Bevacizumab plus FOLFOX or FOLFIRI regimens on patients with unresectable liver-only metastases of metastatic colorectal cancer


1 Department of Clinical Oncology, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 Department of Radiation Oncology, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

3 Department of Internal Medicine, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran


Background: The present study was aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of at least three cycles of Bevacizumab in combination with chemotherapy regimens, FOLFIRI or FOLFOX to treat liver metastatic colorectal cancer and improved response rates in these patients.
Materials and Methods: In this non-randomized clinical trial, 38 patients were enrolled and followed for 12-weeks period of chemotherapy. Fifteen patients under treated with FOLOFX (Group I), 15 patients under treated with FOLOFIRI (Group II), 4 patients under treated with FOLOFX + Bevacizumab (Group III), and 34 patients under treated with FOLOFIRI + Bevacizumab (Group IV). Response to treatment was assessed in all patients as main endpoint. Patients in groups I and II, who did not response to treatment after 12 weeks of chemotherapy, were followed by groups III and IV regimens, respectively, for 12 weeks.
Results: Overall response rate was 35% (19 of 54), and complete response (CR), partial response (PR), progressive disease (PD), and stable disease (SD) rates in all patients were 18%, 17%, 35%, and 30%. PR, SD, and PD were different among groups, but no statistical significance was noted among groups (P-value >0.05). No patient achieved a CR in groups III and IV, although CR was observed in 4 patients (27%) and 6 patients (40%) in groups I and II, respectively. The rare of CR was statistically significant among studied groups (P-value = 0.013).
Conclusion: Results showed that adding Bevacizumab to chemotherapy regimens, in patients who did not response to FOLFIRI or FOLFOX regimen, did not increase CR in these patients.


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