Author = Ashraf Aminorroaya
Assessment of the Early and Late Complication after Thyroidectomy

Volume 2019, February, February 2019, Pages 1-6

Esmaeil Chahardahmasumi; Rezvan Salehidoost; Massoud Amini; Ashraf Aminorroaya; Hassan Rezvanian; Ali Kachooei; Bijan Iraj; Masoud Nazem; Mohsen Kolahdoozan

Pharmacogenomics of Sulfonylureas Response in Relation to rs7754840 Polymorphisms in Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 5 Regulatory Subunit-associated Protein 1-like (CDKAL1) Gene in Iranian Type 2 Diabetes Patients

Volume 2018, june, June 2018, Pages 1-5

Goljahan Soltani; Zahra Hatefi; Ahmad Reza Salehi; Sharifeh Khosravi; Moosa Rahimi Ghiasi; Keimer Teke; Ashraf Aminorroaya; Rasoul Salehi

The Effect of Levothyroxine and Selenium versus Levothyroxine Alone on Reducing the Level of Anti-thyroid Peroxidase Antibody in Autoimmune Hypothyroid Patients

Volume 2018, January, January 2018, Pages 1-6

Ali Kachouei; Hassan Rezvanian; Masoud Amini; Ashraf Aminorroaya; Eshagh Moradi

The Role of Intraoperative Thyroglobuline Level of Lymph Node in the Management of Papillary Thyroid Cancer (Determination of a Cutoff Point)

Volume 2017, August, August 2017, Pages 1-4

Mohsen Kolahdouzan; Mehdi Sadeghi; Behrooz Kalidari; Behnam Sanei; Elyas Mostafapour; Ashraf Aminorroaya

Efficacy of bromocriptine on glycemic and metabolic control of prediabetic patients

Volume 2015, November, November 2015, Pages 1-6

Saied Hossein Khalilzade; Ashraf Aminorroaya; Silva Hovsepain; Masoud Amini