hypothyroid Patients [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Rismanchian, Masoud
Feasibility Study of Using Radio-frequency Identification Technology in Estimating the Time Pattern of Exposure to Causative Agents of Occupational Diseases [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Roshankhah, Shiva
Effect of Thymoquinone on Reproductive Parameter in Morphine-treated Male Mice [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Rostami, Soodabeh
Establishment and Development of the First Biobank of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Suspected to Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases in Iran [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Rouhani, Elham
A New Case of Neu–Laxova Syndrome: Infant with Facial Dysmorphism, Arthrogryposis, Ichthyosis, and Microcephalia [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Rouholamin, Safoura
Evaluation of Efficacy of Transvaginal Sonography with Hysteroscopy for Assessment of Tubal Patency in Infertile Women Regarding Diagnostic Laparoscopy [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Saberi, Narjes
Stress Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse Correction by Single Incision and Using Monoprosthesis: Three-year Follow-up [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Saberi, Sedighe
Synthesis and In vitro Leishmanicidal Activities of Six Quercetin Derivatives [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Sabouri, Masih
Epidemiologic and Demographic Features, Therapeutic Intervention and Prognosis of the Patients with Cerebral Aneurysm [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Sabzghabaee, Ali Mohammad
What are the Predictive Factors for the Treatment Outcomes in Multi Drug Poisoning Including Antidepressants/Antipsychotic Drugs? [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Sadeghi, Hamid Mir-Mohammad
Effect of Twine-arginine Translocation-signaling Fusion System and Chaperones Co-expression on Secretory Expression of Somatropin [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Sadeghian, Ladan
Applying Two Different Bioinformatic Approaches to Discover Novel Genes Associated with Hereditary Hearing Loss via Whole-Exome Sequencing: ENDEAVOUR and HomozygosityMapper [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Sadeghnia, Alireza
A New Case of Neu–Laxova Syndrome: Infant with Facial Dysmorphism, Arthrogryposis, Ichthyosis, and Microcephalia [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Safaei, Hajieh Ghasemian
Evaluation of Biofilm Formation and Frequency of Multidrug-resistant and Extended Drug-resistant Strain in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Burn Patients in Isfahan [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Saghaei, Lotfollah
Synthesis and In vitro Leishmanicidal Activities of Six Quercetin Derivatives [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Sahraian, Ali
A Randomized Double-blind Placebo-controlled Trial to Assess the Effect of Tamarind seed in Premature Ejaculation [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Saidijam, Massoud
Evaluation of Toxoplasma gondii B1 gene in Placental Tissues of Pregnant Women with Acute Toxoplasmosis [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Saini, Radha
Critical Comment on Depression in Main Caregivers of Dementia Patients: Prevalence and Predictors [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-1]
Sajjadi, Shabnam
Cytotoxic Screening of Marine Organisms from Persian Gulf [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Salahshoor, Mohammad Reza
Effect of Thymoquinone on Reproductive Parameter in Morphine-treated Male Mice [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Salarnia, Sahar
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Allergic Rhinitis in Primary School Students of Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Salehi, Ahmad Reza
Novel High-Fat Diet Formulation and Streptozotocin Treatment for Induction of Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes in Rats [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Salehi, Ahmad Reza
Pharmacogenomics of Sulfonylureas Response in Relation to rs7754840 Polymorphisms in Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 5 Regulatory Subunit-associated Protein 1-like (CDKAL1) Gene in Iranian Type 2 Diabetes Patients [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Salehi, Ahmad Reza
Micro R-410 Binding Site Single Nucleotide Polymorphism rs13702 in Lipoprotein Lipase Gene is Effective to Increase Susceptibility to Type 2 Diabetes in Iranian Population [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Salehi, Alireza
