Author = Saeid Khosrawi
Evaluation of Relationship between Extensor Digitorum Communis Hoffmann-reflex Latency and Upper Limb Length and Age

Volume 2018, April, April 2018, Pages 1-5

Saeid Khosrawi; Babak Vahdatpour; Mehdi Ahmadi

Investigating the Effect of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy on reducing Chronic Pain in Patients with Pes Anserine Bursitis: A Randomized, Clinical- Controlled Trial

Volume 2017, june, June 2017, Pages 1-5

Saeid Khosrawi; Parisa Taheri; Marziyeh Ketabi

The Role of median nerve terminal latency index in the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome in comparison with other electrodiagnostic parameters

Volume 2016, june, June 2016, Pages 1-5

Babak Vahdatpour; Saeid Khosrawi; Maryam Chatraei

The effect of electronic package on satisfaction in multiple sclerosis patients

Volume 2016, May, May 2016, Pages 1-5

Shahla Mohamadirizi; Vahid Shaygannejad; Soheila Mohamadirizi; Saeid Khosrawi

Effectiveness of splinting and splinting plus local steroid injection in severe carpal tunnel syndrome: A Randomized control clinical trial

Volume 2016, February, February 2016, Pages 1-7

Saeid Khosrawi; Masoud Emadi; Amir Ebrahim Mahmoodian

Clinical utility of residual latency in ulnar neuropathy at elbow: Is there any correlation?

Volume 2015, January, January 2015, Pages 1-4

Saeid Khosrawi; Farnaz Dehghan; Vahid Shaygannejad

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy of gastroc-soleus trigger points in patients with plantar fasciitis: A randomized, placebo-controlled trial

Volume 2014, March, March 2014, Pages 1-4

Alireza Moghtaderi; Saeid Khosrawi; Farnaz Dehghan

Effect of subacromial sodium hyaluronate injection on rotator cuff disease: A double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial

Volume 2013, November, November 2013, Pages 1-5

Alireza Moghtaderi; Sepideh Sajadiyeh; Saeid Khosrawi; Farnaz Dehghan; Vahid Bateni

The prevalence and severity of carpal tunnel syndrome during pregnancy

Volume 2012, August, August 2012, Pages 1-4

Saeid Khosrawi; Raziyeh Maghrouri

Prevalence of clinical findings of carpal tunnel syndrome in Isfahanian dentists

Volume 2012, May, May 2012, Pages 1-4

Abbas Haghighat; Saeid Khosrawi; Abdolmajid Kelishadi; Sepideh Sajadieh; Hamid Badrian