Author = Hassan Rezvanian
Assessment of the Early and Late Complication after Thyroidectomy

Volume 2019, February, February 2019, Pages 1-6

Esmaeil Chahardahmasumi; Rezvan Salehidoost; Massoud Amini; Ashraf Aminorroaya; Hassan Rezvanian; Ali Kachooei; Bijan Iraj; Masoud Nazem; Mohsen Kolahdoozan

The Effect of Levothyroxine and Selenium versus Levothyroxine Alone on Reducing the Level of Anti-thyroid Peroxidase Antibody in Autoimmune Hypothyroid Patients

Volume 2018, January, January 2018, Pages 1-6

Ali Kachouei; Hassan Rezvanian; Masoud Amini; Ashraf Aminorroaya; Eshagh Moradi