A Randomized Double-blind Placebo-controlled Trial to Assess the Effect of Tamarind seed in Premature Ejaculation [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Salehi, Rasoul
Leucine-rich Repeat-containing G-protein Coupled Receptor 5 Gene Overexpression of the Rat Small Intestinal Progenitor Cells in Response to Orally Administered Grape Exosome-like Nanovesicles [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Salehi, Rasoul
Novel High-Fat Diet Formulation and Streptozotocin Treatment for Induction of Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes in Rats [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Salehi, Rasoul
Pharmacogenomics of Sulfonylureas Response in Relation to rs7754840 Polymorphisms in Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 5 Regulatory Subunit-associated Protein 1-like (CDKAL1) Gene in Iranian Type 2 Diabetes Patients [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Salehi, Rasoul
Micro R-410 Binding Site Single Nucleotide Polymorphism rs13702 in Lipoprotein Lipase Gene is Effective to Increase Susceptibility to Type 2 Diabetes in Iranian Population [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Salehi, Rasoul
Gene Expression Analysis of Two Epithelial-mesenchymal Transition-related Genes: Long Noncoding RNA-ATB and SETD8 in Gastric Cancer Tissues [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Salehi, Rasoul
Clinical Aspects of Microsatellite Instability Testing in Colorectal Cancer [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Salehi, Rasoul
Evaluation of miR-21 Inhibition and its Impact on Cancer Susceptibility Candidate 2 Long Noncoding RNA in Colorectal Cancer Cell Line [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Salimi, Hajar
Parenting Styles and Psychiatric Disorders in Children of Bipolar Parents [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Salimi, Saeedeh
Comparison of CAT-21A/T Gene Polymorphism in Women with Preeclampsia and Control Group [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Salimi, Sohrab
Comparison the Effects of Oral Tizanidine and Tramadol on Intra- and Post-operative Shivering in Patients Underwent Spinal Anesthesia [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Salimi, Sohrab
Postmastectomy Information Needs and Information-seeking Motives for Women with Breast Cancer [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Salimi, Sohrab
Comparison the Effect of Granisetron and Dexamethasone on Intravenous Propofol Pain [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Salimi, Sohrab
Early Versus Delayed (Traditional) Postoperative Oral Feeding in Patients Undergoing Colorectal Anastomosis [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Salimi, Sohrab
Comparison the Postoperation Results of Discectomy with Nucleoplasty in Single Cervical Disc Herniation [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Salmani, Sanaz
Comparison of Propofol and Ketamine Combination (Ketofol) and Propofol and Fentanyl Combination (Fenofol) on Quality of Sedation and Analgesia in the Lumpectomy: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Samani, Keihan Ghatreh
Effects of Nigella sativa Extracts on the Lipid Profile and Uncoupling Protein-1 Gene Expression in Brown Adipose Tissue of Mice [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Sami, Masoud
Effect of Ganoderma lucidum Powder on Oxidative Stability, Microbial and Sensory Properties of Emulsion Type Sausage [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Samsami, Majid
Early Versus Delayed (Traditional) Postoperative Oral Feeding in Patients Undergoing Colorectal Anastomosis [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Sane, Hemangi
Cellular Therapy for Chronic Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injury [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Sane, Shahryar
Comparison the Effects of Oral Tizanidine and Tramadol on Intra- and Post-operative Shivering in Patients Underwent Spinal Anesthesia [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Sane, Shahryar
Comparison the Effect of Granisetron and Dexamethasone on Intravenous Propofol Pain [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Saneian, Hosein
Establishment and Development of the First Biobank of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Suspected to Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases in Iran [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Sardarian, Khosro
Evaluation of Toxoplasma gondii B1 gene in Placental Tissues of Pregnant Women with Acute Toxoplasmosis [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Sebghatollahi, Vahid
Levofloxacin-containing versus Clarithromycin-containing Therapy for Helicobacter pylori Eradication: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Sefiddashti, Raheleh Rafiei
