Keywords = bone mineral density
Bone health after bariatric surgery: Consequences, prevention, and treatment

Volume 2022, october, October 2022

Masood Sayadi Shahraki; Mohsen Mahmoudieh; Behrouz Kalidari; Hamid Melali; Maryam Mousavi; Mohammad Raisi Ghourban Abadi; Seyed Hossein Mirhosseini; Seyed Ali Mirhosseini Dehabadi

The effects of 8-week resistance and endurance trainings on bone strength compared to irisin injection protocol in mice

Volume 2021, November, November 2021, Pages 1-6

Shirin Shahabi; Fahimeh Esfarjani; Jalil Reisi; Sedigheh Momenzadeh; Mohammad-Saeid Jami; Saeed Zamani