Emotional Intelligence: An Old Issue and a New Look in Clinical Teaching



1 Department of Medical Education, Medical Education Research Center, Isfahan, Iran

2 Department of Gastroenterology, Integrative Functional Gastroenterology Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran


In this paper, a novel model of clinical teachers with social and emotional competency which is emphasized on the importance of clinical teacher's social and emotional competence is presented. In this model, we supposed that a teacher with social and emotional competence can manage her/his emotions and has the ability to personal development and well-being. Such teacher has the competency of empathy, communication with the patients, teamwork, and collaboration to provide successful patient-centered care and relationship-centered care. He/she will be success in clinical supervision, role modeling, and mentoring by providing appropriate relationship with students. This teacher can influence and build bonds that will be effective for clinical management and leadership. In addition, it will affect the hidden and informal curriculum with the awareness of the context. These factors establish an appropriate learning environment to achieve students' academic, professional, social, and emotional outcomes and create an appropriate health care environment that influences the successful care of patient and patient's satisfaction. We reviewed a broad body of research to support our proposed model and finally proposed agendas for future research.


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