A 53 KDa Glycan Antigen of Hydatid Cyst Wall May Involve in Evasion from Host Immune System [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Sehhati, Mohammadreza
Applying Two Different Bioinformatic Approaches to Discover Novel Genes Associated with Hereditary Hearing Loss via Whole-Exome Sequencing: ENDEAVOUR and HomozygosityMapper [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Sepehrpour, Shima
Biofilm Formation in Nonmultidrug-resistant Escherichia coli Isolated from Patients with Urinary Tract Infection in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Shabaninia, Shahrzad
The Assessment of Association between Uterine Artery Pulsatility Index at 30–34 Week's Gestation and Adverse Perinatal Outcome [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Shafa, Amir
Comparison the Effects of Ephedrine and Lidocaine in Treatment of Intraoperative Hiccups in Gynecologic Surgery under Sedation [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Shafiee, Fatemeh
Formulation of Herbal Gel of Antirrhinum majus Extract and Evaluation of its Anti- Propionibacterium acne Effects [Volume 2018, March, 2018]
Shahbazi, Masoom
A Rare Case of Branchio-oculo-facial Syndrome: Clinical and Histopathological Features [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Shahmoradi, Zabihollah
A Rare Case of Branchio-oculo-facial Syndrome: Clinical and Histopathological Features [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Shahnani, Parisa Sotoodeh
Investigation of Frequency Distribution of Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BIRADS) Classification and Epidemiological Factors Related to Breast Cancer in Iran: A 7-year Study (2010–2016) [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Shahraki, Azar Danesh
Superimposed Hepatitis C Virus in Sickle Cell Disease Pregnant Woman [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-2]
Shahsanai, Armindokht
Is Vitamin D Supplementation Effective in Prevention of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections in the Pediatrics? A Randomized Triple-Masked Controlled Trial [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Shahsanai, Armindokht
Assessment of the Relationship between Nutritional Knowledge and Anthropometric Indices in Isfahan Children and Adolescent [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Shahtalebi, Mohammad Ali
Formulation of Herbal Gel of Antirrhinum majus Extract and Evaluation of its Anti- Propionibacterium acne Effects [Volume 2018, March, 2018]
Shariati, Mohammadreza
Ketamine versus Ketamine / magnesium Sulfate for Procedural Sedation and Analgesia in the Emergency Department: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Sharifi, Mohammadreza
miR-30a Inhibits Melanoma Tumor Metastasis by Targeting the E-cadherin and Zinc Finger E-box Binding Homeobox 2 [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Sharifi, Mohammadreza
Evaluation of miR-21 Inhibition and its Impact on Cancer Susceptibility Candidate 2 Long Noncoding RNA in Colorectal Cancer Cell Line [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Sharifi, Mohsen
Cytotoxicity of Sargassum angustifolium Partitions against Breast and Cervical Cancer Cell Lines [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Sharifi, Shima
Evaluation of the Effect of Memantine Supplementation in the Treatment of Acute Phase of Mania in Bipolar Disorder of Elderly Patients: A Double-blind Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Sharifian, Zahra
Feasibility Study of Using Radio-frequency Identification Technology in Estimating the Time Pattern of Exposure to Causative Agents of Occupational Diseases [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Shariyate, Mohammad Javad
Biomechanical Study of Meniscal Repair Using Horizontal Sutures and Vertical Loop Techniques [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Sharma, Alok
Cellular Therapy for Chronic Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injury [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Shavakhi, Ahmad
Effect of Probiotic Administration Immediately and 1 Month after Colonoscopy in Diarrhea-predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome Patients [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Shavakhi, Ahmad
Levofloxacin-containing versus Clarithromycin-containing Therapy for Helicobacter pylori Eradication: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Shavakhi, Alireza
Effect of Probiotic Administration Immediately and 1 Month after Colonoscopy in Diarrhea-predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome Patients [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Shavakhi, Alireza
