Author = Roshanak Aboutorabi
Evaluation of Diabetes Effects on the Expression of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A Genes and Proteins at the Time of Endometrial Receptivity after Superovulation in Rat Model

Volume 2019, November, November 2019, Pages 1-7

Ronak Zarei; Parvaneh Nikpour; Bahman Rashidi; Nahid Eskandari; Roshanak Aboutorabi

PROTAMINE1 and PROTAMINE2 genes expression in the sperms of oligoasthenospermic individuals and intrauterine insemination candidates couples: Is there any significant differences?

Volume 2016, october, October 2016, Pages 1-6

Roshanak Aboutorabi; Mohsen Asghari; Abbas Bakhteyari; Shokoofeh Baghazadeh; Fatemeh Sadat Mostafavi

Study of association between promoter tumor necrosing factor alpha gene polymorphisms in -850T/C, -863 A/C, and endometriosis

Volume 2014, November, November 2014, Pages 1-5

Farahnaz Mardanian; Roshanak Aboutorabi; Yalda Jefride; Guilda Amini

Evaluation of CD52 positive sperms in subfertile human semen samples: Is there any relationship with main semen parameters?

Volume 2014, May, May 2014, Pages 1-5

Roshanak Aboutorabi; Fatemeh Mazani; Laleh Rafiee