A case report of Linguatula serrata infestation from rural area of Isfahan city, Iran


1 Center of Medicine, Committee of Occupational Medicine, Abbas Abad Avenue, Iran

2 Parasitology and Mycology Department, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Isfahan, Iran

3 Dr. Enayatinia Private Medical Office, Chamran Street, Borkhar District, Khorzogh, Isfahan, Iran


Linguatulosis occurs accidentally in human by ingestion of raw or undercooked visceral tissues of sheep, goat, camel, and other herbivores. In this case report, 2 patients from an Afghan family infested with this parasite in rural area of Isfahan, Iran are presented. Clinical signs and symptoms including pricking sensation in throat, coughing, sneezing, yellow nasal and ears discharges, which started 2-3 hours after eating raw goat liver. Nymphs of Linguatula serrata were isolated from their tongues and later, several more parasites were discharged by coughing and sneezing. An ancient belief about nutritional benefits of eating raw liver may causes more Halzoun syndrome in future.


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