Levofloxacin-containing versus Clarithromycin-containing Therapy for Helicobacter pylori Eradication: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Shayganfar, Azin
Radiological Evaluation of the Styloid Process Length Using 64-row Multidetector Computed Tomography Scan [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Sheikhha, Mohammad Hasan
A Rare Missense Mutation and a Polymorphism with High Frequency in LDLR Gene among Iranian Patients with Familial Hypercholesterolemia [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Sherafat, Zahra
Effect of Probiotic Administration Immediately and 1 Month after Colonoscopy in Diarrhea-predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome Patients [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Sherkat, Roya
Establishment and Development of the First Biobank of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Suspected to Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases in Iran [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Shetabi, Hamidreza
Comparison of Propofol and Ketamine Combination (Ketofol) and Propofol and Fentanyl Combination (Fenofol) on Quality of Sedation and Analgesia in the Lumpectomy: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Sheykhbahaei, Saba
Establishment and Development of the First Biobank of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Suspected to Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases in Iran [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Siavash, Mansour
Production and Clinical Application of the First Iranian Ultrasonic Desktop Nebulizer [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-1]
Sichani, Zahra Hadi
Assessment of the Relationship between Nutritional Knowledge and Anthropometric Indices in Isfahan Children and Adolescent [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Simonian, Miganoosh
Evaluation of miR-21 Inhibition and its Impact on Cancer Susceptibility Candidate 2 Long Noncoding RNA in Colorectal Cancer Cell Line [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Sina, Venous
Comparison the Effect of Granisetron and Dexamethasone on Intravenous Propofol Pain [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Sirous, Amirmasoud
Investigation of Frequency Distribution of Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BIRADS) Classification and Epidemiological Factors Related to Breast Cancer in Iran: A 7-year Study (2010–2016) [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Sirous, Mehri
Investigation of Frequency Distribution of Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BIRADS) Classification and Epidemiological Factors Related to Breast Cancer in Iran: A 7-year Study (2010–2016) [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Sirus, Shahrzad
Radiological Evaluation of the Styloid Process Length Using 64-row Multidetector Computed Tomography Scan [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Sobhani, Payam
Twin Brothers with Carnitine Membrane Transporter Deficiency: A Case Study [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Soghrati, Mojgan
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis: A Case Report with Unusual Cutaneous Manifestation [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Soheilipour, Maryam
Levofloxacin-containing versus Clarithromycin-containing Therapy for Helicobacter pylori Eradication: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Soltani, Goljahan
Pharmacogenomics of Sulfonylureas Response in Relation to rs7754840 Polymorphisms in Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 5 Regulatory Subunit-associated Protein 1-like (CDKAL1) Gene in Iranian Type 2 Diabetes Patients [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Soltani, Goljahan
Micro R-410 Binding Site Single Nucleotide Polymorphism rs13702 in Lipoprotein Lipase Gene is Effective to Increase Susceptibility to Type 2 Diabetes in Iranian Population [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Soltani, Hasanali
Comparison of Preoperative Infusion of Magnesium Sulfate and Mannitol on Intraocular Pressure Changes in Patients Undergoing Phacoemulsification Surgery [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Soltani Arabshahi, Seyed Kamran
The Role of Mas Receptor on Renal Hemodynamic Responses to Angiotensin 1-7 in Both Irreversible and Reversible Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction Rats [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Soofi, Ghazaleh Jamalipoor
A New Case of Neu–Laxova Syndrome: Infant with Facial Dysmorphism, Arthrogryposis, Ichthyosis, and Microcephalia [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Tabatabaiefar, Mohammad Amin
