The effect of problem solving and decision making skills on tendency to depression and anxiety in patients with type 2 diabetes


1 Department of Psychology, Payame Noor University, Babol, Iran

2 Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Mazandaran University of Medical School, Sari, Iran

3 Department of Psychologist, Sari Azad University, Sari, Iran

4 Department of Neurology, Cardiovascular Research Institute, Isfahan University of Medical Science, Isfahan, Iran


Background: Diabetes is the most prevalent disease that has involved 177 million people all over the world and, due to this, these patients suffer from depression and anxiety and they should use special methods for controlling the same. The aim of this research is the study of the effect of problem solving and decision making skill on the rate of the tendency to depression and anxiety.
Materials and Methods: This research is a quasi-experimental (case-control) study. Statistically, the population of the present study was all diabetic patients of Qaemshahr who were controlled by physicians in 2011-2012. Thirty files were selected randomly from them and divided into two 15 patients' groups (control and subject group) randomly. The measurement tools were Back depression inventory (21 items) and Zank anxiety questionnaire that were distributed among two groups. Then, the subject group participated in eight sessions of teaching problem solving and decision making courses separately, and the second group (control group) did not receive any instruction.
Results: Finally, both groups had passed post-test and the data obtained from the questionnaires were studied by variance analysis statistical methods.
Conclusion: The results showed that teaching problem solving and decision making skills was very effective in reducing diabetic patients' depression and anxiety and resulted in reducing their depression and anxiety.

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