Comparison of CRP and ALK-P serum levels in prediction of preterm delivery


Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran


Background: Preterm birth, defined as birth occurring before 37 weeks of gestation, is a common complication of pregnancy and may lead to death or long-term disability in newborns. Accurate diagnosis is, therefore, crucial for identifying those women undergoing preterm labor who are at greatest risk of preterm delivery. This may allow transport to a regional obstetrical center and permit time for corticosteroid therapy. Recent study recommends several markers such as CRP (C-reactive protein) and ALK-P (alkaline phosphatase) to predict preterm delivery.
Materials and Methods: We select a total of 300 pregnant women that had symptoms of premature birth. All of them were under treatment with tocolytic and serum sample were taken to assess the level of CRP-ALKp. Cervix length and the time of response to tocolytic were measured. 110 pregnant of them had preterm labor. 110 patient that had a term labor selected as a control group.
Results: Qualitative evaluation of efficacy CRP level on preterm delivery showed a significant relationship with 27 as a cut of point of CRP (P < 0.00001 –OR = 7.5). Investigate of effect of ALK-P level on preterm delivery refers to a significant relationship with 399 as a cut of point of ALKP (P < 0.00001 –OR = 5). Inquire of efficacy of CRP level and ALK-P level on preterm delivery demonstrate a significant relationship (P < 0.0001 1OR = 9).
Conclusions: Maternal concentrations of CRP and ALKP and cervix length can be used as appropriate biomarker for predicting preterm labor and response to tocolytic therapy in pregnant women.


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