Applying Two Different Bioinformatic Approaches to Discover Novel Genes Associated with Hereditary Hearing Loss via Whole-Exome Sequencing: ENDEAVOUR and HomozygosityMapper [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Tabbakhian, Majid
Preparation and Evaluation of Lipid-Based Liquid Crystalline Formulation of Fenofibrate [Volume 2018, september, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Tabesh, Homayoun
Epidemiologic and Demographic Features, Therapeutic Intervention and Prognosis of the Patients with Cerebral Aneurysm [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Tabesh, Homayoun
Preventive Effects of Pre- and Intra-operative Marcaine, Lidocaine, and Marcaine Plus Lidocaine on Pain Relief in Lumbar Disc Herination Open Surgery [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Tabrizi, Ali
Biomechanical Study of Meniscal Repair Using Horizontal Sutures and Vertical Loop Techniques [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Tahanasab, Zahra
Prevalence of CTX-M and TEM β-lactamases in Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolates from Patients with Urinary Tract Infection, Al-Zahra Hospital, Isfahan, Iran [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Taheri, Ensiyeh
Biohydrogen Production as Clean Fuel from physically Pretreated Mixed Culture [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Taheri, Hossein
Radiobiological Evaluation of Three Common Clinical Radiotherapy Techniques Including Combined Photon-Electron, Tangential Beams and Electron Therapy in Left-Sided Mastectomy Patients [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Taheri, Parastoo
Neuroprotective Effects of Forced Exercise and Bupropion on Chronic Methamphetamine-induced Cognitive Impairment via Modulation of cAMP Response Element-binding Protein/Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor Signaling Pathway, Oxidative Stress, and Inflammatory Biomarkers in Rats [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-9]
Tahmasebi, Hamed
Identification of Hemolysine Genes and their Association with Antimicrobial Resistance Pattern among Clinical Isolates of Staphylococcus aureus in West of Iran [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-8]
Tajamolian, Masoud
A Rare Missense Mutation and a Polymorphism with High Frequency in LDLR Gene among Iranian Patients with Familial Hypercholesterolemia [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Tajedini, Mohammad Hasan
Association of Polymorphism in Fatty Acid Desaturase Gene with the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Iranian Population [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Talebi, Ardeshir
Cisplatin Alters Sodium Excretion and Renal Clearance in Rats: Gender and Drug Dose Related [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Tarrahi, Mohammad Javad
Evaluation of the Effect of Memantine Supplementation in the Treatment of Acute Phase of Mania in Bipolar Disorder of Elderly Patients: A Double-blind Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Tavakoli, Anita
Youth Violence and Related Risk Factors: A Cross-sectional Study in 2800 Adolescents [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-8]
Tavakoli, Hamid
Establishment and Development of the First Biobank of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Suspected to Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases in Iran [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Tavakoli, Mohammad Bagher
Radiobiological Evaluation of Three Common Clinical Radiotherapy Techniques Including Combined Photon-Electron, Tangential Beams and Electron Therapy in Left-Sided Mastectomy Patients [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Taymouri, Somayeh
Development of a Rapid and Precise Reversed-phase High-performance Liquid Chromatography Method for Analysis of Docetaxel in Rat Plasma: Application in Single-dose Pharmacokinetic Studies of Folate-targeted Micelles Containing Docetaxel [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Tehrani, Hatav Ghasemi
N-Acetylcysteine as an Adjuvant to Letrozole for Induction of Ovulation in Infertile Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Teke, Keimer
Pharmacogenomics of Sulfonylureas Response in Relation to rs7754840 Polymorphisms in Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 5 Regulatory Subunit-associated Protein 1-like (CDKAL1) Gene in Iranian Type 2 Diabetes Patients [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Todeshkchuei, Gholamreza Ghassemi
Psychosocial Factors Associated with Suicidal Behavior among Iranian Women: A Meta-analysis [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-8]
Todeshkchuei, Sare Ghasemi
