Author = Fahimeh Ghanbari
Nasal carriage screening of community-associated methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus in healthy children of a developing country

Volume 2016, August, August 2016, Pages 1-7

Sina Mobasherizadeh; Hasan Shojaei; Seyed Asghar Havaei; Kamyar Mostafavizadeh; Fazlollah Davoodabadi; Farzin Khorvash; Ali Mehrabi Kushki; Abbas Daei-Naser; Fahimeh Ghanbari

Distribution of erm genes among Staphylococcus aureus isolates with inducible resistance to clindamycin in Isfahan, Iran

Volume 2016, March, March 2016, Pages 1-5

Fahimeh Ghanbari; Hasan Ghajavand; Roholla Havaei; Mohammad-Saeid Jami; Farzad Khademi; Leila Heydari; Mojtaba Shahin; Seyed Asghar Havaei