Psychosocial Factors Associated with Suicidal Behavior among Iranian Women: A Meta-analysis [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-8]
Vahdatpour, Babak
Evaluation of Relationship between Extensor Digitorum Communis Hoffmann-reflex Latency and Upper Limb Length and Age [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Vahdatpour, Babak
Enhancement of the Effectiveness of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy with Topical Corticosteroid in Treatment of Chronic Plantar Fasciitis: A Randomized Control Clinical Trial [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Valderrama-Albino, Vanessa
Micropulse Trabeculoplasty in Open Angle Glaucoma [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Valera-Cornejo, Diego Alejandro
Micropulse Trabeculoplasty in Open Angle Glaucoma [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Valiani, Ali
Cartilage Tissue Engineering Via Icariin and Adipose-derived Stem Cells in Fibrin Scaffold [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Vanaie, Mahdi
The Effect of Sneezing on the Reduction of Infarct Volume and the Improvement of Neurological Deficits in Male Rats [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Vardanjani, Hossein Molavi
Estimation and Projection of Prevalence of Colorectal Cancer in Iran, 2015–2020 [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Varposhti, Mojtaba Rahimi
Comparison of Preoperative Infusion of Magnesium Sulfate and Mannitol on Intraocular Pressure Changes in Patients Undergoing Phacoemulsification Surgery [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Varshosaz, Jaleh
Preparation and Evaluation of Lipid-Based Liquid Crystalline Formulation of Fenofibrate [Volume 2018, september, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Varshosaz, Jaleh
Solubility Enhancement of Domperidone by Solvent Change In situ Micronization Technique [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-8]
Varshosaz, Jaleh
Optimization of Poly(methyl vinyl ether-co-maleic acid) Electrospun Nanofibers as a Fast-Dissolving Drug Delivery System [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-8]
Varshosaz, Jaleh
Development of a Rapid and Precise Reversed-phase High-performance Liquid Chromatography Method for Analysis of Docetaxel in Rat Plasma: Application in Single-dose Pharmacokinetic Studies of Folate-targeted Micelles Containing Docetaxel [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Vaseghi, Golnaz
Cytotoxic Screening of Marine Organisms from Persian Gulf [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Vaseghi, Golnaz
Cytotoxicity of Sargassum angustifolium Partitions against Breast and Cervical Cancer Cell Lines [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Vatandoust, Nasimeh
Novel High-Fat Diet Formulation and Streptozotocin Treatment for Induction of Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes in Rats [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Vatankhah Ardestani, Samaneh Sadat
Efficacy of Memantine as Adjunct Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children Aged <14 Years [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Venkatesiah Sowmya, Samudrala
Stem Cell Markers SOX-2 and OCT-4 Enable to Resolve the Diagnostic Dilemma between Ameloblastic Carcinoma and Aggressive Solid Multicystic Ameloblastoma [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-10]
Yadav, Jayanti
Cellular Therapy for Chronic Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injury [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Yadegari, Sima
Evaluation of Biofilm Formation and Frequency of Multidrug-resistant and Extended Drug-resistant Strain in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Burn Patients in Isfahan [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Yaghmaei, Minoo
Comparison of CAT-21A/T Gene Polymorphism in Women with Preeclampsia and Control Group [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Yahay, Maryam
Radiological Evaluation of the Styloid Process Length Using 64-row Multidetector Computed Tomography Scan [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Yaraghi, Ahmad
What are the Predictive Factors for the Treatment Outcomes in Multi Drug Poisoning Including Antidepressants/Antipsychotic Drugs? [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Yaran, Majid
Establishment and Development of the First Biobank of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Suspected to Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases in Iran [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Yassaee, Fakhrolmolouk
Comparison of CAT-21A/T Gene Polymorphism in Women with Preeclampsia and Control Group [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Yazd, Ehsan Farashahi
A Rare Missense Mutation and a Polymorphism with High Frequency in LDLR Gene among Iranian Patients with Familial Hypercholesterolemia [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Yazdi, Hossein Ahrar
A Large Primary Subcutaneous Hydatid Cyst in Proximal Thigh: An Unusual Localization [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-2]
Yegdaneh, Afsaneh
Cytotoxic Screening of Marine Organisms from Persian Gulf [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Yegdaneh, Afsaneh
Cytotoxicity of Sargassum angustifolium Partitions against Breast and Cervical Cancer Cell Lines [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Yousefi Moghadam, Manijeh
Can Dexmedetomidine Prevent the Unwanted Hemolytic Events in the Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase-deficient Person Undergoing Cardiac Surgery? [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-2]
Yousofi Darani, Hossein
A 53 KDa Glycan Antigen of Hydatid Cyst Wall May Involve in Evasion from Host Immune System [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-3]
Zafarbakhsh, Azam
Superimposed Hepatitis C Virus in Sickle Cell Disease Pregnant Woman [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-2]
Zamani, Alireza
Evaluation of Toxoplasma gondii B1 gene in Placental Tissues of Pregnant Women with Acute Toxoplasmosis [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Zamani, Majid
Accuracy of Real-time Intratracheal Bedside Ultrasonography and Waveform Capnography for Confirmation of Intubation in Multiple Trauma Patients [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Zamani, Majid
Onset and Effect Duration of Intrabuccal Space and Intramuscular Ketamine in Pediatrics [Volume 2018, May, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Zamani Ra Rani, Mohammad
Cartilage Tissue Engineering Via Icariin and Adipose-derived Stem Cells in Fibrin Scaffold [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Zaniani, Fatemeh Riyahi
Genetic Diversity of Drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolates in Isfahan Province of Iran [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Zare, Donya
Antimicrobial Resistance Pattern and Spectrum of Multiple-drug-resistant Enterobacteriaceae in Iranian Hospitalized Patients with Cancer [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Zare, Roghaye
Cognitive Functioning in Schizophrenia, Methamphetamine-induced Psychotic Disorder, and Healthy People: A Comparative Study [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Zarean, Elahe
The Assessment of Association between Uterine Artery Pulsatility Index at 30–34 Week's Gestation and Adverse Perinatal Outcome [Volume 2018, july, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Zarean, Elaheh
Effect of Dydrogesterone on the Outcome of Idiopathic Intrauterine Growth Restriction: A Double-blind Clinical Trial Study [Volume 2018, june, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Zarfeshani, Aida
Effect of Patellar Electrocautery Neurectomy on Postoperative Pain among Patients Referred for Total Knee Arthroplasty [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Zarfeshani, Kaveh
Effect of Patellar Electrocautery Neurectomy on Postoperative Pain among Patients Referred for Total Knee Arthroplasty [Volume 2018, January, 2018, Pages 1-4]
Zargar, Elham Naghash
Poly(hydroxybutyrate)/chitosan Aligned Electrospun Scaffold as a Novel Substrate for Nerve Tissue Engineering [Volume 2018, March, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Zargham, Mahtab
Stress Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse Correction by Single Incision and Using Monoprosthesis: Three-year Follow-up [Volume 2018, December, 2018, Pages 1-6]
Zeinalian, Mehrdad
Clinical Aspects of Microsatellite Instability Testing in Colorectal Cancer [Volume 2018, February, 2018, Pages 1-7]
Ziaei, Elahe
Is Vitamin D Supplementation Effective in Prevention of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections in the Pediatrics? A Randomized Triple-Masked Controlled Trial [Volume 2018, November, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Zivdari, Masoomeh
Molecular Identification of Leishmania Parasites in Sand Flies (Diptera, Psychodidae) of an Endemic Foci in Poldokhtar, Iran [Volume 2018, August, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Zolfaghari, Behzad
Evaluation of Cytotoxic Effect of Different Extracts of Seidlitzia rosmarinus on HeLa and HepG2 Cell Lines [Volume 2018, october, 2018, Pages 1-5]
Zolfaghari, Behzad
Isolation of Cinnamic Acid Derivatives from the Bulbs of Allium tripedale [Volume 2018, April, 2018, Pages 1-5]
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